
We will not slacken our efforts towards a common and beautiful future

author:Bright Net

Author: Wang Zuhong (Party School of Jilin Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China)

In his 2022 New Year's message, President Xi Jinping highly condensed the great achievements of the party's unity and leadership of the Chinese people, praised "countless ordinary heroes struggling hard and gathered into a torrent of China's high spirits in the new era", Yin Yin sent a message of good prospects, and issued a call to us, "Let's go to the future together", guiding the direction of stirring people's hearts. Only by working hard and unswervingly can we live up to history, the times, and the people.

History has always favored only the tide and the strivers, and the future is the continuation of the thick history and the struggle of the present dynasty. Once upon a time, this land was full of devastation, wars were frequent, people lived in poverty, food and clothing were insufficient, and through hard work, people "could eat enough, wear warm clothes, have school, have housing, and have medical insurance"; once upon a time, the "cave pair" issued spurs and warnings, and through exploration and struggle, Chinese-style democracy created the great achievements of China's rule, enriched the form of human political civilization, and bloomed in human political civilization. Without yesterday's efforts, where there is today's harvest; without today's efforts, there is a beautiful future. It is the thinking about the future and countless ordinary creations that make us submit satisfactory answers today, and also bring us a happy experience. For the sake of a better future, today we still have to work hard, never forget the original mission, and make unremitting efforts to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and build a socialist modern power.

Anchoring the goal to move forward courageously, the future is the direction of our efforts for a better life. Looking back at the road ahead, for one goal after another, the centennial party led the Chinese the people through all difficulties and perseverance, adventures and unswerving determination, and only then was they able to achieve today's magnificent atmosphere. Looking forward to the road ahead, we embarked on the journey of the second centenary goal together. The future goals are clearly visible, to achieve high-quality economic and social development, to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, to achieve common prosperity, and the beautiful blueprint urges people to forge ahead. Adhere to the faith, firm faith, run by dream, to the future, there is hope, to the future, there is a head, to the future, there is motivation, because there is a future, a blueprint, a goal, today we have to work harder, work hard.

Towards a common and beautiful future, it is all the more necessary to remember the worries of the people and the hopes of the people. From the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly to the people-centered development thinking, the word "people" is deeply integrated into the blood of the party and has always been engraved on the party's banner. Looking back on the magnificent journey, our party has united and led the people to cut through thorns and thorns, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, and profoundly changed the direction and process of the development of the Chinese nation since modern times, profoundly changed the future and destiny of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world development. "Thousands of complicated things, in the final analysis, is the business of thousands of households", for the happiness of the Chinese people, put the people in the highest position in their hearts, and set out for the future, is the clarion call to go forward bravely, but also the call for the people to benefit the people, adhere to the supremacy of the people, benefit thousands of households, we will continue to strive for the realization of the people's beautiful life, perseverance, and do not slacken forward.

Towards a common and beautiful future, it is all the more necessary for us to "always have long-term concerns and think of danger in times of peace." As the saying goes, if a person has no far-reaching worries, he will have near-term worries. Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has been a nation that has suffered a lot. Our party is a party that was born, struggled and grew in the midst of troubles. Our party has always maintained a sense of distress; our party has the political consciousness of self-revolution; we have always maintained a sense of distress, and our party's requirement of strictly managing the party and administering the party cannot be relaxed for a moment; and we have always maintained a sense of distress; and our party's revolutionary quality of self-purification, self-improvement, self-innovation, and self-improvement has always been consistent. The road ahead is long, and it is by no means a one-horse flat river. Only by continuously working together can we win the future. Especially on the new journey, the unknown risks facing mankind are no less than in the past, and the contradictions in social development are no simpler than in the past, and we always have long-term concerns, think of danger in times of peace, maintain strategic determination, and single-mindedly seek development, so as to have a common and beautiful future.

Towards a common and beautiful future, it is even more necessary for countless ordinary heroes to continue to struggle. Today, we are closer to, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history, and it is all the more necessary to maintain our spirits, keep firmly in mind the "great power of the country," and run well in the historical process of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. In the New Year's message, the kind words of "everyone has been busy all year, paid, dedicated, and harvested" have warmed countless you and me. Great rivers, made up of countless water droplets, Chinese stories need to be interpreted by every Chinese, we are witnesses to history, but also the people in the drama of history. The wheel of history rolls forward, when time is crowned 2022, continue to walk through the scenery of the new era, the history corridor needs more brilliant "Chinese voice, Chinese moment, Chinese story", as long as each of us is committed to the road of struggle, find our own positioning and value, run our own life journey, face the difficulties, work hard, we will certainly be able to make progress with the motherland in the great era, win more great victories and glory in the new era and new journey, and present the party's twentieth national congress with new achievements.

Source: Jilin Daily

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