
Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

Beijing time on February 12 news, the Winter Olympics another match day ended, the medal table, the first group has been formed, that is, Germany and Norway, they are 8 gold, the 3rd United States only 5 gold, while China is 4 gold, the Russian Olympic team only 3 gold. In Asia, China ranks No. 1!

Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

The German team was able to finish No. 1 because in the bobsleigh event, they won all 4 gold medals in the minor events, accounting for half of the total number of gold medals currently held. It has to be said that Germany is indeed a traditional sports powerhouse, whether it is the Winter Olympics or the Summer Olympic Games, they are very competitive.

Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

Norway is also 8 gold, the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Norway is the first place in the medal table, with 14 gold, 14 silver and 11 bronze, and now, they are also the favorite of the 1st place. It is worth mentioning that at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, Germany was also 14 gold, but only 10 silver and 7 bronze, so Norway ranked first, pressing Germany.

Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

Now at the Beijing Winter Olympics, as of now, Germany and Norway have the same number of gold medals, both 8. Germany is 8 gold, 5 silver and 1 bronze, Norway is 8 gold, 3 silver and 6 bronze, the gold medal is the same, the German silver medal is more, temporarily ranked 1st!

The U.S. and Russian Olympic teams are two major sporting powers, but as of now, the United States is 5 gold, and the Russian Olympic team has only 3 gold, which has been left behind by Germany and Norway.

Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

China won 1 gold on this match day, Gao Tingyu made history, and now, China has 4 gold, ranking 7th, second only to Germany, Norway, the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Austria, and the Russian Olympic team.

China ranks No. 1 in Asia, Japan has only 2 gold, and South Korea has only 1 gold, which is not as much as China.

Take 8 gold! The first group of the Winter Olympics was formed, leaving behind the two major powers of the United States and Russia, and China was the first in Asia

On February 13, the Winter Olympics will enter the 9th competition day, and the Chinese team has 2 gold points, both from short track speed skating! Whether Wu Dajing can defend the 500 meters and whether the short track women's team can win the relay gold medal has attracted attention. Historically, China's best result at the Winter Olympics was 5 gold in a single session, and now it is only 1 gold away from the best result. If short track speed skating can get 2 gold medals in a single day, China can refresh the best result in the history of the Winter Olympics. Of course, the short track speed skating competition is fierce, Wu Dajing and the relay women's team are not fully sure, can only watch the impromptu play.

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