
Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

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Author: Battle Flash

According to media reports, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova pointed out in an exclusive interview a few days ago that by any scientific standard, the United States is continuing to "occupy" Germany, and this NATO ally of the United States has handed over all sovereignty to Washington and has been deprived of the right to speak on issues such as the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project. On the 7th, during German Chancellor Scholz's visit to Washington, US President Biden was talking about closing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. In response, Zakharova pointed out that long after the end of the Cold War, Berlin is still under washington's control. "In any case, Germany is still an occupied country: 30,000 Americans (soldiers) are stationed there," she said. In Zakharova's view, the rest of Europe is not much better. She noted that U.S. leaders lined up NATO members in Europe and ordered countries to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product to cover military spending or be punished. Zakharova said, "That's what they say to everybody. "She believes that Russia, China and several other countries have refused to follow orders from [the United States].

Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

It has been more than 70 years since the end of World War II, the world has united, defeated the aggressors such as Germany, Italy and Japan, and indeed won a long period of peace, at least there has been no large-scale world war, but a new problem has also emerged, that is, the dragon slayer boy will eventually become a dragon. And the United States is once a dragon slayer teenager. It is undeniable that in World War II, the United States played a very important role, both in promoting the surrender of Japan and the victory over Germany.

Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

What happened later was also very clear: the United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony, the Soviet Union failed, and entered the world of the United States as a monopoly. Since then, almost all the important wars in the world have been waged under the leadership of the United States, which once made an important contribution to world peace and stability; today, the United States has become the greatest threat to world peace and stability. As Zakharova said, Germany is an occupied power, but there are also Japan, South Korea, and even many countries where U.S. troops are stationed. When the United States, in the name of security, unscrupulously infiltrates these countries politically and economically, and even begins to interfere in the sovereignty of other countries, it becomes the dragon. In fact, even if these countries need to have troops, they should be multinational coalitions in the name of the United Nations, not the U.S. military.

Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

In other words, the reason why the United States stationed troops in these countries was deliberate, for its own selfish interests, and no longer for world peace. Now that more than 70 years have passed, and the once most powerful rival, the Soviet Union, has disintegrated, the United States is still unwilling to cede the power it has acquired to the United Nations, but wants to be the only one and dominate the whole world. It has to be said that the United States is really close to its set goal, because no one can stop its steps except for a few countries such as China and Russia; however, it is also far from the goal of hegemony, because no country is willing to accept the domination of other countries, even if it is an ally of the United States, as long as there is an opportunity, they will definitely stand up and resist to the end.

Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

Thus, Zakharova's words break the essence of the relationship between the United States and its allies, that is, occupation, control, and the United States is trying to force other countries to obey their orders through a paramilitary means, or other means. But in fact, this is not in line with legal reason, because there is equality between countries, and it is unacceptable that the United States cannot construct a higher right to order other countries beyond national sovereignty. Pessimistically, the United States is bent on this wrong path, vowing to be the dragon that was once killed by its own hands.

Dragon slayer boy eventually becomes a dragon? After defeating Germany and Japan and defeating the Soviet Union, the United States became the world's master

At present, China and Russia are doing their best to persuade the United States to return to the right track of international relations and not to try to provoke conflicts and wars anymore, and if it can listen to persuasion and put an end to it, it is best; otherwise, the evil dragons of this new era must be slaughtered, and there is no other way.

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