
Phantom Crisis | UFC271 Preview

On Sunday morning Beijing time, the long-awaited UFC271, which has been waiting for the world, will be grandly staged at the Toyota Center in Houston, USA. In the day's competition, the two top middleweight masters, Cannon Neal, the "deadly gorilla" with a terrifying heavy punch, and the late wrestling star "Nine Star" Bronson, will launch an exciting hardcore collision for the future championship challenge.

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The recent recovery of the state and the outstanding performance of the "horse fat successor" Tuwasa, will be in this issue of the joint main game, to accept the ultimate test of the "black beast" Lewis, the predecessor of the heavy stream; and the current middleweight champion "Black Dragon" Adi Saya, after nearly three years of reaching the top, finally ushered in the Jedi counterattack of the old era king "Five Star" Whitaker in the headline main game of this issue, and the "Black Dragon Dynasty" that was initially established and maintained stability will also reveal its final fate after this peak showdown.

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Race 1 of the main tournament Lightweight

Bobby Green vs Nasrath Hack Palast

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As a veteran player who entered the octagon cage in 2013 and has experience in 17 UFC games, Bobby Green has enough experience and strong enough records, and over the years, Green, who has played against famous players such as The Leg King, Diamond, Gaida, and Yakunta, has won and lost against each other, but because of the ups and downs of the record, he has never been able to rank among the top ranks. Just last November, the victory over "Fang Brother" Yakunta allowed him to temporarily get rid of the losing streak and get another chance to rise.

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This weekend he has to face Afghanistan's Naslat, who entered the UFC in 2017 and has an octagonal cage record of 5 wins and 3 losses. Two "waist players" who are not weak but are difficult to break through will fight for a not clear but still promising future for themselves in this game.

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Mains Race 2 Werderweight

Keller Phillips vs Marcelo Rojo

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I believe that many Chinese audiences are not unfamiliar with Keller Phillips, the "non-famous player", in March 2021, it was this "honey" O'Malley teammate who unanimously decided to defeat the mainland star Song Yadong in the game, so that the "Kung Fu Monkey" suffered the first defeat of the octagon cage, and Phillips also entered the top fifteen with this victory. However, only 4 months later, he decided to lose to Song Yadong's teammate, Brazil's Laurian Peva, ending his short "top fifteen journey".

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Now, facing The Argentine grassroots player Marcelo Rojo, who only entered the UFC last year and lost his debut, Phillips is generally optimistic, and what he has to do is to ensure that this "simple task" does not have any accidents.

Race 3 of the main tournament In the middleweights

Jared Cannon (#3) vs Derek Bronson (#4)

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Cannon Neal, the "deadly gorilla" who has played heavyweight and has been in the top 15 in the light heavyweight, has become one of the new forces in the middleweight with excellent boxing and terrifying strength since he was relegated to the middleweight in 2018, and after consecutive victories over David Blanche, "Spider" Silva, and "Clown" Hermanson, Cannon Neill, who is one step away from the challenge, was judged to have lost to former champion "Five Star" Whitaker in October 2020.

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After the game, Cannonier fractured his arm and was on a long truce. Fortunately, in August 2021, he made a strong return, defeated the "Fat Tiger" Gestrum, and returned to the top contenders, as long as he can win this game, the championship challenge will still become his bag.

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As a veteran of the middleweight of the conquest for many years, the starting point of the "Nine Star" Bronson is not as high as Cannon Neal, and the road to ascension is not as smooth as the opponent, but this strength wrestler with outstanding body, hot personality and general technical and tactical level has shown a terrible "rebirth" in recent years, since 2019, the increasingly old and spicy, late Bronson has not only played an amazing five-game winning streak, but also with unprecedented calmness and patience. After defeating kevin Holland and Darren Till, two highly anticipated young masters in a row, becoming one of the fastest improving challengers in the middleweight, this game, if you can maintain the previous form and resilience, drag the opponent to the ground, the reckless man who has not been optimistic for a long time is likely to become the next championship challenger in the middleweight.

