
Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

author:The play is interesting D

Before that, I had never understood, why did the old knotty Zhou Bingkun have to serve the elderly and children?

His eldest brother and sister, on the other hand, can do what they want to do with peace of mind.

But after settling down and thinking about it, I have to admit it.

Whether it's society, officialdom, or even a small family.

There must be an ineffable difference, only an ineffable difference.

Smart and capable people will show their talents in large fields.

And ordinary and ordinary small characters will also shine in their own positions.

Just like the 3 sons and daughters of the Zhou family in "The World of Man".

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

Zhou Rong, who is intelligent and alert and good at expression, is rich in knowledge and has a deep cultural heritage.

And purely like a person living in idealism.

These advantages make her extremely suitable to be a teacher and teacher.

And Zhou Bingkun, who does not like to read when urinating, has no city in his heart, and is kind and upright.

It is more suitable for surrounding the family, guarding a simple and ordinary corner of the place, and living a quiet and good bourgeois life.

Thinking of this, it dawned on me that these three children of the Zhou family, who were right and who were wrong, were just different divisions of labor in the social environment.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

However, all along, for many of Zhou Bingyi's practices, there are quite some criticisms, and I dare not agree.

I always felt that he was doing things forward and backward, only promising, a bit of the smell of Hao Governor's grass and trees.

How can such a person be of great use in the workplace?

But Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, suddenly unveiled another side of Zhou Bingyi that was not known.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

01 Appearance

Because of Cai Xiaoguang's affair, Governor Hao and his wife were not only cold and unusual to Zhou Bingyi, but also could not have half a passion for the Zhou family.

Not only did Hao Dongmei have a dilemma in the middle, but also made his father Zhou Zhigang's sincerity and self-esteem suffer an unprecedented blow.

This incident, like a thorn stuck deep in his throat, reminded Zhou Bingyi from time to time that he must be careful and never take a wrong step again.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

Not only did he remind his brother not to ask the Hao family for help.

Even when Governor Hao received the guests, he was very eye-catching to help his father-in-law send away the people he wanted to send away, leaving the guests that his father-in-law wanted to stay.

To be honest, this ability to observe the color of speech is evident.

No wonder Governor Hao looked at Zhou Bingyi differently from this time on.

But such a Zhou Bingyi more or less gives people a sense of complete lack of self and a sense of déjà vu about what his father-in-law likes.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

In addition, because of Zhou Bingkun's conversion, a small secretary will wear small shoes for Zhou Bingyi, so that it is difficult for him to be promoted according to his own wishes.

It is enough to see that Zhou Bingyi is an honest and honest person in front of people, who will not plot and calculate, nor will he retaliate, and he is a cowardly person who has his duty.

Otherwise, how dare a secretary move the soil on the head of Governor Hao's son-in-law?

But is the real Zhou Bingyi really the kind of old good man who seems on the surface?

The answer is no.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

02 Burst

Originally, Zhou Bingyi could also seek a stable career and steadily promote step by step.

But after seeing the rapid development of southern cities and returning to his hometown, he couldn't help but feel a lot of emotions.

The difference between rich and poor in the two cities made Zhou Bingyi's subconscious cells that wanted to do practical things begin to stir and become active.

Therefore, when he returned home, in between meals, he put his thoughts and dishes out.

Looking at Zhou Bingyi's statement, it seems to be an understatement and can't help but sigh.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

But he has always been cautious in his words and deeds, and his mind is deep, how could he not imagine that Jin Yueji's attitude now is completely different from before, and his words will inevitably give Jin Yueji some inspiration.

Perhaps, Zhou Bingyi had thought before saying these words, if the mother-in-law herself understood her own meaning and helped to react, it would be best.

If it was his mother-in-law, it didn't matter if he ignored it, at least, he expressed his intention to Jin Yueji that he wanted to do something practical, which was a sign of determination.

But if the organization did not arrange it, he had no choice.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

In this way, I am useless in front of anyone, even in front of my mother-in-law.

Soon, Jin Yueji really reflected Zhou Bingyi's wishes to the superior leaders in her own unique way.

Moreover, he directly transferred Zhou Bingyi to the military factory as a leader.

However, the situation in the armaments factories is special.

Just as the old secretary said, most of the workers in the armaments factories are people from the army, who are more aware of the overall situation and take the overall situation into consideration than the ordinary workers.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

But he also looked down on the cadres sent down from above, especially those like Zhou Bingyi, who had never been a soldier.

When Zhou Bingyi was a little blind and did not know how to carry out his work and gain the trust of the workers.

