
"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives


The New Year was supposed to be a day of joy and family reunion, but his friend Xiao Yi fell ill at this time and was admitted to the intensive care unit.

So much so that neither he nor his family had a good year.

The reason for this is that Xiao Yi "did" it himself.

Xiao Yi works in the field all year round, only in the New Year will go home, once back friends, relatives of the meal will come to the table, Xiao Yi ate the next meal, in the face of chicken and duck, shrimp and crab and other delicacies, Xiao Yi failed to control himself, overeating has become the norm.

After drinking and eating, Xiao Yi did not have the habit of exercising, either nestled on the sofa to play mobile games, or lying on the bed to brush vibrato.

In the end, Xiao Yi paid the price for his "indulgence".

On the morning of the second day of the Chinese New Year, Xiao Yi suddenly had severe pain in his abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and went to the hospital to check for acute pancreatitis, and was immediately sent to the ICU for emergency treatment.

Not knowing the result of self-control is to be approached by disease, even life-threatening.

Fortunately, the medical treatment was sent in time, and Xiao Yi was in danger.

There is a saying in "The Road Few People Walk": "The first solution to life's problems is self-discipline." Without this link, you cannot solve any troubles and difficulties. ”

Self-disciplined people, do something and do not do something, live transparently, calmly, and have more possibilities in life.

People who are not self-disciplined, do not know how to stop at the right time, live in a mess, soldiers and horses, and constantly test at the edge of the cliff.

Self-discipline and non-self-discipline, living a very different life.

Those who are really powerful often start with self-discipline.

But these 3 things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

Control your desires

Zhou Guoping said: "As long as a person is willing to restrain his desires and is satisfied with a relatively simple life, the territory of life will be wider." ”

Many times, life is full of troubles, not to have too little, but to want too much.

Desire is a bottomless pit, and the more greedy you are, the more you desire dissatisfaction, the more you lose.

Some time ago, a piece of news rushed to Weibo's hot search.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

A 22-year-old girl in Guangzhou, who recently felt unwell, immediately went to a nearby hospital for examination.

Unexpectedly, she was diagnosed with primary liver cancer, and the doctor immediately operated on her and cut off half of her liver.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

This story really makes people break out in a cold sweat.

According to doctors' diagnosis and speculation, there are many reasons for such serious consequences.

Girls originally have hepatitis B, but as long as they take good care of themselves, it is not a big problem, but the girl's life is extremely irregular.

Usually at home, girls hardly cook, call for takeaway every day, and often order greasy and heavy food at night. To make matters worse, she left work late, did not sleep when she came home, and often stayed up until two or three o'clock in the morning, or even four or five o'clock.

Indulging in lust for a while is actually self-internal consumption, and for a long time, even the iron body cannot hold back.

There is nothing wrong with people having desires, but blindly self-indulgence will quickly ruin a person's life.

And those who are really smart tend to know more about moderation.

Actor Sun Li, who is close to 40 years old, is the mother of two children.

But the figure did not see any traces of happiness, dressed up to show youthful vitality, and the years seemed to slow down in her.

In fact, time is never merciless, and only if you are moderate enough to yourself can you get more feedback.

She insists on going to bed early and getting up early and never staying up late, eating vegetarian every Monday is her habit of not moving, and simply roasting carrots with red date water is her dinner.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

In addition, Sun Li also insisted on sports, running, hanging parallel bars, punching... Even when the crew was busy filming, they did not stop.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

A person with strong self-control can live a wonderful and beautiful life, high-level and free.

Chen Daoming said: "I think temperance is the greatest enjoyment of life, the release of materials and the release of spirit are very easy, but the difficult thing is moderation. ”

Desire is human instinct, but everything has a degree, if it is not controlled, it will eventually make us unable to bear its weight and eat the consequences.

Instead of becoming a prisoner of desire, learn to take control of yourself. There is a bottom line to keep in the heart, and there is a way to go in life.

The wall stands tall, and the desireless is rigid. Let go of the desire for external objects, not over-indulge, a person can be physically and mentally comfortable.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

Put away excess worries

The writer Tan Jin wrote in "You Just Think Too Much": "All the unbearable and troublesome is just the narcissism and masochism of the bow and snake shadow, and all the worries and doubts are all their own reasons." ”


In life, we always have many worries about the present and the future.

When the heart cannot be calm, it is easy to numb yourself with the short pleasure of indulgence.

