
Will the building fall? Apple finally lost the case, an era of lying and making money is over, what is the Apple tax? The little penguin "killed" apple taxes why apples can't collect taxes anymore

author:A knight of national relations

With a paper in the California court a few days ago, a permanent ban against Apple's draw was issued. The era when Apple could make money lying down was over.

You know Apple is great, but did you know that Apple is still one of the most profitable game companies?

Do you remember any games you played that were Apple's?

Don't think about it, there won't be.

Because Apple hasn't released a single game, it became the most profitable game company by relying on apple taxes from the Apple Store.

Will the building fall? Apple finally lost the case, an era of lying and making money is over, what is the Apple tax? The little penguin "killed" apple taxes why apples can't collect taxes anymore

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="6" > What is apple tax? </h1>

iPhone users can only download genuine software in Apple's own app store, if you download the software to give money, Apple will take a fee, even if the software is free to download, in the follow-up when you use the software, as long as you recharge through the Apple platform, it will be drawn into thirty percent.

And such two commissions, let Apple win twice, just lying on its own platform there is a steady stream of real gold platinum into the account.

Although Apple has always said that this kind of commission is not the core part of its own revenue, but according to relevant statistics, in 2020, the global application payment exceeded 100 billion US dollars, of which Apple's own app store revenue exceeded 70 billion US dollars, and the Apple App Store is truly the most ruthless printing machine.

Will the building fall? Apple finally lost the case, an era of lying and making money is over, what is the Apple tax? The little penguin "killed" apple taxes why apples can't collect taxes anymore

In recent years, Apple's overall revenue in China is a downward trend, but in the decline, Apple App Store revenue is against the current, like "XX Glory", the daily flow of 200 million yuan, and if you use your iPhone to pay, there are 30% directly into the Apple pocket.

Before Apple announced the abolition of the Apple tax this month, Apple was targeted around the world for unreasonable commissions

On the 25th of last month, South Korea passed a bill to limit apple and Google's unreasonable commissions, and next door Japan had launched an antitrust investigation against Apple a few years ago. Turning to Europe, the Swiss music streaming platform filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple against the European Union in 2019.

It can be said that Apple's unreasonable way of taking a cut has long provoked public anger, forced by this form, in November 2020, Apple announced a change in the percentage of the draw, the proportion of developers with income below $1 million has changed from thirty percent to fifteen percent, and the cancellation of the Apple tax has been foreseen.

Will the building fall? Apple finally lost the case, an era of lying and making money is over, what is the Apple tax? The little penguin "killed" apple taxes why apples can't collect taxes anymore

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="37" > little penguins "kill" apple taxes</h1>

Apple and penguins have a long history of resentment, as early as 2017, because of the tip of the author, Apple to draw thirty percent, penguin on the Apple, in fact, tip is a way for users to reward the author of the article, not counting the developer's profit, and Apple is rudely taking away thirty percent according to the proportion of the developer's commission, which is really difficult to accept.

Last year, Epic Game announced a lawsuit against Apple, and joined forces with a group of software developers to form an "anti-Apple camp" - "App Fair Alliance", and the final result was that with the court ban, Apple opened up a third-party payment platform.

Epic fired the last shot to kill Apple Tax, and guess who the shareholders behind Epic are?


One can't help but sigh that only magic can defeat magic.

No one has ever been able to take advantage of penguins, and Apple is no exception.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="38" > why Apple can't collect taxes</h1>

The apple tax appeared because Apple gave developers a high-quality development platform, initially he provided more people with job opportunities, but with more and more Apple users, now Apple has a feeling of carrying users to make developers, backed by the closed Apple ecology, Apple as long as lying down, can make money, and when the anti-monopoly stick is waved over, the era of earning by sucking commissions has been far away from Apple.

Just held a new generation of iPhone conference, the Internet is full of disappointed voices, from the previous generation of cancellation of charging heads, and then has not been a good solution to the signal problem, although Apple's hardware is more and more "pulled", but Apple's annual revenue has repeatedly reached a new high.

There is no denying that Apple under Cook's leadership is very profitable, but the iPhone hardware is getting worse and worse is also the consensus of users.

With the Chinese mobile phone manufacturers in the international success, Apple crisis, non-progressive enterprises will eventually be eliminated by the times, if Apple only rely on commissions to make money, then by the domestic mobile phone manufacturers beyond, abandoned by their own users, it seems that it is only a matter of time.

Will the building fall? Apple finally lost the case, an era of lying and making money is over, what is the Apple tax? The little penguin "killed" apple taxes why apples can't collect taxes anymore

There is no free lunch in the world, there will be no business to make money, and perhaps only Apple, which has lost the Apple tax, will reflect on what is its core competitiveness as a technology company.

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