
Promote as a whole dare not be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, do not want to be corrupt, and constantly achieve more institutional results and greater governance results to ensure that the bottom line is always solid in the "back wall"

author:Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

Central Commission for Discipline Inspection State Supervision Commission website Qu Peng

Opening remarks: Not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt is not only the basic principle of the anti-corruption struggle, but also an important strategy for comprehensively and strictly administering the party in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping's important requirement of "always grasping the construction of party style and clean government, so that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt, promote more institutional results and greater governance results", give important responsibilities and missions to discipline inspection and supervision work in the new era, and further point out the direction of deepening the goal of promoting the integration of "three noes". From now on, this newspaper will launch the column "Promoting As a Whole, Not Daring to Be Corrupt, Not Being Corrupt, Not Wanting to Be Corrupt, and Constantly Achieving More Institutional Results and Greater Governance Results", so please pay attention to it.

Xu Shun, chairman of the Zhanjiang Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Guangdong Province, was subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation; Chen Yizhong, former deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, was subject to disciplinary review and supervision and investigation... Over the past few days, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission has successively published information on the examination and investigation of a number of provincial management cadres, which fully demonstrates the clear attitude of unswervingly deepening the anti-corruption struggle and promoting as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt.

In accordance with the arrangements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission, the discipline inspection and supervision organs have profoundly grasped the political essence and political harm of the problem of corruption, regarded the punishment of corruption as a strong backing for effective supervision, insisted on no forbidden areas, full coverage, and zero tolerance, persisted in heavy containment, strong high pressure, and long deterrence, and insisted on investigating bribery and bribery together to ensure that the bottom line is always there and the "back wall" is solid.

The premise of promoting as a whole that we do not dare to be corrupt, cannot be corrupt, and do not want to be corrupt is to maintain a high-pressure posture of punishing corruption and form a powerful deterrent that does not dare to be corrupt. From January to August this year, the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision successively filed a case for examination and investigation of 31 provincial management cadres suspected of serious violations of discipline and the law, including Yang Jianxin, former director of the Provincial Rural Credit Cooperatives United Society, and released the determination not to relax for a moment and to be strict to the end; the discipline inspection and supervision organs in Shandong Province handled 82,720 clues to the problem, filed 39,125 cases, punished 35,559 people, and transferred 580 people to the procuratorial organs, including 41 cadres at the department and bureau level and 773 cadres at the county and department level.

"Severe punishment and the formation of deterrence, this hand can not be soft at any time, can not be lost, we must adhere to the strict main tone, in the reduction of stocks, curb the increase in the continuous pressure and force." The relevant responsible person of the Shandong Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission supervision commission told reporters that under the deterrence of discipline and law and the inspiration of policies, 2458 people in the province voluntarily surrendered to the discipline inspection and supervision organs from January to August, and 2947 people took the initiative to explain the problem.

Intensifying the punishment of corruption in the political and legal system is a clear requirement put forward by the Fifth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission. Discipline inspection and supervision organs have effectively supervised the work of enforcing discipline and law enforcement, and have boosted the education and rectification of the political and legal contingent to go deep and steady. During the first batch of education and rectification, a total of 44,000 political and legal cadres and policemen were filed for examination and investigation, 1,264 people were transferred to judicial organs, and 19,000 political and legal cadres and policemen were summoned by education to voluntarily surrender to the discipline inspection and supervision organs.

To maintain a high-pressure situation, we must focus on the "key minority" and focus on key areas. The reporter combed through the website of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Supervision Commission and found that since the beginning of this year, the number of leading cadres at the department and bureau level and above in the political and legal system (including the former) has exceeded 100. Henan Province has continued to promote the key rectification of corruption in the supply and marketing cooperative system, and since the beginning of this year, 40 current or former municipal and county supply and marketing cooperatives "number one" have been investigated and punished. From January to September this year, the discipline inspection and supervision organs of Bengbu City, Anhui Province, closely followed the "key minority" to carry out examination and investigation, and from January to September this year, 16 municipal management cadres were filed for examination and investigation, and 19 "number one" people at or above the township section level were investigated and punished.

"We must always maintain a strict main tone, firmly grasp the entry point of supervision and guarantee implementation, and pay close attention to the key point of promoting perfect development." According to the relevant responsible person of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Siping City, Jilin Province, since the beginning of this year, the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection has focused on key tasks such as special supervision of black land protection, special governance in the field of heat supply, and special rectification of the business environment, highlighting the "key minority," key areas, and important links, handling a total of 1,902 clues to problems, filing 619 cases, punishing 397 people for party discipline and government affairs, and transferring 24 people to judicial organs, effectively enhancing the deterrent of not daring to corrupt.

Rectifying corruption and unhealthy tendencies around the masses is an important duty entrusted by the party Central Committee to the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Supervision Commission. From January to August this year, discipline inspection and supervision organs across the country investigated and dealt with 97,000 corruption and work style problems around the masses, and criticized, educated, helped and dealt with 139,000 people, of which 86,000 were given party discipline and government affairs sanctions. The Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision seriously investigated and dealt with the problem of the staff of the Hengnan County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau colluding to embezzle social security funds, and took the case as a lesson to carry out special supervision and inspection of the social security fund, filing 277 cases and recovering more than 45.31 million yuan in losses.

On October 2, under the overall coordination of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group's International Fugitive Recovery Work Office, and through close cooperation between the Liaoning Provincial Supervision Organs and public security organs and relevant state law enforcement agencies, Jiang Dongmei, a "red notice officer" and a suspect who had fled from his post, was arrested abroad and repatriated. Persisting in pursuing those who have fled and pursuing them to the end, and continuing to carry out in-depth international judicial law enforcement cooperation against corruption, is an important starting point for maintaining a high-pressure posture and ensuring that the "back wall" is strong. According to statistics, since the launch of "Skynet 2021", 602 fugitives have been recovered in half a year, including 164 party members and state workers, and 15.15 billion yuan of stolen funds have been recovered.

Not daring to rot, not being able to rot, and not wanting to rot is an organic whole that is interdependent and mutually reinforcing. While ensuring that the bottom line is always there and the "back wall" is solid, discipline inspection and supervision organs grasp the dialectical and unified relationship of "punishment, governance, and prevention," persistently combine severe punishment of corruption with strict systems, strict requirements, and serious education, do solid work to promote reform and use cases to promote governance, and promote the integration of not daring to be corrupt, not being corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt.

Not long ago, Xu Xiang, former deputy director of the Fuyang District Culture and Tourism Promotion Center in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, was tried in public on suspicion of embezzlement and bribery, and cadres at or above the middle level of relevant units observed the case on the spot and received warning education. Proceeding from this case, the Fuyang District Discipline Inspection Commission Supervision Commission comprehensively investigated the integrity risks of the district's cultural and guangdong tourism system, especially for the asian games and other major sports events, and urged the competent departments to weave a dense prevention and control network to ensure that the Asian Games were run cleanly.

While strengthening the deterrence, the Bengbu Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision grasped the key of "can't" and, in view of the conspicuous problems found in supervision, inspection, and examination and investigation, put forward 71 discipline inspection and supervision suggestions to the units where the cases occurred from January to September this year; together with the municipal government, it held a briefing meeting on corruption cases in the rural commercial bank and the civil air defense system to urge key systems such as finance, civil air defense, housing construction, natural resources, and planning to deeply learn lessons and strengthen warning education.

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