
"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

author:Jian'an financial media

From a sales executive with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands of dollars to a painting psychoanalytic and therapist, a family education instructor, a psychological counselor, a model teacher in Xuchang City, and then to the general director of Xuchang Leen Education Group and the chairman of Blanche Nature School, she has realized a beautiful transformation in her life across industries and identities.

"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

In her life, love, like the fresh and warm sunshine of the morning, like the first murmur of a baby waking up, pure and moving, like a spring breeze kissing willow branches, spring water moisturizing seedlings, but also like a root to support her ambition and dreams. There is love in the heart, and there is distance under the feet. She is the winner of the 12th National Most Beautiful Family - Cao Yinxia.

Love family Love education

Cao Yinxia's family of six and three generations are in the same house, adhering to the family style and family training of "family with love as the root, benevolence as the foundation, and filial piety as the first".

Treating her mother-in-law, Cao Yinxia kissed her like her own mother. Every year Chinese New Year's Eve night of the Spring Festival, Cao Yinxia and her husband will kowtow to their father-in-law and mother-in-law, wish the second elderly health and longevity, and send a big red envelope to the mother-in-law, thank the in-laws for their hard work in the family over the past year, and thank them for their tolerance and love. Her two children also kowtowed to their grandparents and Cao Yinxia. The family is nourished by "filial piety" and "love" and harmony and beauty.

In order to implant the seeds of "benevolence" and "love" into the children's hearts, every year on the morning of the first day of the New Year, Cao Yinxia will let the children get up early, bring their own money, personally go to the supermarket to pick up gifts, and visit the orphans of the Xuchang Welfare Institute, which has become a must-do thing for the Cao Yinxia family for many years, and it has become their habit.

"From a young age, my mother told us that there is a group of children who have no parents and need us to help and care. While we enjoy the happiness of our families, we also have the responsibility and obligation to spread love..." said Liu Penghe, Cao Yinxia's son. Over the years, Cao Yinxia's family has helped 39 families in need, reducing the tuition fees of young children by more than 80,000 yuan; actively raising nearly 20,000 yuan for Guo Zhenzhuang children suffering from leukemia, sending 2,000 yuan in cash to the villagers in the tea house who fell into poverty due to car accidents, raising 4,000 yuan for Xiao Dongfei, a burned child in ZhangPan Town, going to the Wunudian Town Respect for the Elderly Home every year on Chongyang Festival to comfort the elderly and widows, and visiting the "angel with broken wings" at the Yilin Orphanage on June 1st Children's Day.

"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

Because love influences life with teaching

Cao Yinxia once watched a movie "Lovely You", which tells the touching story of a school principal Lu Huihong who gave up her plan to travel around the world with her husband, resolutely applied for a kindergarten facing closure, poured her heart and soul, and finally helped 5 children and their families out of difficulties. "In this movie, the most touching sentence is 'education is to influence life with life'. I just want to be the one who 'influences life with life'. Cao Yinxia said that in 2004, her son was three years old and wanted to go to kindergarten, but the crammed teaching method in the countryside of her hometown made her unable to find a satisfactory kindergarten.

Because at that time Cao Yinxia was responsible for sales work in the enterprise, often to foreign countries, domestic big cities on business trips, which made her broaden her horizons, she deeply understood that the education of children 0-6 years old, just like building a house to lay the foundation, although the house can not see the foundation after the house is built, it determines the height of the house, 0-6 years old education determines the height of a person's life.

In August 2005, with the dream of "allowing rural children to enjoy the same high-quality education as children in the city", Cao Yinxia founded her first educational institution, Shangji Experimental Kindergarten, in a two-story building in her hometown in Shangji Town. On the opening day of the kindergarten, 4 teachers and 38 children were a big challenge for Cao Yinxia, a person with no education and teaching experience.

