
The recognition of the soul

author:Strange curtain long
The recognition of the soul

Everyone will have a special relationship, usually two or three or even four people. They appeared in different eras. They travel far and wide in time to reunite with you across vast spaces. They came from the other side, from heaven. Although they appear in different guises, your heart can recognize them.

As early as the moonlit Egyptian deserts, and the mongolian plains of ancient times, you held them in your arms with your hands.

You rode with the warrior whose name is no longer remembered, and you relied on each other in the ancient cave that was almost submerged by flying sand. Whether in the past or in this life, you have always been closely linked, and you are never alone.

Your stubborn mind may intervene, "I don't know you!" "But your soul has long known.

When he first holds your hand, he touches the memory, and immediately transcends time and space through every cell of your body, making you tremble.

She stares into your eyes, your stomach churns, your arms are goosebumps, and everything on the outside suddenly becomes irrelevant.

He may not recognize you yet, even though you've been reunited, and you've even recognized him. You will feel the connection between you, you will see the potential and the future, but he knows nothing. His fear, his intellect, his doubts like a veil covering the eyes of his heart, he would not let you help him remove the veil. You grieve and mourn, and he remains with me. Fate can be so mysterious.

Once the two recognize each other, the passion trumps the eruption, overwhelming, and the energy released is spectacular.

The recognition of the soul can be done in an instant. A sudden sense of familiarity and intimacy, or an immediate deep understanding of the person in front of you that is far beyond the reach of the conscious mind, is as familiar as the closest family member, or even deeper.

Intuitively, you know what to say and how the other person will react. This sense of security and trust is definitely not something that can be created by just spending a day or two together, a week, or a month.

The process of soul recognition can also be extremely subtle and slow. When the veil that blinded the eyes of the soul was slowly lifted, the dawn of cognition suddenly appeared. Not everyone is mentally prepared to see it clearly.

In the process of brewing, in order to achieve the best results, the first party to see must patiently wait for the other party's response.

It dawns on you that what your soul mate has seen may be a look, a dream, a sudden memory, or some special feeling.

What awakens you may be the instantaneous contact with the palm or lips of the other person, and your soul is completely returned to the body.

Awakening your contact may come from your children, parents, siblings, best friends, or from a partner who has been in your heart for hundreds of years, and he/she gives you another affectionate kiss, reminding you that you have been together until the end of time.