
When Aries and Taurus girls are angry, how do you coax them?


Aries girls, the personality of the wind and fire, is their most attractive charm of the opposite sex, but at the same time is the most confusing existence, they are like a hot flame, both gorgeous and easy to burn people, how warm, bright, dazzling when they love you, how cold, gloomy, and frightening when they are angry with you.

But fortunately, the Aries girls who have always been acute, although their tempers look fierce and sharp, as long as you make a grimace at them, you may see their sudden collapse, happy and annoyed shyness.


Taurus girls have never been good at words, even if they are wronged in their hearts, they will only hide in the corner alone, sulking, scolding each other and other things will never appear on them, but don't think that they are not angry with you, you will be fine, you must know that they are notoriously stubborn in the constellation world, if you do not submit to them first, they will be cold to make you doubt life from now on.

When you are angry, although the Taurus looks a little cold, as long as you muster up enough courage to hug her, you may have a chance to see her cute appearance in your arms.

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