In order to run the school well, Cao Yinxia's mother-in-law presided over housework, laundry and cooking, and should be ordered; her father-in-law picked up her children to and from school and was responsible for all the logistics of the kindergarten; her husband was also a maintenance and handyman of the kindergarten; Cao Yinxia trained teachers, went out to study, and publicized enrollment... With conscience, kindness and love, the family went all out to devote themselves to this extraordinary preschool education cause, and finally built Shangji Experimental Kindergarten into the first municipal demonstration kindergarten in Xuchang County at that time.

"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

In May 2013, Cao Yinxia adopted the public construction and private model and hosted the Wunudian Town Miaodian Community Kindergarten and the Erlangmiao Community Kindergarten. Subsequently, the Leen Education Group was established. At the beginning of 2017, Blanche Nature School, which covers an area of more than 200 acres, introduced the British Forest Education Law, let students go into nature, experience nature, improve perception ability, hands-on ability, exploration ability, and innovate the implementation of the "4+1" curriculum model, that is, children attend classes in kindergarten 4 days a week and enter nature schools for 1 day.

"To do education, it is not enough to rely on blood and love alone. Only professionalism can give children the best education. Cao Yinxia said that since 2014, she has spent more than 100,000 yuan on teacher training every year, inviting the best early childhood education experts in the country to give lectures in kindergartens, take the head of the kindergarten, and personally take teachers to Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Hunan and other places to observe and learn from the post.

Cao Yinxia took the lead in exploring curriculum gamification reform in Xuchang, wanting to bring advanced educational concepts and educational methods to children, but it was not recognized by parents, resulting in the decline of the number of students in the three kindergartens from more than 1200 to more than 800. Countless times, kindergarten teachers, logistics, family members, and even the leaders of the Education Bureau advised her: "Don't carry out curriculum gamification reform, teach primary school knowledge like other kindergartens." Kindergartens must survive, and the salaries of more than 100 teachers and staff must be paid! ”

In the past five years, Cao Yinxia has asked herself countless times: What was my original intention in running the garden? Is it to make money? Is it to take the road of cramming teaching against the original intention or to insist on curriculum reform to bring children quality education? After repeated spiritual torture and crying again and again, she still firmly believed in it.

In the end, Cao Yinxia's persistence won the recognition of students, parents and society, and her kindergarten became the forerunner of the gamification reform of the curriculum in the Central Plains, and became the leader and leader of the implementation of the new teaching model such as the environment, materials, space layout, outdoor games, indoor games, sharing and exchange full of children's flavor, and became the cradle of the growth and progress of teachers and students.

Effort pays off. Since 2016, the backbone teachers of Cao Yinxia Kindergarten have won the first prize of Henan Provincial Case Analysis Competition, the first prize of Henan Province Simulation Teaching, the first prize of Henan Provincial Innovative Game Competition, and the second prize of Henan Provincial Parent-child Game. Since November 2017, it has received more than 20 observations by the principal and backbone teachers of xuchang college, the national training class of henan experimental kindergarten, the xuchang preschool education center group, and the teaching and research office of the Jian'an District Education and Sports Bureau, with more than 3,000 people. Han Xiaode, deputy director of the Henan Preschool Education Development Center, praised: "I didn't expect a rural kindergarten to carry out the gamification curriculum so professionally and deeply, and the children here are so happy!" ”

After 16 years of ups and downs, Cao Yinxia's kindergarten now has 36 teaching classes, 1222 kindergarten children, 126 teaching staff, and has established guidance and cooperation with the well-known early childhood education institution "Yinglan International Education Group" and the "National Training" experts in Jiangsu Province, the forefront of China's early childhood education. Cao Yinxia has also obtained the qualifications of painting psychoanalysis and therapist, family education instructor, psychological counselor, and won the title of model teacher of Xuchang City in 2019.

"Early childhood education exists to complete life, know yourself, feel happiness, and find meaning!" Cao Yinxia found the root of early childhood education, "I will always uphold the concept of 'let young children live in kindergartens like young children', and stride forward on this road." ”

"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

The whole family fights the "epidemic" and transmits the power of love

At the beginning of the year, the epidemic was raging. In the face of the raging new crown pneumonia epidemic, Cao Yinxia led the whole family out of the house, raised anti-epidemic materials, comforted the duty personnel of the "epidemic" line, fought the "epidemic" retrogradely, and spread the seeds of love and the power of love with the most beautiful actions.

