
Akamai EdgeWorkers & EdgeWorkers Programming Grand Prix (EWCC) event

author:Network out to sea

Akamai EdgeWorkers

With EdgeWorkers, Akamai is deploying a JavaScript engine in our secure network —building a massive distributed edge computing network. Caching content at the edge enables faster delivery, and similarly, deploying logic at the edge can speed up execution—always closer to the end users, no matter where they are. EdgeWorkers eliminates high-latency calls to services deployed at the origin or cloud, while providing better security by migrating exposed client logic to the edge.

EdgeWorkers Example

EdgeWorkers allows developers to address multiple challenges programmatically. An integrated key-value store is added, which further increases the likelihood of applications by bringing data to the edge.

Some of the use cases where customers are currently leveraging EdgeWorkers include:

•Advanced caching and traffic routing – Optimize content delivery and improve origin offload capabilities with edge cache key operations and route management.

• Localization and Personalization – Deliver and maintain a personalized customer experience based on device, geographic location, and user data provided by the customer

• Dynamic Content Composition – Deliver the right content to the right users by dynamically combining content from multiple sources

• Insights and key feature integrations - Integrate additional, value-added insights and capabilities into your web experience by incorporating the capabilities of Akamai and our technology partners into your workflow

•Header and Cookie Management - Adjust, reduce or modify headers and cookies to meet user preferences and comply with data compliance laws

• Add third-party content to your website – Leverage third-party services and run their JavaScript at the edge to add high-value features to your website

Akamai EdgeWorkers & EdgeWorkers Programming Grand Prix (EWCC) event

Features of EdgeWorkers

Closer to the user – The massive global serverless computing edge platform that brings you closer to your end users.

Accessible data – Access data locally using Akamai EdgeKV - Data is stored at the edge and can be read at cached speeds.

Faster cold start — Code can be executed on demand on any edge server, and V8 isolation has extremely short cold start times.

Auto-scaling – Automatically scale infrastructure to handle even as traffic continues to grow or spikes.

Greater flexibility – Leverage a serverless computing platform that supports an entire hybrid cloud or multi-cloud environment.

Save more resources – Pay only for what you actually use, without over-allocating resources to handle peak periods and scaling needs.

The benefits of EdgeWorkers for businesses

Innovation - Developers can quickly and iteratively create and deploy new services to resolve issues and custom delivery directly on Akamai's globally distributed platform.

Low-latency computing - EdgeWorkers minimizes the time from request to response by eliminating unnecessary origin calls and associated network hops that cause increased latency.

Just code it — EdgeWorkers enables developers to create their own solutions for routing traffic, personalizing content delivery, and controlling storage capabilities through the use of JavaScript dynamic content composition. Check out our expanding repository of GitHub creative solutions.

Introduction to the EdgeWorkers Programming Grand Prix (EWCC) event

Period: January 15, 2022 - March 15, 2022 (lasting 60 days).

Participants: Akamai customers only and can participate individually or as a team, individually or together.

How to get involved: Develop edge computing use cases that meet current or future business needs and review and rank them by judges after submission.

Criteria: Innovative use cases, industry and business value, and full use of EdgeWorkers and EdgeKV product capabilities.

Qualified Use Cases: Develop and test your use cases using EdgeWorkers, the Akamai Edge Serverless Computing Product, and EdgeKV, the Distributed Edge KV Database Product. Valid use cases meet the following requirements:

1. Working code and demonstration;

2. Have the background of actual industry use scenarios/business needs;

3. A document describing the problem solved and effect of the use case.

EdgeWorkers Programming Grand Prix (EWCC) Event Rewards

The Akamai judging panel will review and evaluate all participant submissions and provide the following rewards:

Champion Prize - The top three participating teams or individuals will receive $10,000, $6,000 and $3,000 respectively, as well as $10,000 worth of free use of EdgeWorkers products

Excellence Award - Ten teams or individuals outside of the top three will receive $5,000 worth of EdgeWorkers product credit.

Individual Awards - In addition to this, there are three special individual awards: Best Safety Use Case Award, Best Performance Use Case Award, and Best Product Feature Use Award, where the contestants and teams will receive the equivalent cash prize.

Akamai provides a secure digital experience for large enterprises around the world. Akamai's Intelligent Edge Platform covers everything from the enterprise to the cloud, ensuring a fast, intelligent, and secure experience for customers and their companies. The world's best brands rely on Akamai's agile solutions to extend the capabilities of their multi-cloud architecture to gain a competitive advantage. Akamai brings decisions, applications, and experiences closer to the user, helping to keep them safe from attacks and threats. Akamai's range of edge security, web and mobile performance, enterprise access, and video delivery solutions are powered by premium customer service, analytics, and 24/7 monitoring.

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