As everyone knows, some wind and rain may not come, but you think too much.

Know the netizen @ Feng Yue, shared her story.

When she first started working, she paid attention step by step and always paid attention, lest she upset her colleagues.

But once, colleagues were talking very happily, and as soon as she entered, there was no sound around her.

She thought her colleagues were talking about her behind her back, and she began to wonder if she had done something wrong, or if she was not pleasing in the first place.

This left her in anxiety, sullen and worried all day, and her work frequently went wrong.

Later, she learned that someone had proposed a party that day, and everyone was discussing which store to eat, but she entered just in time for the end of the conversation.

It turned out that all the worries were just her "one-man show".

There was a psychologist who did such an experiment.

He asked the experimenter to write down the troubles of the next 7 days and put them into the "trouble box".

After three weeks, I opened the box and checked with the experimenter, only to find that 90% of the troubles did not occur.

Feng Tang said: "I don't think much about it, and I am happy." In other words, happiness is not thinking too much. ”

Sometimes, thinking too much is like worrying about the world, but just asking for trouble.

If you worry more, then life will be bitter and sweeter; if you are calm, then life will be full of mountains and rivers.

Only when the heart is broad, not happy with things, not sad with oneself, can we have the energy to enjoy the joy of life.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

Quit procrastination

I have heard the saying: "Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear." ”

We tend to think too much and forget how to act.

The more hesitant you are, the more anxious you become.

Procrastination is the cause of most problems in life.

TikTok blogger @ his daily life, talked about his own personal experience.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

Whenever he was ready to start doing things, he couldn't concentrate, and any movement of grass would attract his attention.

The room that has not been tidyed up for many days, the sweet potatoes that are about to sprout...

After solving these, he felt a little tired, decided to rest on the sofa for a while, so he picked up the mobile phone, originally wanted to just look at it, and then brushed Weibo to brush vibrato, and then sent a circle of friends by the way, a day passed like this, but the copywriting only opened a head.

What was supposed to be done that day was dragged by him to tomorrow, and the things of tomorrow were piled together, followed by anxiety and panic.

Tomorrow after tomorrow, tomorrow is a matter of time; procrastination and procrastination, things can never be done.

There is a saying: "There is no difficulty in working hard in the world, and everything in the world is rested." ”

Fang Hongbo, the president of Midea, when he first entered Midea, was an ordinary office worker.

Once, the boss He Hengjian asked everyone to go to 12 cities to do market research.

Many colleagues think that this job is bitter and tired, so they find various reasons to drag on, only Fang Hongbo began to prepare from the first day of receiving the task.

In the end, he was the only employee to run through all 12 cities.

After He Hengjian knew, he was very satisfied with Hongbo's attitude towards things, and gradually began to entrust him with heavy responsibilities.

Zeng Guofan said in his family letter: "When a mortal does something, he must pay full attention to this matter, and make unremitting efforts; he cannot see different thoughts, and do this and think like that." Man is eternal, and he has achieved nothing in his life. ”

Procrastination is like a boiled frog in warm water, immersing people in a short comfort zone and unable to extricate themselves, but in fact, the problem is never solved, and things will only accumulate more and more.

In the end, life is crowded, life is constantly suffering, there are always things that cannot be done, and there are strange circles that cannot be walked.

The wind rises at the end of Qingping, and the waves form at the time of the slight waves.

To be a person and do things, you need to have the ability to act, do not delay and be lazy, in order to achieve great success.

"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

There is a saying in "The Age of Awakening": "In this impetuous era, only self-disciplined people can stand out and achieve great things." ”

The strong have a bottom line in doing things, know how to self-discipline, do not indulge, and do not overdo it. Only those who can control themselves have the ability to control life.

Desire is not excessive, not excessive pursuit of fame and profit, leaving room for everything, so as not to be enslaved by desire;

Worry too much, throw away excess worries and doubts, will be more pure and calm;

Action is not delayed, ten thousand fantasies are not as good as one action, and the unity of knowledge and action will make life wonderful.

When the water is full, it overflows, and the moon is profitable, and only by learning to relax and be moderate, can life be truly complete.

For the rest of your life, may you be strict with yourself and be a person with a pure and abundant heart.

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"On the second day of the New Year, I lay in the hospital ICU": These three things have become the most difficult self-discipline in our lives

Author: The Rest of His Life

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