
Tell you the truth behind the scenes that Huo Zun can't come back

author:Shen Xian life

First of all, the conclusion: the banning of Huo Zun is the will of the state.

Pull a list, the information comes from Baidu Encyclopedia.

In February 2015, in Vancouver, Canada, participated in the "Fu man Wen City" 2015 Spring Festival Gala of the Year of the Warm Sheep!

 In September, he participated in the CCTV Mid-Autumn Festival Gala

In November, he participated in the party of "Building the Chinese Dream Together" of the Central Propaganda Department

In February 2016, he participated in CCTV's "Dream Charity Ceremony"

In March, he participated in the Horse Chinese Exchange Art Festival in Malaysia

In June, participate in the 2016 CCTV Dragon Boat Festival Special Program In September, the "Tianyun Huozun 2016 World Tour" was held for the first time in the Great Hall of the People

On September 28th, he participated in the party celebrating the 67th anniversary of the National Day of the Motherland in Tokyo, singing the national anthem and performing as a guest performer

In February 2017, he participated in the 2017 CCTV Spring Festival Gala Overseas Condolence Performance held in San Francisco

In September, he went to the United States to participate in two "Cultural China" Sino-US concerts sponsored by the American Asian Cultural Center and others for cultural exchanges

In October, he went to Germany to participate in the concert for the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Germany

In May 2020, he participated in the "Tribute to angels in white" online concert jointly sponsored by the People's Daily client and the National Humanities and History.

  The above information is part of Huo Zun's performing arts activities.

 What was your first reaction when you saw the above list?

 Yes, the main theme, positive energy, tall!

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have ranked second in the world in economic strength and proved ourselves in economic strength, but cultural soft power has always been our soft underbelly, and it is something that the top level has been working hard to promote Chinese culture all over the world and export national culture to the outside world.

 To this end, the scale and number of Confucius Institutes have even been placed on the chinese and American negotiating table, and a European country has closed Confucius Institutes without authorization and even caused diplomatic disputes.

This shows the importance attached to cultural output and soft power enhancement at the national level.

 At this stage, the country is exporting to the outside world, focusing on traditional Chinese culture and national culture.

In this context, a group of people were fortunately selected to become the exchange business card of traditional Chinese culture, such as Huo Zun, such as plum dyeing.

 Huo Zun was lucky to be selected by virtue of his Chinese style and the combination of traditional opera and popular style, and became a business card for foreign exchanges.

It is no exaggeration to say that Huo Zun's highlight moment was hit. declare. Ministry and Outside. Hand over. As a representative of the new generation of traditional Chinese culture, Huo Zun can even be used as a business card for cultural exchanges with people from all over the world at the national level.

Don't look at Huo Zun in the field of mass entertainment is an eighteen-line paste, after the accident, there is not even an endorsement brand for termination. But what he actually got was the resources that the top celebrities envied and looked up to.

As a business card of the national cultural image, as an artist, you are not required to be a moral model, as long as your words and deeds are consistent, and there is no loss of private morality, which is also the minimum requirement.

 Unfortunately, the chat record of the Shanghai lust stream completely ripped off Huo Zun's bottoms.

Qualified and interested netizens can go to the extranet to see for themselves how foreign netizens evaluate this "cultural business card" in a yin and yang manner, and the relevant state departments have been disgraced and embarrassed on this matter.

 Can such an artist still become a cultural business card?

 Can such an artist represent traditional Chinese culture?

 Huo Zun This is in the middle. declare. Ministry and Outside. Hand over. He slapped his face hard.

 If you are banned, will you still feel wronged?

 Do you think you can still make a comeback?

Originally after this incident, Huo Zun's crisis public relations best solution, is to quietly withdraw from the circle, dormant for two years, and then consider the comeback after the matter is diluted, although it is unlikely to stand in front of the stage to perform, but engaged in related behind-the-scenes work is still no problem, at least no matter where to go, or will be politely called "Teacher Huo".

Huo Zun was too eager to wash his white.

 And the whitewashing power point is wrong to the point.

 Create public opinion and call chen lu for extortion.

 He never figured out why he was banned, got his ex-girlfriend in, and he washed his face?

This operation has only two results:

 Chen Lu's extortion was established, and Huo Zun successfully sent his former friend who had been in love for eight or nine years to become Wu Xiubo 2.0

 Chen Lu was not convicted, and Huo Zun tried to send his ex-girlfriend to prison, becoming Chen Shimei 2.0

 Either of these two outcomes, Huo Zun himself will be nailed to the pillar of shame of traditional moral opinion.

This tumultuous operation is useless except to be able to breathe a breath.

Even if when the chat records first came out, you threw the pot to the foreign forces, saying that this is the cultural business card of the overseas anti-China forces smearing China, which is better than the current operation, and you can still eat a wave of patriotic dividends.

 Of course, now, if you throw the pot to foreign forces, you are insulting the intelligence of the people of the whole country.

The first step is wrong, things are still saved, silent operation, death does not admit it.

However, the turning point came at the end of "Writer Chen Lan", hoping to cut off a series of follow-up operations in "Independent Ping".

 This set of combination punches down, the whole network has seen, in addition to a wave of Huo fans self-hi, it does not help, but to the competent departments to leave an extremely bad impression.

 Even at this point, things are still saved, after all, Huo Zun did not personally go down, it was all others who were speaking out: passers-by, friends, etc., which insisted on saying that passers-by were uneven, and they could also fool around.


I don't guess for what purpose Independent Ping has, he constantly exposes meetings with Huo Zun, eating, albums sent by Huo Zun, etc., and forcibly binds huo Zun. A message to everyone: all this is approved and authorized by Huo Zun himself!

Tell you the truth behind the scenes that Huo Zun can't come back

 At this point, there is still a hint of rescue possibility, Huo as long as he does the cutting in time, clarifies that all the operations of "Writer Chen Lan" and "Independent Ping" have nothing to do with themselves, and they can still fool the past.

Until the current girlfriend Shi Xiaolan personally came down, the deep binding of the real hammer Huo Zun and "writer Chen Lan", "Independent Ping" and others personally nailed the last nail to the coffin board and directly welded to death.

Tell you the truth behind the scenes that Huo Zun can't come back

 Foreign public opinion is extinguishing the fire, hoping that things will be diluted and calmed down, but domestic public opinion is constantly provoking trouble.

Not only is a slap in the face of the relevant state departments, but also a constant spit in the face of the relevant departments, is this to make the relevant departments spit on their own?

 Such a "ignorant", "unclear" in Shanghainese, no tainted artist with no overall view, if you are the leader of the competent department, how will you deal with it?

At this point, Huo Zun was completely abandoned!

What you get by luck will eventually lose it by strength.

 In contrast, after Li Ziyan, who is also a business card for traditional culture exports, has a conflict with the capital, how does the national level maintain her?

Although there is an essential difference with Huo Zun's matter, if we simply compare it, we can see how to take care of the cultural output business card at the national level.

Xinhua Rolled up her sleeves and personally went down and gave her an exclusive interview.

Tell you the truth behind the scenes that Huo Zun can't come back

 Originally, as a business card for the export of cultural output, Huo Zun also had such an undefeated golden body, but unfortunately he himself operated it down, personally smashed this golden body and stomped on the ground.

All of us enjoyed the dividends brought by the period of rising national strength, and the wind of the times also blew Huo Zun into the clouds.

Huo Zun, who had lost himself in the clouds, did not recognize himself at all, and still thought, "I sing well myself, and all the people here are garbage..."

A good hand, a bad game!

Transferred from Weibo: Take advantage of the young Chinese to before they grow old

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