
Zhou Xiaoou "crookedly hit the right" actor road

author:China Youth Daily
Zhou Xiaoou "crookedly hit the right" actor road
Zhou Xiaoou "crookedly hit the right" actor road

From the lead singer of the Zero Point Band to the "gold medal little person" in the film and television circle today, Zhou Xiaoou claims to be "crooked and straight". When he first entered the industry, many people thought that he was playing tickets, but he was deeply involved in film and television performance for more than ten years; from the small supporting role of "receiving a box lunch" shortly after his initial appearance, to the TV series "Sweeping Black Storm" and the starring movie "Peak Explosion" appeared this year; from cameo to true color starring and careful shaping, Zhou Xiaoou's acting skills have also been more and more recognized. In a recent interview with a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily, Zhou Xiaoou said that since he has done it, he must do a good job, "Just play sorry for the people who are looking for you, and I am sorry for myself." ”

Once a well-known rock singer

Now it is rated that "the folds of the corners of the eyes can act"

Big bald head, uninhibited face, a fierce force, Zhou Xiaoou's many deeply rooted characters are such an image. For example, in this year's summer hit "Sweeping The Black Storm", Zhou Xiaoou played Chen Jianbo, a "bully in Green Vine City", and he played Chen Jianbo, a fierce-looking and fierce-hearted snake with a fierce appearance, a fox fake tiger but whose brain could not keep up with the action, and won the unanimous recognition of the audience - some viewers commented that Zhou Xiaoou's performance was not inferior to a class of old drama bones, "the folds of the corners of the eyes will act."

In this regard, Zhou Xiaoou said that he should be grateful for the audience's recognition of him, when he first devoted himself to film and television only by virtue of his love for performance, he never had the luxury of hoping to become popular with this, "In fact, acting has always been my own favorite thing, and I usually watch a lot of films to learn." It's fun in itself and can be played on its own. This character is yours, come alive under your interpretation, full of vitality, and I especially like this kind of creation. ”

Before devoting himself to film and television performances, Zhou Xiaoou was already a well-known rock singer - he founded the zero point band at the age of 25 and created three albums in four years, and the representative work "Love Me" has been sung to this day. Zero Point is the most popular rock band in mainland China after Black Panther, and it is also one of the rock bands with the highest number of albums and the highest sales. And Zhou Xiaoou's voice is extremely penetrating and explosive, the degree of recognition is also very high, as a singer Zhou Xiaoou, once cast a lot of glory, in today's words is the absolute top stream.

Looking back now, Zhou Xiaoou regards all the past as a rare experience, "I am glad that when I was young, I had so many songs that everyone loved, and I also gave a satisfactory answer to my persistence." "Although I occasionally miss the past, Zhou Xiaoou knows that people always have to look forward." That period laid a solid foundation for me, and now what I have to do is to continue to improve myself and make more and better works to give back to everyone. ”

In 2005, Zhou Xiaoou had the idea of flying alone, when he thought that the Zero Point Band had been operating for so many years, good works were available, concerts were opened, all goals were achieved, and he hoped to have a new breakthrough. At the same time, his interest in acting is growing, and there is also a great conflict between filming and performance. In 2008, he officially quit the band Zero Point, and his career as an actor began with a guest appearance in the TV series "Conquest" 6 years ago.

In 2002, director Gao Qunshu invited him to make a cameo role in "Conquest", although this role was killed as soon as it began, but it was also this role that made Zhou Xiaoou fall in love with acting. That cooperation also allowed director Gao Qunshu to discover the kind of temperament suitable for playing a villain in Zhou Xiaoou, and invited Zhou Xiaoou to participate in the TV series "Dark Wound" directed by him - in which he played the big villain hob meat. This role left a deep impression on the audience. Since then, he has performed in popular film and television dramas such as "Struggle", "Wolf Warrior", and "Dragon Ridge Labyrinth".

In the past, the characters were mainly villains

Nowadays, the film stars ordinary heroes

The roles played by Zhou Xiaoou include robbers, bandits, black bosses, small roles such as auto mechanics, and heroes, and the media calls him a "gold medal little man". In this regard, Zhou Xiaoou gladly accepted, "Being able to become a 'gold medal' is a high recognition." He believes that many characters can be recognized and deeply rooted in people's hearts, which also shows that the role is suitable for him, and the characters are more characteristic, so they can let everyone form memory points.

On the eve of the National Day, the movie "Peak Explosion" starring Zhou Xiaoou was released, in which he played an ordinary hero and zhou Ming, the head of the drill and explosion class. Zhou Xiaoou, who was previously deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with the image of a villain, created a heroic image this time, but did not let the audience feel the violation.

