
Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants

author:Forward-looking warranty

In real life, many people will not only do one job in a lifetime, it is rare to be able to work for more than 10 years, and it is common to work for 3 to 5 years.

This is especially true of the insurance industry under the pressure of performance indicators.

In the insurance industry, you probably never thought about what it would be like to work in insurance marketing for the rest of your life.

Most of you and I are more likely to work with a "try it" mentality, and when we encounter a bottleneck, we will have the idea of turning around and leaving.

In fact, the insurance industry is an industry with great social value and great prospects, which is worth our lifelong struggle and dedication.

Have you thought about it?

What would you gain if you were to do lifelong insurance?

undertaking? The value of life? wealth?

We can read the value of lifelong practice from The predecessors of the industry such as Mei Di, Solomon, Shen Weican, lu Wenxiang and so on.

These stories may help us to get through the difficulties in front of us, and to step over the past is a new world.

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants


Insurance Industry "Forever World No. 1"

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants

May D

Grandpa Merdy entered the industry in 1955 and fought for the insurance industry all his life, becoming a legend and model of the world insurance industry.

He is diligent, sincere and supreme, and has perseverance beyond ordinary people.

At the age of 97, he still maintains his working habits for decades:

Get up at 4:30 every day, enter the office before 7 o'clock to start work, serve customers in the afternoon...

He persisted in this work habit for 64 spring and autumn until the last moment of his life.

During his long career, he was awarded the National Senior Medal and was inducted into the Who's Who in the United States for his outstanding performance and noble personality;

It enjoys the reputation of "the godfather of insurance" and is widely respected and loved in the world insurance industry.

In fact, Grandpa Merdy is already a billionaire, and he also receives an endless stream of high annuity insurance premiums, and does not need to rely on policy commissions to live at all.

And he insists on fighting for the insurance cause all his life, only because of a sincere heart that "hopes to bring protection to thousands of households" and his obsession with insurance.

He said:

Insurance is the most beautiful gift God has ever given to mankind. I believe that the insurance marketing work we do is the most wonderful, awesome and satisfying job and golden cause in the world.

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants


"American Insurance King"

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants


Solomon Hicks has been in the insurance industry for over 50 years and has over 10,000 clients.

With only about 12 weeks of work a year, he can meet the standards of MDRT toRT membership in the United States.

However, his success was not achieved overnight, but accumulated step by step.

Solomon came from a poor background and grew up in a racist environment.

In the second week of his insurance marketing career, he was nearly fired because his supervisor found out he didn't have a phone and a car.

Later, however, he became the best practitioner ever in The Life of Prudential.

Today, he has passed the age of ancient rarity, and he is still fighting for the cause he loves.

Someone once asked him why he hadn't retired, and he replied, "I'm not an old man!" I'm young, strong, and passionate. ”

It is this optimism and passion for insurance that makes him more and more courageous in the industry and enjoys his work.

He said:

Many people come to this world without understanding the value and mission of their lives, and I have always believed that my mission is to serve everyone, and doing these things every day makes me feel very happy and fulfilled.

I believe that the achievement of life is not the pursuit of money, but the use of one's own ability to help more people.

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants


Founder of IDA's Thousand Talents Team South Kowloon Team

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants

Shen Weican

Mr. Shen Weican started in 1972 and has been engaged in insurance marketing for half a century.

In his long career, he has worked diligently and made many achievements in treating the insurance business with a long-term vision and a broad pattern.

Among them is the creation of a team of more than 3,000 people who have been a business legend for 39 years, the South Kowloon Team of Manulife Insurance in Hong Kong, China.

Over the years, Mr. Shen has deeply rooted the ethics in the blood of every partner in South Kowloon and set an example for himself.

Take care of and educate each partner like a father loves his children, so that partners can feel the warmth and peace of mind like a family in Kowloon South.

At the same time, he passed on the ethical spirit of the team from generation to generation, thus shaping the same root culture of the team.

He has helped countless partners find joy, interest and long-term value in their work.

Today, Mr. Shen is past his old age and still leads the South Kowloon team to create the history of the world's first IDA thousand-person team in 2021.

With his lifelong dedication, he has won the love of thousands of partners and the respect of the insurance industry.

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants


"The mountains are high and the mountains are not cold"

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants

Lu Wenxiang

In 1969, the 36-year-old Lu Wenxiang joined the insurance industry, promoted all the way from a grass-roots salesman, and then accepted a further employment after retirement.

Even though she is in her eighties, she is still energetically fighting in the front line of life insurance marketing.

Her peers are at home teasing their grandchildren and nurturing them, but she is as busy with her career as young people every day and enjoys it tirelessly.

She believes that how far and how long practitioners can go on the road of insurance depends on how deeply enthusiastic they are for the cause and whether their attitude is correct.

Because of her strong belief in the industry, she insists on working passionately every day.

She believes in her own existence, which can set an example for the industry to never accept defeat and work for life, so that more people can embark on the broad road of life insurance life.

Merdy: Insurance is the best gold cause in the world! The story of 4 world insurance giants

The above four predecessors are all industry models who won the "World Chinese Insurance Lifetime Achievement Award", which is the highest honor.

They have served in the insurance industry all their lives, not only harvesting high income and high status, but also harvesting an extremely meaningful life, achieving great value, which is worth following and learning from thousands of insurance practitioners.

*Articles are compiled from the Insurance Marketing magazine book. *

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