
See you at the Lantern Festival! Meizu Valentine's Day warm-up will have new actions

Today's news, Meizu science and technology officials micro released posters, saying "Lantern Festival see you." It seems that on the day of the Lantern Festival, Meizu will have new actions. In the comment area, netizens are also very fiercely discussed, some people say that it is warming up Meizu 19, some people say that Meizu 18/18s will be sold at a reduced price, and some people say that it is Meizu 18's Valentine's Day limited paragraph. However, the exact content still has to wait for official news.

Meizu 18s series was released in September last year, which is equipped with a Snapdragon 888+ processor, equipped with LPDDR5+ UFS 3.1 + WiFi-6 Enhanced Edition three-piece set, compared to meizu 18 series more powerful performance, longer battery life, lower heat. In the end, what big surprises await us after this affectionate poster? Everyone just has to wait quietly.

See you at the Lantern Festival! Meizu Valentine's Day warm-up will have new actions


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