
Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

About 25% of babies can help the furniture at 9 months; about 75% of babies can only do it after 10 months.

Parents witness every step of the baby's growth, I believe that everyone, like sugar mothers, is deeply impressed by the baby's first step.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

We hope that the baby will learn various skills quickly, and usually secretly compare with other people's babies, and find that the baby is a little backward and very anxious. In fact, from the perspective of the baby's development law, some skills are not going to be as early as possible, don't dislike the baby stupid.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

1-year-olds can't walk are ridiculed: smart kids are long gone

Neighbor Xiaohan's baby is 1 year old, very likable, recently Xiaohan found a sugar mother spit bitter water, she is very anxious because of other people's words, ready to forcibly exercise the baby to walk.

The reason why Xiao Han did this is because when she took the baby for a walk a few days ago, she met another bao mom, and the bao mother saw Xiao Han holding the baby in her arms and said in a slightly mocking tone: "Come down and take a walk, my child did not climb for a few days, 10 months will leave, you still let your mother hold shame?"

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

At first, Xiao Han just smiled and did not respond, but the other party raised the matter to the child's IQ problem, questioning the child's stupidity, and the smart child would have left long ago. This remark provoked Xiao Han, and after arguing with the other party for a few words, he went home in a huff.

After returning home, XiaoHan told her mother-in-law about this matter, and her mother-in-law was very calm, laughing and saying, don't listen to their nonsense, in the past there were children who went early and had a hard life, don't be happy too soon.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

Smart baby walking early? Skipping crawls and learning to walk has drawbacks

From a scientific point of view, babies walk sooner or later, and they have little to do with IQ and fate. It is not appropriate for the baby to walk too early, and if you walk before you climb, it will bring more drawbacks.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

The baby's balance ability to walk without climbing is slightly worse: the crawling action is to use the limbs, only use the feet to walk more stable, if the baby adapts to climbing, the body maintains balance and then learns to stand and walk, the overall balance feels better.

Babies who have climbed for a while may start walking later, but they master the walking skills faster and walk more steadily. And the baby who started walking early may dangle for a long time before fully learning to walk, and the efficiency is much different.

Babies who climb and walk are not prone to motion sickness: babies who skip crawling directly to learn to walk are more likely to have a general aberration, in addition to poor balance ability, attention is also more difficult to concentrate, and the probability of motion sickness when sitting in the car is higher.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

The baby who climbs first and then walks has experienced the movement patterns of the body in a variety of states, the body coordination is good, the "vestibular system" of the brain is exercised, and it is not easy to have motion sickness.

There may be differences in brain and bone development: Babies who walk too early, or bypass crawl to learn to walk, also have differences in bone and brain development.

The baby's bones are in development, standing too early to put the baby's lower body under pressure has a bad impact on the development of the leg bones, there is a possibility of causing small bent legs, and it is also easy to cause the baby to "flat feet".

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

In addition to bone development, babies who walk late are actually not stupid, but they can benefit from crawling around.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

Children who crawl around are not stupid, but the brain benefits more

The action of crawling looks clumsy, but it is indeed a whole-body exercise, which tests the coordination of the baby's limbs, eyes and brain, exercises the balance response of the baby's xiaobao, and is conducive to the development and improvement of the brain nervous system structure. After a benign stimulus to the brain, it is not only good for the body, but also indirectly improves the baby's language ability.

Crawling can accumulate the initial life experience for your baby, because crawling allows your baby to actively explore and try early.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

During the crawling process, the baby's actual exposure to the environment expands, and the observation of small objects is more careful, which fully mobilizes his brain to think and operate, and the more he climbs, the smarter he is.

In general, every time the baby progresses, it does not have to pursue speed, nor do it be evaluated by unexpected people. If you want your baby to learn to walk better, it is more important to do the following things.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

Follow the rhythm of your baby's development, and parents should pay attention to doing so

Babies learn to walk is not a day can be practiced, parents do not worry, do these few things every day to make the baby walk safer, reduce the harm to the body.

1) Try not to let your baby use a walker

To get your baby to walk at the right age and the right way, the first thing to do is to abandon the walker. The walker is not only easy to cause injuries to the baby during use, but also very unfavorable to the process of learning to walk.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

Frequent use of walkers, on the one hand, will make the young monthly baby fall in love with the feeling of standing too early, so as to skip crawling and learn to walk; on the other hand, when the baby learns to stand, the walker will make him dependent, learn not to use his legs correctly, and delay the efficiency of learning to walk.

2) Pay attention to the time it takes to guide your baby to learn to walk

Under normal circumstances, it is not too late for the baby to learn to walk at 15 months, and it is not necessary to force the baby to walk before 10 months, so that the baby should have the rhythm of development.

When the baby should walk at the age of the month, parents should pay attention not to always hold him in their arms or put on the stroller, from time to time to walk so that the legs can be exercised to improve, at the beginning of each exercise 5 to 10 minutes, 2-3 times a day is good, exercise too long will scare off the baby.

Smart kids walk early? There are many drawbacks of not climbing, and "stupid baby behavior" is good for the brain

When exercising your baby's walking, pay attention to choosing more than 1 hour before or after a meal to avoid choking and vomiting after falling and causing choking. In addition, it is necessary to protect the back of the baby's head to avoid the key parts of the baby from being bruised when he falls unsteadily.

3) Choose a suitable pair of small shoes for your baby

When exercising your baby's walking, you can wear toddler shoes or non-slip socks indoors; outdoors, you should choose shoes with relatively soft soles and simple plates, and choose just the right size.

Large shoes do not heel the feet to increase the difficulty of the baby to walk, the shoes on the complex decorations can easily trip the baby, resulting in the baby injury.

Candy Mom has something to say:

Each baby has a different rhythm of development, and babies who walk early and walk late can be excellent. Parents try to guide according to the average developmental law as much as possible, don't be difficult for the baby.

【Today's topic】Your baby learns to walk in a few months?

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