
I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

author:Focus on your emotional life

The reason why a person becomes more and more indifferent is because she has suffered unfair treatment, no one has complained for her, and no one is even willing to help her.

Seeing through the coldness of the world, it slowly became indifferent.

Recently read a novel, from Moravia published Europe's first existentialist novel "The Indifferent Man", Moravia, Calvino, Xia Xia was collectively known by critics as the "Three Masters of Modern Italian Literature".

Moravia writes about the ideological crisis of modern people with a cold pen, and denounces the "apathy" that has corroded modern society. Calmly examining the love world of modern people and the inner world of the frustrated, it records the spiritual crisis of an era, and explores people's action, human responsibility and how people can better exist.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

The stories in this book are unbelievable and make people feel the pain in their hearts. It seems to be writing someone else's story, but unconsciously writing out his own inner panic.

As he himself put it: "I wrote this book trying to solve my own problems without realizing that it was precisely the problem of the whole century."

"The Indifferent Man" is about the decline of a bourgeois family, the selfishness and vulgarity of the mother, and the hypocrisy and greed.

In order to satisfy her selfish desires, she found a man who was as greedy as her as a lover, and she also became a handshaker and entrusted everything in the family to him.

She completely forgot that she still had two children, ignored their psychological feelings, and growing up in such a native family not only ruined their happiness, but also ruined herself.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

Her daughter, called Karra, was originally a young and energetic girl who wanted to get rid of this boring life, but she was inherently weak, making her want to break free, but she was powerless to change.

In particular, her mother's lover coveted her, and her final choice was compromise, of course, this is not necessarily a compromise, perhaps a kind of revenge against her mother.

Her brother knew the whole time that this was happening, but he ignored it. It was as if he had seen something that didn't concern him, and he was indifferent the whole time.

Is it true that he does not have a deep sister-brother relationship and brotherhood?

In fact, it is not, in the face of the ruthless blow of reality, in the face of family changes, he is powerless to change all this, for this unfair treatment, since it can not resist, it can only go with nature, it is better to treat indifferently.

Everyone began to become indifferent, and such unfair things, abnormal things, became logical.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

Throughout the book, we can feel that in fact, the people who are really cold and shameless are the mother and her lover.

It is their selfishness and greed that personally ruin the happy life of the child.

So, in the face of such inhuman parents, what prompted them to do so?

In the final analysis, it was the social atmosphere and living environment at that time that contributed to it.

Because the mother's lover has a little social status and is stronger in his own ability to survive, he has no scruples about playing between their mother and daughter.

And this mother and daughter, for their own interests, can only tolerate it, because there is nothing they can do but these things.

The reason why they are so hypocritical is because the situation is forced, which may be the society at that time.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

The whole society has been covered in dust, who will become the one who pursues the light?

Under the influence of her parents, Carla, like Michelet, seems to be unable to find herself, there is no soul in her body, only her own shell, and she feels the extreme depression of life, and she wants to struggle but cannot extricate herself.

Life loses its motivation and purpose, and people become the walking dead. Effort or not hard work is a promising future, so it is better to adopt an attitude of avoidance and indifference, in fact, this is the greatest sorrow of human nature.

After reading the book "Indifferent People", I felt very heavy in my heart.

The selfishness and greed of human nature, as well as the pain brought by the original family, make people unable to extricate themselves.

He knew that his stepfather was a man of inferior animals, but forced to rely on him for survival, he could only be bullied.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

In the book, the delicate psychological description amplifies the changes in everyone's heart little by little, so that you can see the reasons why an indifferent person will be indifferent.

There is such a description in the book, which is actually a true restoration of their hearts:

In the beginning, our actions can be followed by thoughts: just after saying 'I hate you', we take out a dagger 'Click!' A stab that causes an enemy or a friend to collapse to the ground and lie in a pool of blood; in the beginning we may act according to the impulse that first appeared without having to look ahead; in the beginning, life was not as banal and ridiculous as it is now, but full of passion: people died happily, loved seriously, killed each other, hated each other, and shed real tears because of real misfortune; in the beginning, all men had flesh and blood, and were as closely connected to reality as trees were rooted in the land.

Gradually, the irony disappeared, and all that remained was the nostalgia. He wants to live in an era of strong emotional conflicts and sincere feelings, wants to produce that kind of deep hatred that makes people grit their teeth, and wants to raise his emotions to a realm without limits...

But he stayed in his own time and in his own life, in this earthly world. He thought as he smoked. Only one of the ten boxes of cigarettes left on the table remained. He had been sitting for nearly two hours in the antechamber, which was illuminated by the afternoon sun.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

This description is a true portrayal of an indifferent person, no matter how much resentment he has in his heart, and even has countless times of inner resistance and shouting about unfair treatment, but in the end it will turn into countless cigarette butts, and then let himself spend time in a daze of indifference.

It is not that he does not want to resist, not really indifferent, but that all resistance can only be an inner struggle, and the appearance he shows is actually indifferent, because he has become accustomed to indifference, accustomed to fantasy, but he does not dare to act.

For a cold person, they would rather be indifferent than pretend.

Anyway, it can't be changed, so let's be indifferent!

Perhaps, we are likely to be the indifferent person now, because we know that we are selfish and we are miserable, but we are powerless to change all this, and we know very well that we will certainly not be happy in this way. But we can only be indifferent because we cannot change. So, indifference is actually a deep sense of powerlessness.

I'd rather be indifferent than pretend

Encountering this "Indifferent People" can let us see our own indifference, read the reasons why indifferent people are indifferent, just because we are powerless to change, not indifferent, what else can we do?

If you want to make yourself not indifferent, you must work hard to change yourself, let yourself become an important person who changes the world, you will have the dominance to change your life, otherwise, we can only be an indifferent person, because we have adapted to such a life.

Reading this book of "The Indifferent Man" allows us to see another true self. What do you think?

I am focused on the emotional life, click to pay attention not to get lost, more wonderful waiting for you!

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