
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads

Artistic creation requires hard work and talent, but if you want to be a good artist, the most indispensable thing is neither hard work nor talent, but creativity. An artist without the ability to innovate cannot create good works, they often just go with the flow, and he will do what others think.

Art comes from life, in fact, a lot of creative ideas, are hidden around our lives, if you are an art lover, you must have such an experience, the more you can enter the hearts of the public, can make people resonate with the art works, the inspiration for creation must come from the things we are most familiar with. On this basis, the artist integrates some ideas and ideas, and it will evolve into a very interesting work of art.

Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads

Jonas Rose is one such artist who is good at finding inspiration in life, and he mixes and matchs some of the things that we are all too familiar with to create a series of interesting surrealist works.

In the artist's work, we can see that he is a very imaginative artistic creator, and with the blessing of digital art, Jonas Rose integrates animals, nature, daily life, and the mixing and matching of classical paintings with the modern world, presenting a fantastic and surprising surreal world.

Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads

Jonas Rose's perspective on the world is very special, in his eyes, a small polar bear can take a bath in steaming hot cocoa; the white swan is a sexy garlic ass; the figure in the painting hundreds of years ago, wearing modern pop hole slippers...

A series of illogical mashups that show Jonas Rose's wild imagination, in short, in his imaginary world, nothing is impossible. It may seem ridiculous, but that's the charm of the artist's digital art, which looks so strange that it can make people scratch their heads and smile.

Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads

In fact, no matter which industry, need to break, to innovate, we often see some people complaining, the same life is not interesting, but do not want to change, while complaining about the status quo, while not finding a breakthrough point, this is actually a very bad thing. Complaining about not using it will only make you worse, if you want to meet a better version of yourself, you may wish to try to jump out of your comfort zone and create a better life.

Next, let's take a look at the interesting mix-and-match artwork created by this artist who has mastered the creative code.

Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads
Artists who master the code of creativity, mix and match works, let people look straight and scratch their heads

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