
Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

Have a meal and sweat profusely.

A nervous, sweaty.

Just move a little, sweat a lot.......

For most people, sweating is a natural physiological phenomenon.

Sweating can regulate people's body temperature, but also play a role in heat dissipation and excretion, especially in the case of high temperatures, or large amount of exercise, sweating phenomenon will occur.

Just adjust the environment, or take a break, sweating will soon disappear.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

Is sweating more a sign of disease?

Sweating is not necessarily all a symptom of the disease.

For some children, because parents are worried that their children will get cold, they wear more clothes for their children.

And children are hyperactive, in the process of exercise, there will be a very obvious phenomenon of sweating. If the indoor temperature is too high, or if you continue to drink hot soup and hot tea, it will also cause a lot of sweating.

I sweat when I eat a meal, is that normal?

In fact, this is a normal physiological phenomenon called taste hyperhidrosis.

Usually the taste buds on our tongue have many receptors, and when some food comes into contact with these sensory organs, it will send signals to the brain to promote perspiration.

Especially when we eat spicy, capsaicin is a kind of pain sensation, and the body will regulate it through perspiration.

However, diabetics find that they sweat more when they eat, perhaps because there has been a problem with blood sugar control recently, and they need to check their blood sugar regularly.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

Seeing someone you like sweats, is it normal?

This situation is also known as "mental sweating", mainly when people are nervous or anxious, the "sympathetic nervous system" in the brain responsible for controlling sweating will be excited, and there will naturally be hyperhidrosis.

If there is a change in mood, such as high mental tension, or a significant sense of anxiety, it will lead to sympathetic stimulation.

The rapid increase in the concentration of norepinephrine in the body will cause people to have a large amount of mental sweating, especially in the palm of the patient's hand, and there will be a lot of sweating behavior.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

Is it normal to sweat a lot while sleeping?

In fact, night sweating is also a very common phenomenon.

In addition to the factors of menopause, high bedroom temperature, too many quilts at night, or the indoor environment is too high, it will promote the body temperature rise, at this time sweating is to regulate human body temperature.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

If you encounter these 2 types of sweating, you need to be cautious!

If excessive sweating occurs and is accompanied by some other discomfort, it is necessary to be vigilant, which is most likely related to some diseases.

1. Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis refers to the appearance of abnormal sweating of the local or generalized skin.

Generally due to the stimulation of various factors such as drugs and diseases, the autonomic nervous system function is disturbed, and the sweat glands are too excitatory, resulting in a large amount of sweating in the body.

If it is caused by hyperhidrosis, the patient's palms and the base of the feet will have very obvious sweating, as well as wet, cold and whitish skin.

In addition, there are also cases of patients' armpits and perineal areas, and there will also be a lot of sweating. Due to a lot of sweating, it can cause some skin problems such as erythema or folliculitis in these areas.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

2. Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism refers to hyperthyroidism, which is a series of syndromes caused by excessive secretion of thyroxine, which leads to the acceleration of the body's metabolism and increased excitability of the system.

Once suffering from hyperthyroidism, the patient's nerve function will also be abnormal, resulting in a large amount of sweat secretion, and hyperhidrosis and heat intolerance will occur.

If hyperhidrosis is caused by hyperthyroidism, then the patient will also have problems such as hyperinflation, increased frequency of bowel movements, rapid heartbeat, and emotional irritability and hand shaking.

Therefore, if abnormal sweating symptoms occur in daily life, accompanied by some other discomfort, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a series of examinations and give corresponding treatment according to the cause to maximize the improvement of hyperhidrosis.

However, as the earth returns to spring, the temperature gradually warms up, but "spring cold" often occurs.

Then, if you sweat at this time, you need to wipe or change clothes in time to avoid a cold wind and a cold.

Always love to sweat, can there be lesions in the body? Sweating in 2 cases, you have to check it out

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