
"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

author:Lady Movie

The movie "The Last Word" is about a young woman Annie who was fortunate to participate in the life of an old woman, and from her Annie found the courage that she had been missing for a long time, and decisively buried her past self and started a new life.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The old man Harriet, known as the failed woman of success.

She is a genius female boss in the advertising industry in the past, and now she is in her eighties, she has become a lonely family, her husband has left her, her daughter does not interact with her, and she cannot enjoy the joy of children and grandchildren like other old people.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Inadvertently seeing the deceased friends described in the newspaper obituary, who were glorified as people she knew, the old man wanted to write his obituary well before he died.

She approached Anne, the newspaper obituary writer, and asked Anne to begin writing her obituary, with the Buddha-figure supervising the whole process.

Anne was very different, she had never met a living person who had taken the initiative to let her write an obituary in her seven years of work.

The old man spoke and did things very strongly, and she read a few obituary written by Anne, mocking Anne for using words to beautify the messy people she had lived in her life like themselves.

Ann tells her that everyone just wants people to remember the good side.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Ignoring Anne's protests, the old man demanded that she be given a week to finish the manuscript and that she be researched before she could begin writing.

Anne hated the vitriolous old man, but was forced to respond.

Disputes do not help the elderly.

Reasoning is of no use to the elderly.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Anne took the list made by the old man and visited them one by one.

What she never expected was that, without exception, no one would say a good word about her.

The hair stylist said she was helping someone else do her hair, the old man asked her to do her hair now, the hairstylist just told her to wait a little while, and she scolded the guest out.

She is a walking human cloud, and everywhere she goes, it will be cloudy.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The old man's friend said that she always hit the nail on the head, and there was an ability to see blood and seal the throat in her words.

The ex-husband said she was very controlling and told Anne not to go to her daughter, and their relationship was very bad.

The gynecologist said she was horribly stubborn and you had to do what she wanted, no doubt about it.

Over the course of a few days, the results of Anne's interviews were very consistent, and the old woman was a very unpopular person.

She was overbearing and unreasonable, and even the benevolent priest could not stand her.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

In desperation, Anne could only do her best to avoid those bad comments.

She showed the written manuscript to the old man, who, when he looked at it, angrily tore up the drafts and scolded Anne for being of low standard and not worthy of the profession.

Anne replied to her: The root of all this lies in you, because no one wants to say a good word about you.

The angry old man told her to roll.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Anne, who was sleeping until she was confused, heard a sharp knock at the door, and when she opened the door, it was the old man who came to the door.

Only to see her take a bunch of newspapers, three words and two words to summarize the good obituary to start from which aspects.

Anne was persuaded by her and accepted the old man's advice.

The old man said she would spend the rest of her time rewriting things, such as helping others.

At the Problem Juvenile Centre, she came up to a group of girls and told them:

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

I heard that you are all problem children, and since you are all problem children,

If you tell me that it is not a problem child, I think that child will not achieve anything.

Life is full of problems and constantly taking risks

I went to college for the sake of adventure

In my time, no man wanted to marry a woman who had gone to school.

No man wants to marry a woman who works, no man wants to be a woman's subordinate,

No man wants to marry a woman who does business,

To my pride, I have done all these things, and in my opinion, I will take any risk.

The children asked: Why? Nothing to risk?

The old man replied: I have to do this, because I do not want to live up to my potential,

So you have to ask yourself, do you want to risk doing stupid things, or risk doing something terrible?

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The children were said thoughtfully.

The next day, a little black girl confronted the teacher, only to see that she was young, but she kept talking dirty, and scolded the teacher for being stupid.

The old man took the initiative as if he had caught prey, and she persuaded the little girl to be with her during this time.

She was really too powerful, she could always see through the weaknesses and things she wanted at a glance, she told the little girl:

You know? Basically most people are idiots, so when you meet an idiot, don't make them realize their stupidity, preferably, when they are dumb, stupid children, don't know that there is such a good thing under the sky, you know? But be patient with dumb people, right?

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

After a few days of getting along, Anne looked at the old man with great admiration, and she could really use her wisdom to help these children.

The old man said her energy was more than that little bit, waiting to see.

Anne saw that the old man's home collected a variety of music CDs, the two talked about each other's interests, Anne found that the old man had excellent taste, especially the unique view of music.

The old man knows the work of DJs very well, believing that today's music is too commercial, and no longer has a former talented DJ on the radio station who can surprise music at will.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Ann tells her that having a radio DJ is especially good, and that the music he plays from indie musicians always comes to your heart.

When the old man was bored at night, he turned on the long-lost radio station and could not stop listening to it.

The next day, she took her children to the music radio station, found the DJ, and after some exchanges, she successfully became the morning host of the radio station at the age of 84.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

When she heard the familiar voice of the old man on the radio, Anne was stunned.

