
PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction


When PingCode Wiki was first published, it was intended to become a knowledge management system for industry and research organizations. Through the structure of high-value information, the formation of a complete organizational knowledge system. Through convenient sharing and dissemination, it is easy to improve the efficiency of knowledge circulation and better achieve organizational and individual achievements.

Collaborative office is an irreversible trend in the Internet age, and the asynchronous/heterogeneous contribution brought by multi-person collaborative editing is undoubtedly very effective, it makes the team members do not need to get together for the same project, thus helping the team achieve the goal of increasing work efficiency.

Here's a brief introduction to the capabilities of the PingCode Wiki.

01 Multi-person real-time collaborative editing

More stable multi-person co-editing

The multiplayer online editing conflict problem is a challenge for all knowledge bases/online documents. Compared to most products on the market, PingCode Wiki has greatly improved the stability of multiplayer online editing at the technical level through the new solution. In particular, complex network conditions, such as network jitter and delay, effectively ensure that data is not lost in the case of merger and conflict handling.

Real-time awareness transfer

In addition to stability, PingCode Wiki, like Feishu documents and Tencent documents, achieves real-time awareness transmission (collaborator cursor); personnel can perceive the editing position of collaborators in real time, effectively avoiding the chance of editing conflicts.

PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction

Efficient asynchronous/heterogeneous collaboration

Traditionally, the office has local equipment as the core, so people will be constrained by time, space and other factors at the same time, involving multi-person collaboration, remote communication is very inefficient, and information can not be stored and updated in real time. These user pain points are the core values and advantages of PingCode Wiki.

The latest version of the PingCode Wiki provides multi-person, multi-device simultaneous online editing, and the content is synchronized and automatically saved in real time, and everyone sees the latest version, which can effectively improve the efficiency of multi-person collaboration.

PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction

02 Structured precipitation of a complete body of knowledge

By establishing a knowledge base, information and accumulated knowledge assets can be preserved, the circulation of internal information and knowledge can be accelerated, and the sharing of internal knowledge within the organization can be realized. The general knowledge base solution often faces the problems of difficult deployment of new systems, difficulty of transferring existing knowledge, difficulty of getting started by users, and difficulty of multi-hardware platform collaboration.

The PingCode Wiki is an online enterprise-grade knowledge base that works out of the box and makes it very convenient and efficient for users to build and use the enterprise knowledge base.

Like what:

  • Provide a structured knowledge base to record information and knowledge, and each team can create a dedicated knowledge base;
  • Unlimited storage space, permanent storage of multiple types of content;
  • Support PC, mobile, etc.;
  • Support full-text search to quickly find the knowledge documents you want;
  • Supports migration of external knowledge base content to the PingCode Wiki.
PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction

03 Deeply correlate each work item in the R&D process

In the past, documentation tools and R&D management tools were often separated, or documents were produced through the basic editing capabilities of R&D management tools. In addition, the development process documentation is often cross-team.

Therefore, the precipitation and management of knowledge and experience in research and development work are often very difficult.

For example, the most typical: as long as the personnel position changes, the time is slightly longer, the previous functional documents and other information are difficult to find. In order to solve this problem, some large companies will even set up a special development document management position.

Different from Feishu documents and Tencent documents, PingCode Wiki is not only a knowledge base tool, but also an important part of the pingcode product matrix of intelligent R&D management tools, and its content page can be associated with every work item in the R&D process.

So as to achieve the effect of efficient precipitation management and convenient reuse of development documents, and avoid a series of problems such as document loss and separation between tools caused by personnel changes.

PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction

Therefore, pingcode wiki is a knowledge base tool that is more suitable for production and research teams.

04 The team communicates and interacts in depth

In the process of collaborative editing, for document collaboration between different departments, or other situations that are inconvenient to modify documents directly.

PingCode Wiki provides the function of @ colleagues, but also supports cross-commenting, page notifications, inserting multiple elements in the document, and associating pages, so that the communication between teams is more adequate, the interaction is simpler, and the collaboration efficiency is effective.

PingCode Wiki - the most top domestic production and research team knowledge base product introduction

In addition to the above-mentioned capabilities, PingCode Wiki also has a lot of useful features, such as: rich template library, support for markdown syntax, support for one-click to open the presentation mode, and so on.

In the era of knowledge economy, how to make full use of the knowledge assets of enterprises, accelerate the flow of information, and increase the competitiveness of enterprises is a challenge faced by every knowledge-based enterprise.

It is in this context, combined with our understanding of the research and development team's research and development management pain points, that the PingCode Wiki was launched and continuously polished and upgraded.

In the future, we will continue to expand the capabilities of wikis, including enhanced editing functions, refinement of permissions, external sharing, etc., so as to achieve structured precipitation of high-value information, form a complete knowledge system of the organization, improve the efficiency of knowledge circulation, and better achieve organizations and individuals.


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