
Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

author:Daily cards

Yesterday's sudden wargame update made many viewers who already knew nothing about the new version of wargame even more confused.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

With 31 partner adjustments and many partners undergoing major changes, who can gain a foothold in the new environment of wargame? What hero do you want to score? What routine to play? Maybe it has become something that many viewers want to know. In fact, if you want to score points during this time and want to have fun, those heroes and routines that have not been modified and are not low in intensity are the best choice.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Today's card sauce will bring you a set of stable rotten points, and it does not need too many operations at all, it can be a "double thread" routine, and the queen is a stream.

The first is today's protagonist, Queen Vatogor.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Remember that in a previous update, the Queen's skills were adjusted, allowing her to briefly ascend to the first place in the wargame, but after the skill was weakened again, the Doghead Queen disappeared.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Now, with the blessing of her wargame partners, the queen has risen again!

Queen Vatogor's wargame companion, the Elder Tagwag, triggers your hero skill whenever you use a Companion type of Companion card that you have not yet controlled.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

The Queen's Hero skill is to make each Companion type gain +1+1 for each Companion Companion.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Suppose we have 4 retinues of different races on the field, then every time we use the retinue of the fifth race, it is +4+4, a small carré, and after the partner is golden, it is a golden carré.

In order to maximize the effect of the wargame partner, a stream is the most suitable way to play for this hero. Choose a few 1 embryos with strength and start brushing the figure.

The more recommended cards for cultivation are Dog Robot, Colorful Dragon, and Blood Demon, which earn the most after the BUFF.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

The most recommended here is in the innings without fishmen (preferably without beasts), as this genre is very afraid of poison.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

The Queen's Stream is best used in bureaus with elements, because two elements of 1 book, 1 refresh deformity, can refresh the tavern for free, and the other financial element does not occupy the grid, and can also trigger buff twice. It is most appropriate to use the elements to feed the remaining 4 types of followers.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

As we said at the beginning, this game is very brainless, due to the 1 stream, the early use of the skill BUFF, will not drop blood, the entourage attack power is high, can get the wargame partner earlier. After getting the partner, you can start looking for monsters to brush BUFF, and the combat strength of each turn is steadily improved, which is basically a bad point.

It must be noted that if you want to play the Queen's stream, you must control the hand that wants to upgrade, unless it is final, never upgrade. Remember.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

In the final round, you can look for pendants such as Xiao Huang and Ghoul

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

22 Taunt Resurrection is also a companion to choose from in the final round, and you can card your opponent's red suit and other followers.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Let's take a game a few days ago by Wa Niang as an example, this game ban wild boar man, demon, fish man, Wa Niang chose the embryo of the machine, pirate, dragon, beast.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

At the beginning of the 8-fee round, you get a wargame partner. Then start brushing your body with the elements.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

At the end of one turn, each race is +6+6.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

At the end of the 9-fee round, each race is +10+10, and in the 9-fee round this figure can be said to be an invincible existence.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

With the Golden Entourage, the combat strength is even more rapidly improved, and at the end of 12 rounds, the mechanical dogs, athletes, and earth dogs have all reached a figure of 70+.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

In 15 rounds, the figure of the 3 big brothers reached 100+, at which time Wa Niang rose to double the attack of the doubling dragon.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

The final against the mechanical girl is also a big win, but still a small probability of 19.8 was carried away.....

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Although Wa Niang finally lost this round with a small probability that the group was carried away, but the tile this one still belongs to the very Hu, generally speaking, this genre is the same as Gua Sha, the rotten points are easy, it is difficult to eat chicken as ascending to the sky, and the intensity of the later period is gradually unable to keep up.

A few days ago, there was a Tianhu Grandma Card, and in the later stage, he met the Doghead Queen, who had already walked several times at that time, and the Doghead Queen was still full of blood. But after a few rounds, the queen was carried away.

Wargame's latest brainless on the genre! 1 book for all members, 1 book for the whole process, can you also hang everyone?

Therefore, for "dog gambling" players, the dog-headed queen's stream may not be so attractive, but for those of you who want to score points and want to experience a monster to become a super monster, you can try this routine! Definitely the strongest on the genre after the patch!

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