
The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

2021 Tokyo Olympic Games, this is the Chinese women's volleyball free man Lin Li's eternal pain in the heart, Lin Li spent 5 years to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games, Fujian women's volleyball team is to support Lin Li to send her to Guangdong women's volleyball team can be tempered at a higher level.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

However, in the end, Lin Li was defeated, and Lang Ping guided the choice to bring only one free person, and this free person was Wang Mengjie, who later performed in the Tokyo Olympic Games. After being eliminated, Lin Li's heart was depressed, but as Lin Li said, her parents told her that the collective interests were greater than the individual, and Lin Li cheered up and accompanied her to play the sparring role of the women's volleyball team, until the women's volleyball team left Tokyo, and Lin Li returned to Fujian alone.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

The women's volleyball team lost to the Tokyo Olympics and did not bring Lin Li with it has also become a regret for many fans. Recently, after the defeat of the Chinese women's volleyball team in Tokyo, it finally completed the competition for the head coach, and cai Bin, the head coach of the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, was successfully elected as the new head coach of the Chinese women's volleyball team. However, in the 71ers training camp roster that came out later, many fans found that the 30-year-old Lin Li was not on the list, indeed, Lin Li was 30 years old, 3 years later in the Paris Olympics, she has been difficult to catch up, perhaps missing the Tokyo Olympics is also her biggest regret.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

However, although she was defeated, Lin Li still did not put down her responsibility for the women's volleyball team, such as the new position that Lin Li embarked on. As we all know, the Beijing Winter Olympics is the sports highlight in China today, but because of the unpopularity of the Winter Olympics, more celebrities and stars are needed to help the public better understand the Winter Olympics and pay attention to the Winter Olympics, and Lin Li has also assumed such responsibilities and become the promotion ambassador of the ice and snow project.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

Becoming a promotion ambassador is busy for Lin Li's holiday, and this new position does not have any salary and remuneration, more is volunteer, but can let more people pay attention to the Winter Olympics as a former Chinese women's volleyball player, and also increase the exposure and attention of the Chinese women's volleyball team through his appearance.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

Although she did not catch the last train of the Olympic Games, Lin Li still paid without regrets, she did not disappoint Lang Ping, but some people let her down.

The women's volleyball team was rebuilt, failed to be selected for the training list, and 30-year-old Lin Li embarked on a new post, and she did not disappoint Lang Ping

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