
Let nanfangwa fall in love with ice and snow sports

author:Bright Net

【My Ice and Snow Love】

Let nanfangwa fall in love with ice and snow sports

Narrator: Xia Zhaowei, a teacher at Guiyang No. 3 Experimental Middle School

When I went from Jilin Baishan to the south to go to college, I never thought that I would continue the ice and snow in 20 years.

Let nanfangwa fall in love with ice and snow sports

Guiyang Experimental No. 3 Middle School students conduct curling training in ice and snow electives. Photo by Qu Honglun/Guangming Pictures

In 2005, I was admitted to Guiyang No. 3 Experimental Middle School as a teacher. Although thousands of miles away, the ice and snow of the hometown often appear in dreams. My hometown of Baishan is the land of ice and snow, and almost everyone smokes ice monkeys and plays "out of the slippery". My major in physical education has nothing to do with ice and snow, but the "ice and snow physique" that northeasterners bring with me allows me to control skiing and skating freely. It's just a pity that in guiyang in the southwest, these skills are useless.

I thought I would never play snow skating in my life, but the Winter Olympic fever gave me a new starting point for my career. The call to "bring 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" awakened the ice and snow dream in my heart. In 2019, I approached school leaders and proposed an elective in ice and snow sports. Unexpectedly, with little to no trouble, the school quickly made a decision to support my proposal, which touched me very much. Not long after, indoor skiing and land curling were officially on the curriculum of Guiyang Experiment No. 3, and Guiyang Experimental No. 3 middle school also became the first middle school in Guiyang to carry out ice and snow sports.

Will children in the South love sports in the North? At first, I was still a little nervous, but I didn't expect that as soon as the class selection notice was issued, more than half of the students in each class signed up. Although Guiyang does not have ice and snow, Guiyang Wa's enthusiasm for ice and snow is not lost at all to Northeast Wa! In the first semester, more than 300 students took land curling classes. Because there were too many people who signed up, in the end, they could only take a combination of physical fitness tests and lottery, and select 10 students from each class to attend the class.

Curling is both elegant and intense, physical and mental strength can be exercised, children are very fascinated, but the threshold of this sport is not low, and the investment is not small. At first, the school did not have a special training venue, and because of the ugliness, it was simple to use amateur slides. The children's enthusiasm for ice and snow sports infected the school leaders, and in 2020, the school invested millions of yuan to build a professional training hall and purchased a professional slide. Conditions have improved, and children have cherished opportunities more and learned more seriously.

Last year, Guiyang City designated our school to form a representative team to participate in the winter project land curling of the 11th Guizhou Provincial Games, and we carefully selected more than 20 students to prepare for the competition. In order not to delay their studies, these students only have four or five hours of training time per week, but everyone works very hard and makes rapid progress. Although southern children have not been educated from an early age, their understanding of curling is not worse than that of northern children. On January 17 this year, they represented Guiyang City in the land curling event of the Provincial Games and won the third place.

The first time they participated in the provincial competition, the children were not afraid of the stage, and their mental outlook and collective sense of honor left a deep impression on the judges. Team member Tang Yijie broke his elbow, and everyone advised him to rest, but he insisted on participating in the game. The students who participated in curling training generally improved their academic performance, which they did not expect.

We are now a special school of Guiyang Ice and Snow Project, and there is an endless stream of brother schools that come to visit and learn, and almost all of them want to add ice and snow courses after watching it. We are currently planning to carry out a land hockey project and strive to become a demonstration middle school for the "North Snow South Exhibition".

(Guangming Daily reporters Lu Shen and Chen Guanhe interviewed and sorted out)

Guangming Daily ( 2022-02-11 09 edition)

Source: Guangming Network - Guangming Daily

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