
Musk is on the table again! This time it was because of a few monkeys...

According to Business Insider, Daily Beast and other reports on the 10th, the American Medical Council plans to file a complaint with the US Department of Agriculture on Thursday against Musk's brain chip company Neuralink and the University of California, Davis. The committee said Neuralink's brain-computer experiments were suspected of abusing monkeys, causing them psychological distress and "extreme pain." If the alleged conduct is confirmed, the USDA will impose penalties on Neuralink and the University of California, Davis.

Source: Agence France-Presse

The American Council of Physicians said it had access to more than 700 pages of documentation, including veterinary records and autopsy reports. The records are linked to 23 monkeys owned by Neuralink that were bred and tested at the University of California, Davis from 2017 to 2020.

In its draft complaint, the Physicians Board accused UC Davis and Neuralink of violating nine Animal Welfare Laws.

Some of the animals underwent as many as 10 craniotomys, were tied to chairs for up to five hours a day, or "underwent fatal surgeries."

The complaint also said at least one monkey was euthanized after "the area around the monkey's head implant was infected."

One monkey was recorded as missing fingers and toes, "possibly due to self-harm or some other unspecified trauma." ”

There are also monkeys who have fainted due to exhaustion and have seizures.

"I think Neuralink seems to be very good at marketing and making videos that work in his favor." Jeremy Beckham, research advocacy coordinator for the Physicians Council, said, "The reality is much darker for these animals that are implanted with chips. ”

Neuralink is reportedly developing a device that will be embedded in the human brain to monitor and stimulate brain activity. Musk said last December that Neuralink hopes to start human testing this year.

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