
The more low you are, the more you should not be idle

author:Emotional sleepers
The more low you are, the more you should not be idle

Have you ever seen someone crying on the subway? I've seen it. Some time ago, on the crowded subway, a girl in formal clothes caught my attention, and she was holding on to her sadness while tugging on the handlebars. But after a while, her tears came out of her eyes, although she was careful not to cry.

Why she is sad, I don't know, but I understand that adult life has never been easy, or lost love, or work is not smooth... In the seemingly calm life, there are always one low after another that we need to cross.

I saw a question on the Internet: "35 years old unemployed, the pressure is huge, what to do?" One of the high-praise replied to impress me: "I am the same age as you, and I am unemployed." Being unemployed doesn't mean there's nothing to do. What I didn't want to do before and what I didn't have time to do can now be done. I contacted a few friends, took on some scattered projects, and earned some living expenses while submitting resumes. ”

The more low you are, the more you should not be idle. There is no absolute dilemma in this world, only you who are unwilling to take the initiative to come out. The so-called trough period is actually like an abyss, tired, confused, anxious, sad, and painful. If you are unwilling to put it into action and change, you will only continue to fall and fall into the abyss. Only by bravely climbing upwards can we leave the darkest moments of life.

The more low you are, the more you should not be idle

Whenever I encounter a low point in life, I think of a saying I once read: "When a fisherman can't catch a fish, he mends his net." "In this seemingly stagnant period, you can rest, but please don't do nothing.

Someone asked, "How can people really improve their sense of self-affirmation?" See a very reasonable answer: "Increase what you like to do, and distract yourself from the objects you can rely on mentally." "The more low you are, the more you have to do what you like, which is a virtuous circle.

Friend Xiaoming unfortunately suffered from depression, although he has been actively treated, but the effect has always been unsatisfactory. At the suggestion of a psychiatrist, he began to learn to draw. Although the painting was terrible at first, she enjoyed the process of painting. After a period of time, the effect of depression on her was significantly reduced, and his painting level also improved greatly. Now, she's about to publish her first album.

"Liking" this thing is very vain, but sometimes it can really help a person out of the trough. Amateur or professional, remember to look for things you love to do and turn negative emotions and stress into your motivation. When you are immersed in it, where is there room for negative emotions to enter your world?

The more low you are, the more you should not be idle

The more low you are, the more you have to rely on yourself. Fa Xiao A Rui is an only child, who has lived a carefree life under the care of his parents since childhood. But not long ago, his father suddenly died of lung cancer. At the funeral, his mother cried and said to him, "In the future, this family will depend on you." He said yes, but turned his head and collapsed. Later, he confessed that the reason for the collapse was half sad, and half was that he finally saw the responsibility and pressure on his body.

He began to learn to buy vegetables and cook, and in order to improve his living conditions, he changed to a more challenging job, ran the business every day with his feet on the ground, and supported a home on his shoulders.

There's a saying that goes like this: "After the storm, you don't remember how you survived, and you're not even sure if the storm is really over." But one thing is certain, when you get through the storm, you're long gone. "Not all tiredness has someone to accompany you, not all suffering has someone to help you, and it must be yourself who pulls you up from the abyss."

In this life, people will always encounter various difficulties, and only by facing it, accepting it, and changing it can we gain something from it. Good times can help people succeed, but adversity can also stimulate people's potential.

There is a word called "rolling stone without moss", which means that there will be no moss on rolling stones. Life is also, as long as you can continue to move forward, you will not always be at a low point.

Whatever you're going through right now, whether what you're giving now is rewarded, don't panic, don't worry, give yourself a little time, give yourself a chance in the future.

May you have the courage to get out of the trough, and the strength to compete with life.

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