
Category plus one more! YSL Beauty became lPL's special partner | delivery

Category plus one more! YSL Beauty became lPL's special partner | delivery

On February 10, the LPL year-old competition will reignite the war, and before that, LPL officially announced that YSL Beauty has officially become a special partner of the League of Legends Pro League, and the combination of "e-sports + beauty" has once again appeared in people's field of vision.

Text / Fu Jiajia

According to the Penguin Think Tank's "2021 China E-sports Industry Development Report", the scale of China's e-sports users has reached the mark of 500 million, and e-sports has become a sales position that cannot be ignored by major brands. The main users of Chinese e-sports are concentrated in 19-24 years old, it is from the university to the workplace, with personal independent consumption ability of the stage, if you can win the recognition of the e-sports market audience, will bring immeasurable benefits to the brand side. YSL Beauty entered the esports game precisely because of the delicious taste of this young cake, and the success of other beauty brands and e-sports cooperation before made YSL Beauty swallow the reassurance pill with confidence.

In 2021, Lancome's "Little Black Bottle" Repair Essence became a special partner of S11 China for the first time, refining the use scenarios of the product in the e-sports audience and deepening the cooperation content according to the characteristics of e-sports users staying up late during the event. In the end, EDG won back the S11 championship trophy, setting off a wave of discussion in China, and Lancome, as a partner of S11, naturally won a lot of attention and exposure, and completed a successful "young marketing". Previously, the joint lipstick of "Glory of the King" and MAC became a hit as soon as it was launched, and it was sold out of stock in a short period of time. Therefore, it is not too much to call "e-sports + beauty" a combination of king fried goods.

Category plus one more! YSL Beauty became lPL's special partner | delivery

According to Crowley data and the "China E-sports Industry Development Report", beauty and e-sports have a highly overlapping audience, and this overlap is still rising, which means that the combination of "beauty + e-sports" will have unlimited possibilities.

YSL Beauty enters the LPL at the upcoming time of Valentine's Day, which is a wiser and smarter choice. It is a big mistake to limit the consumer group of beauty to women, and men's beauty consumption power is also rising year by year, and Valentine's Day is just a flashpoint for male users to buy beauty products. In this festival, sending a beauty kit to your beloved is definitely a good choice to please the lover, but there are many kinds of beauty products on the market, there are too many brands for them to choose from, and how to stand out in the fierce competition has become the focus of publicity of major brands.

Category plus one more! YSL Beauty became lPL's special partner | delivery

At this time, YSL beauty walked up the e-sports marketing, so that the figure of the YSL Valentine's Day limited gift box appeared on the LPL field, seizing the e-sports market at the same time, but also to enhance their own proportion in the beauty market, the main user positioning of the Valentine's Day limited gift box is to give the partner a holiday gift group, and the e-sports audience can cover most of this positioning group, enhance the exposure in the e-sports circle, enough to help YSL beauty in the Valentine's Day beauty battlefield to highlight the siege, to achieve good results.

The cooperative copywriting of YSL Beauty and LPL has once again narrowed the distance with e-sports users and developed the use scenarios of beauty in e-sports users. High-quality cooperation objects + suitable cooperation time, YSL beauty and LPL's hand in hand, it can be said that YSL's full range of interest in the e-sports user market has been improved.

Category plus one more! YSL Beauty became lPL's special partner | delivery

Today's official announcement news, I believe it is only a warm-up of YSL and LPL cooperation, with the arrival of Valentine's Day on February 14, the two may once again carry out more linkage and publicity, providing more fresh cooperation ideas for "beauty + e-sports", and will also verify whether this "king fried with goods combination" can be forced again, and the sales of YSL Valentine's Day limited gift boxes are worth looking forward to.

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