
From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

author:Sneak peek at the fast battle

Speaking of Bruce Willis, it is estimated that no one knows, as the top tough guy in Hollywood, he has firmly established his strong position with the "Die Hard" series, as well as "12 Monkeys", "The Fifth Element", "The Sixth Sense", "The End of the World", "Daredevil" and many other commercial blockbusters, and now although he is over sixty years old, he is still in good shape, physical strength, and flesh and blood.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

"Tiger Courage Pursuit", which will land in mainland theaters on September 21, is another action blockbuster starring Bruce Willis, but it is different from the heroic aura of previous roles, and this time he plays Paul, who is an ordinary and ordinary emergency doctor, living with his wife and daughter, a family of three, and enjoying it.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

As we often say, happy families are all similar, unhappy families, but each has its own misfortune. Paul was no exception, his life was so mundane before the disaster. Unexpectedly, a robber's burglary caused his wife to be shot and killed, and his daughter also lost consciousness and was in a coma for a long time. The fate of people is that there are so many misfortunes, a happy and harmonious family, which is instantly fragmented, separated from his wife and daughter, and it is difficult to return to the peace and tranquility of the past.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

Here, Zhan Taifeng had to popularize the place where the story in the film took place - Chicago. It is known to be the notorious capital of crime, with robberies, thefts, homicides, and arson. Living in such a city, not only to learn to protect yourself, but also to work hard to protect the safety of family and property, life is so difficult. Although the evil people are rampant, the police are tired of coping, and the efficiency and rate of solving cases are very low. The same is true of Paul's situation, where there has been no progress in the police station, which has forced him to endure grief and anger, so a strong plan of revenge gradually breeds.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

In fact, speaking of this, we will find that similar plots to avenge relatives are not uncommon in the film industry, such as "Patriots", such as "Illegal Sanctions", such as "Hell Search Line", such as "The Avengers", etc., but the story is similar, the film style has its own advantages, especially after being interpreted by different actors, it shows different temperaments. At least in "Tiger Guts", Bruce Willis is old and strong, mighty and undiminished, the iconic bald head, cold eyes, rough movements, agile hands, bringing us only Bruce's big killing.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

He is not only looking for the murderer who hurt his family, but also began to act as the "punisher" of the city of Chicago, wearing a hoodie, low-key and mysterious, holding a gun, attacking everywhere, and in an instant, becoming the "god of death" with a sense of justice that the whole city pays attention to. From the hatred and hatred at the family level to the "law enforcer" at the social level, the transformation of the doctor Paul can be described as huge, after all, this former angel in white has turned into a criminal nemesis, killing people without blinking, it is also quite stunned.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

Of course, our admiration for "Tiger Courage Pursuit" does not mean that we support his obstinate practice of "lynching and private law". But the movie is a movie after all, and if there is a similarity, it is purely coincidental. After all, in it, we see that too many outlaws have been punished as they deserve, and the wife-killing enemies hidden in the corner have gradually surfaced, how to comfort the deceased, how to return to the world to be fair, Bruce Willis does not smile, and personally gives a tough answer that is relieved and indignant- Fear your life with your life, and never be soft.

From healing the sick to killing people, what did Bruce Willis go through?

From the kind doctor to the killer who practiced marksmanship, perhaps the great change in the family is the fuse of all this, which also ignites the fire of revenge hidden in his heart, as we often say: "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent", watch bruce Willis step by step closer to the truth, close to the goal, the sense of anticipation of watching the movie, and the feeling of anxiety and uneasiness, and gradually reach the peak. This is a refreshing movie with intense action, tense atmosphere, twists and turns, but also pointing to the core of the crime, full of family affection and justice, as the only Hollywood blockbuster in the golden autumn file, it is worth watching.

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