The same type of role is not the same, and the contrasting role is not contradictory, which is not easy for an actor who is a singer. Zhou Xiaoou feels that perhaps it is a little talent in acting plus his love for acting and his own efforts that have led to today's actor Zhou Xiaoou. "First of all, you have to like this thing to spend a lot of effort to study it, and it is also a matter of practice making perfect." When I first came into contact with acting, I was relatively green, with some feeling of acting with some true colors, and after a long time, I may have some of my own positioning, such as which role director can think of me. Regardless of the size of the character, I think it is portrayed with characteristics that can be remembered by everyone, even if it is successful. ”

So far, Zhou Xiaoou has played most of the villain roles, and he also hopes to create more different types of characters. After more than ten years of in-depth thinking, he has become more and more confident in acting, "Even if the same role is played twice, it may come out with different effects." ”

He was killed as soon as he appeared

Now I can pick the big beam in the work

For his own actor road, Zhou Xiaoou summed it up as "crooked and straight", "just the director is looking for, just like to try it, the response is still very good, but also more confident, think the next one can be better, just so all the way over." ”

There has been no shortage of examples in the show business circle of "acting and singing" and "singing and acting". As an "old actor" who has been "cross-border" for more than ten years, Zhou Xiaoou frankly said that he would not mind whether he played the main role or a supporting role in the play. In his view, whether it is a professional actor or a cross-border player, as long as the role can be played into the hearts of the audience, it is successful. In his view, the creation of performance and the creation of music are two feelings: one is auditory, the other is visual, very challenging, "I will continue to specialize, I hope that everyone can continue to support me." ”

From the first cameo to be killed as soon as he appeared, he can now pick a beam in the work. Every applause and every recognition obtained along the way was the result of Zhou Xiaoou's step-by-step, diligent and sincere cultivation. He told the Beiqing-Beijing headline reporter that he never thought that the transformation from singer to actor was to "play tickets", "since you have done it, you must do a good job, just play sorry for the people who are looking for you, and sorry for yourself."

Quick questions and quick answers

Q: After rectifying the showbiz circle, some people said that "the era of traffic stars has passed, and the era of supporting roles has arrived." What do you think?

A: Maybe the audience is different, but in fact, everyone is working hard.

Q: Some young actors always want to be famous overnight, what do you think?

A: Due to the wrong starting point, I think that being an actor is a shortcut, but I don't know that I have to make a lot of efforts behind it, and I have to be willing to endure hardships and adapt to various environments. What to do is expensive in persistence, and there will always be a reward for paying.

Q: After so many years since his debut in 1994, what has changed in his mentality?

A: It will be more mature and calm than when I first debuted, and I can settle down and do what I want to do. As the old saying goes, thirty stands, forty is not confused, fifty knows the Mandate of Heaven, the ancients are still very powerful, and every ten years are summed up in place. As long as they have ideals and goals, they can not be confused when they are less than forty, and not all middle-aged people have crises.

Q: What are you like in life?

A: I am actually a relatively casual person, usually relatively simple, like to get together with friends, will also be quiet alone, and when I have time, I will also ask friends to play football together to reduce stress.

Q: What are your plans for music this year?

A: Recently, I am also preparing new songs, but I still want to have more and better works to present to everyone. Audience recognition is my biggest motivation, and I will continue to strive to do better.


Some singers who "sing and act well"

Li Yuchun: Debuted in the "Super Girl" in 2005, in 2009, he crossed the border film field for the first time, played the female righteous soldier Fang Hong in "October Siege", and sang the theme song of the movie "Powder", becoming the first singer and artist to receive three nominations at the Hong Kong Film Awards. After that, he successively starred in "Dragon Gate Flying Armor", "Macau Storm 3", "Catch the Demon 2" and so on.

Li Yifeng: 2007 participated in "Come on! "Good Boy" debuted, won the eighth place in the national finals, has always been a singer, but has been tepid. In 2009, he first came into contact with filming, and in 2014, he starred in the TV series "Ancient Sword And Strange Tan", which became popular, and won the Most Popular Actor and Most Commercially Valuable Actor Award in the Mainland at the National Drama Festival. Representative works: "Living Color", "Notes on Tomb Robbery", "Gardenia Blossom", "Old Cannon", "Sparrow", "Qingyunzhi", "Psychological Sin", "Hidden and Great" and so on.

TFBOYS: A male singing group composed of three members: Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, and Yi Qianxi. The songs they sang were sung for a while, but their major in college was not music, and Wang Junkai graduated from the 2017 undergraduate class of the Beijing Film Academy and starred in film and television dramas such as "Qingyunzhi" and "The Great Wall". Wang Yuan has also starred in many film and television dramas, including participating in the Hollywood movie "Extreme Agent 4", participating in the literary and art film "Long Days and Long Days" directed by Wang Xiaoshuai, the TV series "The Great Lord of beiling juvenile zhi", the movie "Jueji", the TV series "Qingyunzhi" and so on. Yi Qianxi studied at the Central Academy of Drama and has received a lot of attention in film and television in recent years, starring in the costume drama "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", the movie "Young You" was nominated for the Academy Award for Best International Film, won the Hong Kong Film Award for Best New Actor and the Best Newcomer Award for Popular Film, and starred in the movie "Send You a Little Red Flower" with a cumulative box office of more than 1.4 billion yuan. He starred in the war film "Lake Chosin".

Yu Haoming: Debuted in "Happy Male Voice", contacted filming in 2008, and later suffered an accidental disfigurement due to a demolition scene and was silent for several years. After his return, filming is still the focus of his career, starring in TV series "Love in Spring", "Bring Love Home", "That Year the Flowers Bloomed and the Moon Was Round", "Not Living up to the People" and so on.

Sun Hao: In 1990, he starred in his first film "Emperor Superstar", thus officially entering the show business circle. However, he first became famous with the song "Chinese Folk Song", which was well known to the public as a singer. In 2001, he starred in his first costume drama "Han Tianzi", and has so far participated in the movies "Back Kitchen", "Eighteen Degrees of Love in North Latitude", TV series "Ping Trace Hero Shadow" and "One Servant and Two Lords". Playing the police station chief in "Sweeping The Black Storm" attracted attention.

Source: Beijing Youth Daily

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