
wary! There are compatriots who have been infected with COVID-19 twice in Cambodia in 1 year

Recently, a Chinese compatriot in Phnom Penh, Mr. Lai (pseudonym), broke the news to Cambodian headlines that he was recently infected with the new crown again, which is correctly "again", because this is his second infection in a year.

In May last year, the infection lost its sense of taste and smell

Mr. Lai runs an appliance repair shop in Phnom Penh, and in May last year, his workers contracted COVID-19 because they got together to smoke and chat, so he was also infected.

The symptoms of Mr. Lai's first infection were low-grade fever and loss of taste and smell. Although the condition was not serious, because it was the first infection, especially the loss of taste and smell, which caused him to be very panicked.

You can't smell anything, and even the best food is tasteless. In order to stimulate the senses, he had frantically tried to smell very irritating food and taste, but it did not get better, and then he ate millet peppers his scalp, and after an hour or two, his sense of taste and smell slowly became a little bit, and it was only after a few days that he fully recovered.

At that time, there were no specific drugs for sale in the Cambodian market, and after Mr. Lai consulted the doctor, he asked his uncle to help catch raw astragalus, reed root, honeysuckle and licorice and other Chinese medicines to take for three consecutive days, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Because it is difficult to turn yin, he stayed at home for 20 days of isolation and treatment, and finally his body recovered, and his life and work were back on track.

wary! There are compatriots who have been infected with COVID-19 twice in Cambodia in 1 year

Mr. Lai said that on the first day of the infection, his mind had been thinking wildly, and the next day he looked away. Although the sense of smell and taste is dysfunctional, it should be eaten and drunk, after all, it is better to recover faster after eating.

Because there is also a worker in the store who eats and packs, the two of them went out to work together and were infected, and the cost of the two people's isolation treatment and food expenses during the period accumulated $2,000.

Based on the first experience, when he was infected again, Mr. Lai was obviously much more positive and optimistic in his mentality.

The second time he was infected by his lover, he recovered after 2 days

Mr Lai's lover, who works at a hotel in Phnom Penh, suddenly felt unwell in early February and quickly tested positive.

Because her lover was 5 months pregnant, because she was worried about the health of her and the baby, Mr. Lai sent her to the hospital for testing and diagnosis, and then was hospitalized for isolation treatment.

His lover once had a high fever for a day and a night, and in the hospital, he mainly took medicine, dripped, and was cared for by nurses. He expected that his lover's medical expenses might cost four or five thousand dollars, although expensive, but because she was pregnant with a child and received professional treatment and care in the hospital, he would be more at ease.

wary! There are compatriots who have been infected with COVID-19 twice in Cambodia in 1 year

Living under the same roof, Mr. Lai is not immune. He quickly tested on his own and found that he was also positive, and then he went to the outpatient clinic to buy medicine and isolate himself at home for treatment.

Mr. Lai said that the outpatient clinic has drugs with specialized treatment, the price is not high, and it costs less than $100.

He recovered after taking the drug for two days, and quickly tested and monitored his body every morning and evening, without doing nucleic acid testing. Based on the first experience, he no longer panics and reports to the doctor in time if he has symptoms or problems.

wary! There are compatriots who have been infected with COVID-19 twice in Cambodia in 1 year

He said that when he was infected for the second time, he also had low-grade fever symptoms, but his sense of taste and smell were not affected. What made him feel the most uncomfortable was the lack of strength, waist pain and back pain for a day and night, and the whole person did not want to move. But the symptoms lasted for a day and a night and then disappeared completely. He decided to return to work after two days when the test results were stable.

In Mr. Lai's view, he is not worried about the sequelae of the new crown, he believes that there is not much impact, and he does not even feel that he is infected with dengue fever. He said that this infection is like a small cold, after discovery, self-isolation treatment in time after a few days of healing, do not infect others just fine.

Source: Cambodian headlines

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