
Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

author:Harato Academy
Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends
Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends
Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

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Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

From ancient times to the present, Chinese are very fond of "seeking the Tao", "learning the Tao", "enlightening the Tao", "walking the Tao", "propagating the Tao", and then Chinese also believe that there is the ultimate truth in the universe, society, and life, which can indicate the healthiest path, that is, the Tao. To do so is to have the Word; To follow this path is to be on the right path.

So what exactly is the Tao? Lao Tzu said, "The Tao is the Tao, but it is not the Tao", which shows that the true meaning of the Tao is difficult to fully express in language. But the five thousand words of the Tao Te Ching he wrote revealed the mystery of his debut, which was actually on a "sheng" character. The characteristics of the Tao: First, it can give birth to all things and not to other things, so it is said: "The Tao gives birth to one, one life two, two births three, three births to all things", "all things are born with life"; The second is that life is endless, there is no end, so it is said: "empty and unyielding, moving and healing", "if it exists, it is not diligent to use it", all things are born and die, and the life of the universe is infinite; The third is to be born without slaughter, to dwell in all things, so it is said: "born without existence, for the sake of not ashamed, long and not slaughtered", the Tao is different from the Creator and the Lord of God in one, "the Tao is natural", "love and nurture all things and not the Lord".

In today's words, the Avenue is the infinite vitality and energy of the universe, and the Avenue of Reverence is the reverence for the life of the Universe. And the life of the universe is embodied in the life of all things, flowing endlessly and colorfully.

Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

Taoism is the philosophy of life, Taoism is the religion of rebirth, Taoist culture is the culture of life, life is supreme, life is the highest value orientation, its essence is to require people to imitate the spirit of the Dao, to pay attention to life, love life, protect life, optimize life, let people and all things lively and natural. The Avenue is not far from us, it is in the midst of life, and wherever there is life, there is the Tao. All the people, animals and plants around us and the entire living environment, all life with vitality, upward mobility, pleasure, truthfulness, harmony and dignity, is the life of the Tao, embodying the glory of the Dao. Whereever rigidity, withering, destruction, killing, hypocrisy, greed, competition, and all other phenomena harmful to life occur, it is a state of no way, deviating from the road, and disasters will follow. The modern Taoist master Chen Xiaoning called Taoist culture "bio-ism", which can be described as its true meaning.

Everyone cherishes their lives and wants to live happily and long. But not everyone really knows how to optimize their lives, but they often do a lot of stupid things that damage their lives, "although the wisdom is big", which is regrettable. Lao Tzu's Taoist way of health teaches people to deal with the two major problems faced by living beings: one is the relationship between living bodies and external things, and the other is the relationship between the internal nature of living bodies and life.

Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

Man is different from animals, one must survive, the other must develop. The increase in wealth has improved the material conditions, enabling people not only to maintain their lives, but also to enjoy them. Wealth is the crystallization of labor, reputation is the reward of contribution, power is the responsibility of society, should be used to improve people's livelihood, encourage creativity, benefit society, so they are all in the service of life, they are not the end in themselves. Some people do not, sacrificing their lives for wealth, martyrdom in their own lives, endangering themselves and gaining power, losing themselves, and making themselves rich slaves, famous slaves, and power slaves, and at the same time harming others and society.

Lao Tzu has long reminded people to think carefully: "What is the name and the body?" How much is there in the body and goods? Do you have to die?" Which of life or things outside the body is more important to people? This is a basic arithmetic of health science, which is not a problem for normal people, but some people often make them dizzy, their names make them confused, and their power makes them irrational. Corrupt officials, criminals, and careerists who have constantly appeared throughout the ages have always harmed others and harmed themselves, indicating that they have not passed the Taoist health examination, and some of them have not realized it until they die, which is really stupid to the extreme. People who take fame, profit, and rights a little lighter are not only helpful for health, but also can use fame, profit, and rights more wisely and appropriately to benefit others.

Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

Taoists believe that human life is not single, it is divided into two, one is sex, the other is life. According to the book "The Purpose of Life", sex is man's spiritual wisdom, and life is man's qi and blood. Master Chen Xiaoning said: "Sex is my spiritual awareness, and life is my life." The so-called "sex" actually refers to people's psychological life; The so-called "life" actually refers to the physiological life of people. This dual life is very healthy, so that the whole life body can be healthy. Due to environmental pollution, unbridled life, fierce competition, and utilitarianism, modern people suffer from many new diseases in both mind and body, and need to strengthen psychological and physiological treatment and adjustment in a timely manner.

Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

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Reading at night | "Tao" is the life force that never ends

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