
Top 3 Considerations for IVF Fertilization Transplants of the Third Generation

In modern society, as the pressure of life and work increases, more and more people suffer from infertility. It is difficult for infertility patients to have children of their own. But the advent of IVF technology has brought them good news. Transplantation is an important step in IVF treatment, so what should I pay attention to before IVF transplantation?

Smoking, drinking alcohol

Alcohol in drinks and nicotine in cigarettes can affect embryo implantation and even directly lead to embryo implantation failure. Therefore, both men and women should quit smoking and alcohol before embryo transfer.

Top 3 Considerations for IVF Fertilization Transplants of the Third Generation


Some drugs may affect the effect of embryo implantation and even directly lead to embryo implantation failure. Therefore, if you take the medicine before the embryo transfer, you should find the attending doctor and take the medicine safely under the guidance of the doctor to avoid accidents.

folic acid

In order to prevent fetal malformations, female friends should take folic acid appropriately before embryo transfer. A maintenance dose of 400 mg per day is recommended. At the same time, you can also eat some nutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and protein.

Top 3 Considerations for IVF Fertilization Transplants of the Third Generation


Exercise can improve people's physical fitness. In order to ensure that the body can meet the standard at the time of transplantation, do some more relaxed exercises before transplantation.


Eat more foods rich in calcium and iron, and iron deficiency is prone to iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency in the middle and late stages of pregnancy. It's too late to supplement after pregnancy, especially in malnourished women. Therefore, before pregnancy, you should eat more fish, milk, cheese, seaweed, beef, pork, eggs, beans and green-yellow vegetables, and store abundant iron and calcium in the body to avoid iron deficiency and calcium after pregnancy.

Top 3 Considerations for IVF Fertilization Transplants of the Third Generation

Embryo transfer is one of the most critical steps in the IVF cycle because it is directly related to the success or failure of the entire treatment process. Therefore, in the embryo transfer process, female friends should not only actively cooperate with the doctor, but also pay more attention.

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