Dudehai appeared, strapped to his body with homemade explosives, and was about to commit suicide.

However, before dying, he asked to see Zhou Bingyi's side.

Perhaps, the vast majority of workers did not expect that Zhou Bingyi, who looked polite and polite, would calmly walk up to Du Dehai and say that he would accompany him!

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

So, Zhou Bingyi, who has just transferred his work as he wished, is really not afraid of death?

Of course not, but the whole incident was under his control.

03 Strain

On zhou Bingyi's way to find Du Dehai, Chang Yuhuai had clearly introduced Du Dehai's situation to Zhou Bingyi.

From the information given by Chang Yuhuai, 4 judgments can be drawn.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

First, Du Dehai participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, served as a sniper, made countless meritorious contributions, and was regarded as a down-to-earth revolutionary hero.

Therefore, as the old secretary said, such a person is more aware of the overall situation, taking into account the overall situation, he should not easily do things that are unfavorable to the military factories and workers.

Second, Du Dehai had stomach cancer the year before, and then cut off a large piece of the stomach.

Later, the cancer metastasized to the liver, and he removed another piece of the liver.

Later, the cancer metastasized to the lungs, and he removed another lung.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

From this information, it seems that I have seen a person who does not matter whether he lives or dies, and who can do everything.

But when you think about it, that's not the case.

Many people, just having a cancer, will be tortured to death.

But Du Dehai had stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer over and over again, and he was still alive and well.

What can this prove, prove that Du Dehai's desire to survive is particularly strong, how can he easily want to die?

Third, Du Dehai has a lot of research on gun modification, and can be regarded as a gun expert from a worker's background.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

Would a particularly survival-minded firearms expert really make a bomb that would kill him?

It was later found that the explosives had several squibs sufficient to prove it.

Fourth, Chang Yuhuai told Zhou Bingyi that Du Dehai was only 58 years old.

In the eyes of many elderly people, there are many good days in the future at this age.

How could someone like Du Dehai, who had experienced countless tribulations, be willing to die before a good day had passed?

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

This kind of information was put together to conclude that Du Dehai never really wanted to die, he just wanted to achieve some purpose in this way.

How could Zhou Bingyi, a senior student in the philosophy department of Peking University, still see people's hearts thoroughly in practice?

When Zhou Bingyi came to Du Dehai, the two questions he raised confirmed this point even more.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

First of all, Du Dehai resolutely resisted selling the factory, which shows that he loves the military factory enough.

Second, he wants to prove that he is not an opposition party member and does not want his death to be detrimental to his family.

From this point of view, Du Dehai is not only concerned about the factory on which he depends for survival, but also his relatives.

How could a person with such a strong desire to survive and a heart full of worries die so easily?

In addition, Zhou Bingyi also gave himself a double insurance, that is, he had worked in the military factory, so he felt that the lead of the bomb could burn for 15 seconds, and he planned to throw the bomb out at 10 seconds.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

If Zhou Bingyi's judgment of Du Dehai was wrong, he also had the ability to save the lives of two people.

However, everything has the possibility of failure, let alone the explosion of a bomb.

But Zhou Bingyi still relied on his own judgment, calmly sat down, and did not move.

To tell the truth, this kind of courage and boldness is really unattainable by ordinary people.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

04 Liwei

As a result, Du Dehai still did not have the determination of Zhou Bingyi, threw the bomb with his own hands, and sacrificed himself to protect Zhou Bingyi under him.

With Zhou Bingyi's thoughts, he could definitely think that he had taken a risk once, but he could establish his prestige in front of all the workers.

In this way, he told everyone that, though, he had never carried a gun and fought.

But he was in the face of guns, not afraid of life and death.

This boldness and boldness will surely impress those workers who look down on him.

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi

If it is said that Zhou Bingyi is not afraid of life and death sitting in front of Du Dehai, it can be regarded as a kind of spiritual command for the workers of the whole factory.

Taking your mother-in-law's money and buying coal for the factory's needy workers for the winter is an emotional intrusion.

When the workers admire him spiritually and support him emotionally, will Zhou Bingyi's work still be difficult to do?

If there is no Du Dehai who committed suicide with self-made explosives, everyone must not see this unknown side of Zhou Bingyi.

What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message to discuss Ha!

(Note: Rational discussion, those who export dirty, please detour, leave a pure land for the online world.) )

Human World: Du Dehai, who committed suicide with explosives, completely unveiled the unknown side of Zhou Bingyi