
53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

author:2 minutes of yoga

The couple of Yi Nengjing and Qin Hao have both ushered in the second spring in recent years, and as this pair of stars who can be said to be middle-aged idols enter our vision, I slowly learned from the entertainment media that Yi Nengjing was ten years older than Qin Hao.

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

At that time, Xiaobian was shocked, the two of them did not say that they looked the same age, and even sometimes, when Yi Nengjing stood with Qin Hao in a young dress, you would think that Qin Hao and Yi Nengjing were brother and sister.

I have to say that Yi Nengjing's maintenance strength is fierce enough!

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Because, when interviewing Yi Nengjing, reporters will invariably ask a question, that is, how does Yi Nengjing maintain it. What are the secrets of freezing age?

Yi Nengjing said that she does spend a lot of time and money on maintaining her figure and maintaining her facial youthfulness.

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Especially after she became pregnant, as an elderly mother, she was very dangerous to give birth to a child, and she wanted to quickly return to her original figure after giving birth to a child, which was more effort than ordinary people.

But her mentality is optimistic, and such a challenge is simply a small meaning for her.

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Therefore, her path to slimming has become a goal for everyone to learn. Now Yi Nengjing is 53 years old, the state looks like 35 years old, the skin is white and tight, the figure is slim, how to look like a person in his 50s, but also became the envy of most women.

Of course, Yi Nengjing also said very generously that in addition to maintaining a healthy diet, she would also do yoga to maintain good health.

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Indeed, when we are not suitable for intensive training after childbirth, we can use yoga instead. And the sagging skin after giving birth can also make yoga get us back to our best state sooner.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > ship type</h1>

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Fitness Benefits:

Helps restore abdominal organs and muscles to a state of tension, restores smooth muscle lines, and helps promote intestinal peristalsis and improve digestive function.

Exercise Points:

1. Lie on your back on a yoga mat with your legs straight. Place your arms flat on either side of your body with your palms down.

2. Inhale while lifting your head, upper body, legs and arms off the ground. Your arms should be stretched forward and parallel to the ground, while holding your breath without exhaling, while maintaining this position for as long as possible, without forcing yourself, just reach the limit.

3. While exhaling slowly, gradually restore the legs and torso to their original positions, and repeat this action 3 times after the whole body is relaxed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="12" > cat stretch</h1>

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Fitness benefits

Can help the uterus return to its normal position

Kneel on the yoga mat, sit on your heels, and straighten your back.

Lift your hips and place your hands on the yoga mat to prop up your body.

When inhaling, lift your head and contract your back muscles for 5 seconds.

Exhale, bow your head, arch your spine, feel the abdominal squeeze, stretch your back, and hold on for 4-5 breaths. Straighten your arms and stand perpendicular to the ground.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="15" > tiger style</h1>

53 years old like 35 years old, said is Yi Nengjing, tight skin, slim figure, sharing the secret of freezing age boat type cat stretch tiger style

Reduces fat in the buttocks and thighs and strengthens the repair of reproductive organs.

1. Kneel at the beginning, sit on the heels with your hips, straighten your spine. Straighten your hands forward, place them on the floor, lift your hips, and do a crawling position.

2. Look straight ahead with both eyes and extend your right leg backwards as you inhale. Without exhaling, bend your right knee and point your knee toward your head. Look up and stare ahead for 5 seconds.

3. When exhaling, bend the knee backwards below the hips, close to the chest, tiptoe above the ground, look down, the spine bends into a bow. Extend your right leg toward your back and slowly return to your original position, repeating each leg alternately 5 times.

In general, we will recommend that postpartum yoga begin to practice properly during confinement, not only to slim down, but also to return our bones to their original state.

You are about to give birth to a baby, or you have already given birth to a baby, come and try it and feel the happiness of Yi Nengjing.

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