
If you are still confused in 2022, come and read Mr. Luo Xiang's words

author:Fresh graduate job search network

Hello hello audience teachers, here is a small crisp that I haven't seen for a long time and missed it. On the first day of construction, first of all, I would like to say goodbye to everyone in the Year of the Tiger, such as the tiger adding wings, spelling out the future, and the future is worry-free!

As the saying goes, the new year is a new atmosphere, I don't know if the audience teacher has set their own New Year's goals? If not, or in a more confused stage, then please look for some inspiration from Teacher Luo Xiang with Xiao Crisp.

If you are still confused in 2022, come and read Mr. Luo Xiang's words

Speaking of Teacher Luo Xiang, what can you think of? Law professor, B station top 100 UP master, or Zhang San? I believe that everyone has more or less heard the story of the extrajudicial fanatic Zhang San, intentional homicide, traffic accidents, and endangering public safety... Xiao Crisp first knew about Teacher Luo Xiang because she liked to listen to him tell stories, and Xiao Crisp was completely impressed by The personality charm of Teacher Luo Xiang.

Some time ago, Luo Xiang's teacher's top 100 UP main award speech rushed to the hot search, which made people have to sigh what is sober in the world and what is not to forget the original heart.

Teacher Luo Xiang said: "Luck is not an achievement, and the wonderful things you temporarily keep do not belong to you."

Think of the idol stars who continue to collapse in 2021, some people rise from tall buildings, some people feast on guests, some people collapse, a person who has attracted much attention (fire / red) can calmly self-reflection, Luo Xiang's wisdom is worth learning.

First, about self-control

Teacher Luo Xiang said this:

"If my phone isn't turned off, I look at Plato's ideal country, and in five minutes I'll start playing with my phone. Play for two hours and then drop your phone and say, 'How can I be this kind of person!' Then he looked at Plato for ten minutes, and then he did something, and he looked at his phone again. So it needs to be restricted, so I now read books and generally turn off the phone, and I directly smashed the network. ”

I am ashamed to play with my phone while reading a book, and the last person to play with my phone is me... Teacher Luo Xiang's words are simply not too true, who was kidnapped by the mobile phone? Is it the phone's fault? No, it's our own self-control.

If you are still confused in 2022, come and read Mr. Luo Xiang's words

Second, about the wisdom of life

Teacher Luo Xiang hit the heart:

1) "As Questionless West says, we don't need perfection, we need courage, integrity, sincerity and courage from the bottom of our hearts." There are many, many people in this world who are very intelligent, but a wise person is not necessarily wise, and a wise person must be a humble person, and admitting his ignorance is the answer to wisdom. ”

Every time I read Teacher Luo Xiang's words, I have a feeling that my soul has been washed.

2) "Nothing in this world is absolutely right, and nothing is absolutely wrong." And the view itself is absolute!

The world is not black and white, there is no absolute standard, keep independent thinking, silent spiral do not fear isolation.

3) "All the happiness that comes with shortcuts, whether it's money, sex, or fame, will eventually bring you pain." In fact, it is difficult for people to resist temptation, and people can only stay away from temptation, so don't look up to your own concentration. ”

Therefore, we must learn to stay away from temptation, shortcuts are not so easy to follow. Xiao Crisp wants to tell the students who are looking for a job to apply for a job in good faith, don't fake it. If you're interested, you can check out one of our previous articles, "People with "Resume Fraud", what happened to them?" 》

If you are still confused in 2022, come and read Mr. Luo Xiang's words

Third, about the matter of effort

Teacher Luo Xiang suggested:

1. "Who of you has come into this world voluntarily?" Who comes into this world, your parents have asked for your opinion. We are on the stage that is not our choice, and whose life script you choose is whether you are very envious of other people's scripts. Honestly, I sometimes envy other people's scripts, but there is no way, your script is not your choice, you only have to work hard, play your script well. Although it is very painful, as long as you try to act your own script well, there are wonderful things in the pain. ”

A lot of times it's not that we don't know, but that we know but can't do it. Thank you for the teacher's suggestion, it is simply enlightening, I realized.

2) "If your eyes are only focused on the ground, you never know how happy it is to look upwards." ”

3. "The essence of life is to establish a great goal and the determination to achieve it." ”

4. "Every study is for the pursuit of wisdom." ”

If you are still confused in 2022, come and read Mr. Luo Xiang's words

Fourth, about vanity

Teacher Luo Xiang hit the nail on the head:

1) "The poorer a person is, the more he has an inexplicable sense of courage and pride, for the poorer the knowledge, the more absolute what you believe, and you have never heard the opposite point of view." ”

Self-confidence gives strength, narcissism makes people intoxicated, and it is easy to produce vanity.

2) "Vanity brings pain, and vanity is not real." ”

3. "Man is often vain, and after vanity he feels nothingness, and after nothingness, he hopes to fill it with more vanity." Man is constantly torn between vanity and nothingness. ”

Reasoning admires Teacher Luo Xiang very much, and his feelings are worth reading repeatedly, and each time he finishes reading it is a spiritual cleansing. Finally, I end this article with a sentence from Teacher Luo Xiang.

Many important moments in life often come unexpectedly, so the only certainty in life may be an uncertain life. 2022, with the King!

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