
Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

author:Music hotspots

At 0:00 on October 22, "A Thousand Years of Sighs" sung by Lai Meiyun was officially launched. "A Thousand Years of Sighs" is a desert culture promotion song launched by Kugou Music with its national style brand "National Style New Language" and the Dunhuang Painting Academy, Lai Meiyun not only uses her voice to outline a picture of the yellow sand desert for the audience, but also arouses people's yearning for the ancient and mysterious Dunhuang.

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

It is understood that the film "Dune", adapted from the classic science fiction film of the same name by Frank Herbert, tells a mysterious and touching heroic journey: the gifted teenager Paul Erridi overcomes his inner fears in a thrilling adventure and successfully defends his family and people.

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

Speaking of the movie "Dune", almost half of the history of Hollywood science fiction movies has something to do with it. Previously, science fiction classics such as James Cameron's Avatar, Ridley Scott's Alien, and George Lucas's Star Wars have all drawn inspiration from it to varying degrees.

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

This time, as the chief music partner of the movie "Dune", Kugou created an exclusive desert culture promotion song for the film, skillfully integrating Hollywood blockbusters with Chinese style, and bringing listeners a unique, novel and cultural connotation of "A Thousand Years of Sigh".

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

As the official cultural partner of the song, the Dunhuang Academy of Painting provided the Dunhuang Academy collection "Dance Music Diagram" as a musical instrument inspiration source for the song. Music is the art of sound, and the painting presents the most classic band combination in the large-scale music and dance scenes of dunhuang murals.

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

"A Thousand Years of Sigh" revolves around the unique bass range of the film soundtrack as a line paving, and the flute in the prelude is mysterious and long, and the sense of artistic conception is full; The main song part skillfully integrates oriental percussion music such as square ringing, chimes, and Buddhist sound bowls with lyrics; The electronic elements added to the chorus perfectly present the sci-fi texture of the movie "Dune". "I am willing to look for the vastness of the endless universe", the Eastern and Western instruments are inclusively intertwined with the wrong rhythm, with Lai Meiyun's ethereal and powerful voice, presenting the song theme of "fearless of the future, fearless experience".

Lai Meiyun sang Kugou's "National Style New Language" new work "A Thousand Years of Sigh" to convey the Dunhuang desert culture

"A Thousand Years of Sighs" has attracted the attention and unanimous praise of countless fans as soon as Kugou Music was launched, and the Weibo related topic #Dunhuang Desert in Lai Meiyun's song was even on the hot list, and some fans improvised: "The torrent of history is not stopping, and the ancient and brilliant silk civilization has bred a desert that stands for eternity." "A Thousand Years of Sigh" allows the brilliant fantasies from the future and the deep and shocking civilization to cross the rift of the universe and meet us in parallel time and space. In this song, fans not only hear the brave and fearless attitude towards the future, but also feel the ancient and splendid desert culture, which is the charm of the new national style song created by Kugou.

With the full popularization of Internet digitalization, more and more IP choose to carry out in-depth cooperation with Kugou Music, which has been deeply rooted in the music industry for many years, and Kugou has given full play to the advantages of the platform based on a huge user base to tailor exclusive music for film and television IP, which not only boosts the popularity of film and television IP, but also brings users a "good listening + good-looking" linkage immersive experience. The spiritual core of film and television IP promotes the quality of music content, and the dissemination of music also brings more traffic to film and television, and Kugou joins hands with it to create a virtuous circle of video-audio linkage new ecology and promote value maximization.

In the future, Kugou Music will continue to explore cross-border linkage with IP, optimize the core of music products, and continuously broaden the ecological boundaries of the music industry.

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