
18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

author:Shi Hai Rotten Ke people

I believe that many post-80s are not unfamiliar with the name of Tongari. Because, 18 years ago, many flesh-and-blood teenagers were able to skillfully type these three words on the keyboard, and then press the enter button with anticipation. The popularity of Tongari stems from the hot sales of the book "Tongari Photo" in 2002, and this photo has also set off an uproar in China.

<h3 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > accidentally took a set of photos of Tongari, who was not confident in her body</h3>

As a post-70s, Tongari was originally a very conservative and introverted girl. From the age of 9, Tongari began to learn gymnastics, and later won the gymnastics gold medal at the Anhui Provincial Games. After graduating from the Beijing Dance Academy, he also mainly engaged in the dance business he loved.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

In the eyes of her classmates and friends, Tongari is in good shape, but she herself does not think so. After all, in the 1990s, there were not many girls who thought and acted avant-garde. At that time, many girls had dreams of being an actress, and so did Tongari, so she filled in the information on a website that recruited actors. Once, a friend introduced Tongari to take a picture, just in time to recruit a lingerie model.

Have to admit that the staff is very discerning. After meeting Tongari, they took a fancy to her figure and tried to persuade Tongari to participate in the shooting. At that time, Tongari was very unconfident, and thought that taking photos of her underwear was an embarrassing thing, so she repeatedly refused.

However, because the other party repeatedly pleaded for persuasion, Tongari also gradually became moved, so she was invited to participate in the shooting. As a result, when Tongari saw herself in the photo, she was instantly stunned: it turned out that her body was so good!

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

After shooting this set of underwear photos, the staff took advantage of the situation to encourage Tongari to shoot a larger photo. At this time, Tongari's mind was getting hotter and hotter, so she agreed. This decision became a turning point in Tongari's life.

Tongari's co-photographer is Zhang Xulong, a famous portrait photographer in China. In March 2001, the two signed a "Shooting Agreement" and formally decided to cooperate in the filming of the photo. Although the album was once out of stock after its publication, few people can imagine the hardships of the filming process. According to the data, It took Tongari and Chen Xulong a year and a half to use nearly 800 films to select more than 20 groups of photos.

<h3 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > Tongari photo publishing, earning 170,000 manuscript fees in half a year</h3>

After the shooting was completed, Tongari obtained a "Power of Attorney" signed by Zhang Xulong, which stipulated:

"I authorize the use of the photographs I took in collaboration with Tongari for the publication, distribution and exhibition of her personal photo album."

After receiving the "Power of Attorney", Tongari signed a book publishing contract with the People's Fine Arts Publishing House with great hope. Later, the book "Tongari Photo" came out. This photo album is the first work in China to sign the real name of a female model, so it is regarded as a bold breakthrough.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

"Tongari Photo" is accompanied by a brief introduction of Tongari herself and her own article "Beautiful Women Everywhere", which is prefaced by Chen Drunk, which is one more highlight. Of course, what readers value more is naturally the 144 portraits in the book.

What everyone did not expect was that as soon as "Tongari Photo" came out, it sold hot. The photo album, which was first printed in 2002, was sold out in 10,000 copies and was snapped up as soon as it was put on the market. In the months that followed, The Tongari Photographs were reprinted one after another, and by February 2003, it was the fifth time. The photo album sold out of stock, making Tongari earn a lot of money. According to the publishing contract, Tongari herself received more than 170,000 yuan in remuneration.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

Of course, it is also this photo that makes Tongari, who was originally "invisible to everyone", become a household name overnight. However, there is praise, envy, and lingering slander and insults. After all, in a conservative cultural atmosphere, The female model who dares to use her real name on the photo album is the first.

<h3 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > model was sued by the photographer and paid 100,000 yuan to the other party</h3>

Just when "Tongari Photo" was selling out, photographer Zhang Xulong found that there was no name on the copyright page of this photo book. It turned out that 136 of the photos produced by Tongari were taken by Zhang Xulong, and these photos belonged to the model Tongari and the photographer Zhang Xulong.

On July 9, 2003, Zhang Xulong took Tongari and the People's Fine Arts Publishing House to court, demanding 150,000 yuan in remuneration and litigation costs for the case on the grounds that the infringed right of attribution and the infringed right to the integrity of the work were violated. After two trials, the court, Zhang Xulong, won and lost, and only received an apology, stopped publishing "Tongari's Portrait" and was compensated for most of the costs of the two trials.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

At the same time, Zhang Xulong also filed a separate lawsuit against Tongari, suing Tongari for violating his right of authorship and protecting the integrity of the work. At this trial, Zhang Xulong's proposition was more clear. Since Tongari has Zhang Xulong's "Power of Attorney", and the photographer is also famous as Zhang Xulong on the folding page of the photo album, Zhang Xulong's claim that the right of attribution has been infringed is not supported, but some of the human bodies, backgrounds and props in the 39 photos in the photo collection were cut, and because Tongari could not provide evidence of Zhang Xulong's authorization, she was ordered to compensate Zhang Xulong for 100,000 yuan.

After this "contest", Zhang Xulong has won a stage victory. Because, the originally popular "Tongari Photo" was stopped printing, and Tongari also paid Zhang Xulong 100,000 yuan in economic compensation.

<h3 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > Tong Jiali counterclaimed Zhang Xulong and received 300,000 yuan in financial damages</h3>

Just when everyone felt that this "farce" had ended, the plot was reversed again. Photographer Zhang Xulong selected Tong Jiali's photo, signed the "Book Publishing Contract" with Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House, and published and distributed 2 volumes of hardcover and 2 copies of the simplec script photo album.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

After Tang Jiali got these four photos, she immediately collected evidence and demanded compensation of more than 510,000 yuan for damages on the grounds that her portrait rights were violated, and demanded a public apology. This time, Tongari was supported by the lawsuit. Originally, Zhang Xulong felt that he had signed a shooting agreement with Tongari, which included the provision that the photographs were used for "the publication, exhibition and publication of professional journals such as portrait photography", which was equivalent to obtaining Tongali's permission, which was the same as publishing a new photo album.

However, the terms in the original shooting agreement instead emphasized that photos can only be used in professional journals such as portrait photography, and Zhang Xulong took them to publish books, which has exceeded the agreed purpose of use and scope of use.

Speaking of this, it is estimated that many friends are also dizzy. However, this is not important. Importantly, Zhang Xulong was infringed this time, and was finally sentenced to compensate Tongali for 300,000 yuan in damages and apologize, and Zhang Xulong's four new photos were also stopped selling.

18 years ago, Tongari took large-scale photographs, earned 170,000 yuan in manuscript fees, and lost 100,000 to photographers

<h3 class="pgc-h-center-line" style="text-align: center" > written at the end: the boundaries of art lie in not violating human dignity</h3>

Although more than ten years have passed since the Tongari photo incident, people's criticism of her has not been completely eliminated. In fact, the artistic creation around the theme of the human body is not a flood beast, and we do not need to talk about discoloration. Of course, artistic creation naturally has its boundaries, but where the bottom line of this boundary is, people are always inconsistent. But one thing is certain – no art should offend human dignity.

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