She actively fulfills her entrepreneurial responsibilities and protects the safety of young children. On February 2, 2020, Cao Yinxia voiced and her son Liu Penghe, who was in college, made a clip and recorded a 4 minute and 39 seconds children's version of the "new coronavirus" video to help children understand the new coronavirus and prevention and control methods.

On February 5, 2020, Cao Yinxia's family recorded a video of "Guarding the Family Defense Line and Being a Model for Epidemic Prevention and Control Safety", calling on children and their families not to gather, go out less, not to visit relatives, not to visit friends, and not to spread rumors, with more than 10,000 hits.

On February 10, 2020, Cao Yinxia led the teachers of her three kindergarten curriculum groups to produce 8 "epidemic public welfare small classrooms" to provide scientific epidemic prevention knowledge and parent-child education skills for 50,000 families in "home" during the epidemic.

On April 3, 2020, Cao Yinxia and her family launched the "Le'en Children's Heart Painting" campaign, mobilizing 524 children to participate, planting the seeds of advocating heroes against the "epidemic" in their hearts.

On April 11, 2020, Cao Yinxia invested 24,000 yuan to travel to Chengdu, Sichuan, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, and Zhengzhou, Henan, to purchase 12,000 medical masks, which were distributed free of charge to children aged 3-6 in rural areas of Wunudian Town, helping children to resume school and school, benefiting 6,000 families.

Donate love materials to support the great cause of fighting the "epidemic". On February 1, 2020, Cao Yinxia, her husband and son launched the "Walk with Love, Prevent and Fight the Epidemic" public welfare activity initiative, organized all teachers, staff, children and parents to collect donations, and raised 4827.66 yuan, all of which were transferred to the Henan Provincial Women's Federation for anti-epidemic.

"The most beautiful Jian'an people" Cao Yinxia: There is love in the heart There is a distance under the feet

On February 4, 2020, Cao Yinxia, her husband and son went to Wunudian Town to comfort the frontline anti-"epidemic" cadres, and successively went to 19 card points such as Junwang Village and Dawangzhai Village to send them 88 boxes of instant noodles, ham sausages, bread, green tea and other materials.

"For the safety of the masses, grassroots party members and cadres risked the cold and risks to perform their duties at the card point, and they did not hesitate to resist the war on the 'epidemic' line, and this spirit made me particularly moved, and I wanted to go to see them and express my heart." Cao Yinxia said excitedly. At that time, when the epidemic prevention and control was the most urgent, all communities were not allowed to go out. Cao Yinxia reported to the residential property in advance and issued a certificate. The community property learned the truth about their going out, was very touched, and told them to pay attention to safety. Wang Laifa, a cadre of Junwang Village in Wunudian Town, Master Chen, a janitor in his 60s at Miaodian Kindergarten, and Zhu Jinfeng, a driver, also went to various card points with them, transporting materials, and were busy until more than 9 p.m., and they could not take care of their meals.

On February 11, 2020, Cao Yinxia herself contributed 10,000 yuan and mobilized other caring people to donate 2,000 kilograms of alcohol, 1,640 kilograms of 84 disinfectant and 150 liters of peracetic acid to the Xuchang Urban-Rural Integration Promotion Zone.

On April 3, 2020, Cao Yinxia invested 10,000 yuan to purchase 250 insulated water cups for more than 200 grassroots anti-epidemic cadres, so that they could drink hot water at work.

The epidemic is merciless, and there is love in the world. Cao Yinxia's family interpreted the silent people of spring wind and rain with their own good deeds and righteous deeds, and were rated as the most beautiful families in the 12th country.

Editor: Caixia Guo

Review: Zhang Xiangchao Shi Lijuan

Source: Jian'an District Publicity

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