
Eat 6 "rice dumplings" in one go! The Changde man was sent to the hospital for "chest and abdominal pain" in the middle of the night

Red Net Moment Changde February 14 (Correspondent Tang Junya) The Spring Festival was supposed to be a happy time for family reunion, but Mr. Zhou, 53, was rushed to the emergency department of Xiangya Changde Hospital by his family late at night due to sudden chest pain, abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting. After being admitted to the hospital, the perfect CT examination found that there were a large number of lumpy high-density shadows in Mr. Zhou's stomach, just like the stomach was stuffed with stones, which surprised the doctors, and the emergency diagnosis was: abdominal pain, stomach retention?

Eat 6 "rice dumplings" in one go! The Changde man was sent to the hospital for "chest and abdominal pain" in the middle of the night

CT shows stone-like objects in the patient's stomach.

It is understood that Mr. Zhou was in good health in the past and had no other medical history, and these lumpy "stones" remained in the stomach, which was the main cause of his chest and abdominal pain. So where do these "stone"-like things come from? After carefully inquiring about the medical history, it was learned that Mr. Zhou ate 6 "rice dumplings" at a time 2 days before his hospitalization, and all of them were "wordy" and did not chew much. After 1 hour, Mr. Zhou began to have chest and stomach swelling and discomfort, and then the symptoms became more and more serious, with paroxysmal chest and stomach cramps, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. This frightened Mr. Zhou's family and sent him to the hospital overnight.

After entering the emergency department, the heart and lungs were examined and no abnormalities were found. The next day, the patient's chest pain improved, there was still a sense of stomach grinding, and the gastroscopy was perfected in the gastroenterology department, and a large amount of food retention could still be seen in the stomach (which had been fasted for 24 hours), and the abdominal CT suggested: multiple high-density foci in the stomach, and Mr. Zhou was admitted to the gastroenterology department with "abdominal pain and gastric retention".

According to Mr. Zhou's condition, the gastroenterology team of Xiangya Changde Hospital immediately gave him stomach protection and antispasmodic treatment to alleviate his abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting symptoms, and at the same time gave lubricating gastrointestinal drugs to promote the discharge of "rice rice". The day after admission, the patient excretes a "lumpy" stool and the symptoms are completely relieved. Complete painless gastroscopy, the stomach is clean and free of foreign bodies, but there is congestion and edema and ulceration of the stomach and the mucosa of the gastric antrum. After further treatment, Mr. Zhou recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

According to Professor Zhang Guiying, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of Xiangya Changde Hospital, rice dumplings, rice cakes and other foods are mostly made of glutinous rice mixed with other rice flour or food, which are highly viscous, smooth and soft, not easy to chew, not easy to digest. Such foods purchased on the market are more likely to add other food additives, eat too much, too fast or do not chew at a time, it is very easy to cause indigestion, gastrointestinal function is not good, and even cause stomach retention, intestinal obstruction and so on. Indigestible "food clumps" that remain in the gastrointestinal tract for a long time can also damage the gastrointestinal mucosa, resulting in hyperemia, edema and even ulceration of the mucosa.

During the Spring Festival, it is the season when eating more such foods, and in the past 3 days, the Department of Gastroenterology has received 4 cases of such abdominal pain patients, one of which has incomplete intestinal obstruction. The Department of Gastroenterology of Xiangya Changde Hospital warmly reminds the general public that there are many traditional foods during the Spring Festival, such as rice dumplings, rice dumplings, tangyuan, rice cakes, etc. Can be tasted lightly, and it is not advisable to eat more at one time, can not eat too fast, and must be chewed slowly. The elderly, children and gastrointestinal function is not good should pay more attention to eat less and chew slowly, young children and swallowing and chewing dysfunction is best not to eat, in order to prevent the whole piece from swallowing, causing foreign bodies to block the throat or enter the respiratory tract to cause suffocation.

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