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United Main Division Heavyweight

Derek Lewis (#3) vs Ty Tuiza (#11)

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For the "shoe wine tasting master" Tuvaza, the last four KO wins have completely brought him out of the previous three-game losing streak, and in the past two years, after knocking down his opponent's shoes to drink, it has become a reserved program with personal characteristics of "Tai Fat", and now he has once again risen to the edge of the top ten, once again becoming a highly anticipated "tomorrow's star".

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However, the lack of the test of the top players is still the biggest variable on the road to the rise of "Tai Fat", three years ago, he was due to the rough boxing and the failure of the crosshair, he fell in front of the former champion "Xiao Ju", who was in a state of recovery, and then fell into a losing streak.

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Now in the face of the top three heavy hit stream predecessor "Black Beast" Lewis, the 11th place Tuvasa, as long as he wins, he can soar to the top five and join the ranks of the championship, but for him, this beautiful "rising opportunity" is also a dangerous and severe test, because in his career, "Tai Fat" has never encountered the same type of top hit flow master as him, and when the "Beast" encounters the same fierce kind, the weaker side will often quickly become prey...

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Headline Mains Middleweight Championship Battle

Iserril Adisaya (C) vs Robert Whitaker (#1)

As the current champion who has successfully defended his title three times, the "era of domination" of "Black Dragon" Adisaya seems to be basically stable, but it also hides a crisis, because when he has been fighting strong enemies and defending the throne in the past two years, the man who was snatched from his belt and abdicated by him is also using the same high-quality streak to gradually regain everything that once belonged to him, Darren Tiel, Cannon Neal, Andrum - the two top potential challengers, and the only one who has brought "near-death experience" to "Black Dragon". The contender for the title has become the "comeback ladder" of the old ghost of "five-star" Whitaker.

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Today, Whitaker, who has returned to the top of the class and once again ascended to the championship stage, only needs to win in this revenge battle, and at the same time, he can become the first "epoch-making king" in the history of the middleweight to reach the championship throne twice, but for him, this "last step" is likely not easy to walk.

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In the "post-spider era" with many masters and demons, Robert Whitaker, who is small and has a general physique, is neither the strongest nor the most agile in the middleweight, and even in terms of technology and boxing quotient, it is not the top, but under the seemingly ordinary appearance, the "five stars" have an overall balance that no one in the middleweight can match - comprehensive technology, a strong heart, a hard chin, abundant physical strength, and a champion-level on-the-spot response and opportunity capture ability, which makes him a "crowd competition" in the year. In the middle of the world, Lian Ke Crocodile and Lao Luo, two legendary masters, ended the "Four Heavenly Kings Era" ahead of schedule, and once became the biggest winner in the middle-level chaotic world.

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Although he later suffered from injury and long-term truce, to a certain extent affected Whitaker's competitive state, but also indirectly caused his fiasco against the "Black Dragon", but with the strong return in recent years, the "Five Star" once again proved that as long as the opponent has weaknesses, he has a way to find a way to win, unfortunately, for him, the "Black Dragon" is really too special.

Adi Saya is not without weaknesses, in fact, his standing at the top, cage edge and weak ground problems, not only well known, but also in the light and heavyweight field, was personally verified by the former light and heavy champion Blačović, but in the middleweight, but no one has yet been able to successfully drag the "black dragon" with good anti-fall consciousness and movement ability into the quagmire of the fight without obvious weight and strength advantages, and for the smallest and weakest "five stars" in the top ranks, it is even more difficult to do this.

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Therefore, there is still only one way out for Whitaker, that is, in the stand-up attack, resist the terrorist pressure of the opponent, even if it cannot occupy the advantage, it is necessary to be evenly matched and not to fall behind, and on this basis, look for the opportunity to win - this is the best way for the "five stars" to win, but in front of the "black dragon", it has become the most dangerous "adventure journey" - Adi Saya's exaggerated height, arm span and leg length advantages, so that every attack of the "five stars" is facing a "one for three" situation.

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For Whitaker, every advance before the attack and retreat after the attack had to go through a "death zone" of "no opponent, only to be beaten", and he fell in this dangerous area in the retreat during a battle. This time, the "five stars" who returned strongly, although they had more preparation time and better competitive status, but if they wanted to break the rule of the "Black Dragon" and regain their throne, they still needed more ways and better luck.

February 13 | UFC271

Mains 11:00

Vice + Pad 07:00

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