Anne loved the station, but never had the courage to walk in, she would only choose to pay attention silently.

The old man was very different from her, she would choose to take the initiative and successfully persuade the radio station to accept her free shift.

The old man has exuberant energy and strong curiosity, she lives without a sense of age, in contrast, the sturdy Anne seems to lack the adventure and courage of a young man.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Because of this, Anne finally met the adoring DJ.

The two appreciate each other, and the more they talk, the old man sees the heart and reservedness of the two, playing music that promotes the waves, and wants to promote this good thing.

The old man inadvertently flipped through Anne's prose.

She saw Anne's ambition and the dare not face the true desires of her heart.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Just when Annie was dating the DJ, the old man killed the scene and asked Annie, are you not satisfied with yourself?

Anne says I make the evaluation of the deceased's life more meaningful. I did the job handily and I was satisfied.

The old lady thought that she was deceiving herself, and still asked again and again, and Anne finally said that she really wanted to be a writer and write stories about herself, but she was not confident enough to take that step.

Anne said she was afraid of doing something wrong.

The old man told her: You have done nothing wrong, it is the mistake that guides you, the mistake makes you smarter, makes you stronger, makes you more self-reliant.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Anne felt that the old lady was excessive, and she was embarrassed.

She said she immediately began a final interview to meet the old man's long-awaited daughter.

After the end of the day she will finish the manuscript, after the old man loves how she no longer cares.

The old man, the little black girl, plus Annie, the three of them went on the road together, they laughed continuously along the way, and Annie did not get angry again.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Anne was abandoned by her mother from an early age, which is also the reason why Anne was not confident in herself, she thought that she was not good enough to be abandoned by her mother, and she has always been dependent on her father.

In fact, her father had long been relieved, and let her let go of the past, but Anne could not let go.

She said that she hated her mother, and he didn't miss her too much, she remembered everything about her mother.

The father, on the other hand, believes that his mother's choice is not wrong, and he says that he used to blame her for being selfish and abandoning her family in order to pursue her own life. But until now, he also understands that life is short, she knows what she wants, and she does not regret her life.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

She remembered her mother's favorite game to play with her, where they turned the globe with their eyes closed and pointed out where they would go to live.

The night before her mother left home, the place she pointed to was a city in Spain called Andalusia.

Anne kept going, but she didn't want to give up the work in front of her.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

This time, under the strong pressure of the old lady, she faced her own heart, and although she was angry, she was still grateful to her in her heart.

She also understood why the people around the old man were so opinionated of her.

Because with her, you will be stressed and she will be able to see your potential through your mediocrity and inspire you to do better.

When the old lady saw her daughter, Anne realized that her daughter was very similar to the old lady's character, the two were talking to each other, no one would let anyone, Anne and the little girl were helpless.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The daughter confessed that her mother had a mental illness, and if she had a disease, she had to be cured and not let the people around her suffer.

After hearing this, the old lady turned from anger to laughter, and she couldn't stop laughing, and everyone else looked sideways.

The old man lived too soberly, she has always been a maverick, not allowed to be taken for granted by many people,

But she didn't think anything of it, even if her daughter didn't understand and didn't understand, she wouldn't change.

The daughter said she would never want to see her again, but also told her that she was married, had a baby, and had a happy life.

The old lady was relieved, but she also understood that she and her daughter could only do this for the rest of their lives.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

On the way back to town, Anne listened to the old man's proposal, and they swam naked in the night-lit lake, and the three of them had a lot of fun.

Tired, they went back to the hotel and slept in a bed, like three generations of grandchildren.

After returning to the city, the old man received a call from the doctor, telling her that the heart problem was very big, but it could not be treated, and the old man would go to see God at any time.

The old man was very uncomfortable after listening to it, and in the middle of the night, she thought about it and went, and looked for Anne, who accompanied her, just quietly listening to her, occasionally pretending to be relaxed and joking.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The old man found her ex-husband and asked this former subordinate and ex-husband, have you ever regretted it?

The ex-husband pulled her aside and said, "I know what I got when I married you, that's my choice." I've never regretted it, never...

The old lady took the initiative to snuggle up to her ex-husband and say thank you.

The company that the old lady had founded was later swept out by the shareholders because her requirements were too demanding.

Today, the best advertising agencies in the city have nothing to do with the elderly.

Her former subordinates were grateful to her for her strict requirements, and the subordinates took the initiative to find Anne to express their gratitude and guilt for the old lady, and when she was thrown out, he did not have the courage to stand up for her.

He found the old man to express his gratitude, and the two were like long-lost friends, drinking together.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

The old lady told me to drive the trailer, called the little girl, and the three of them ripped off the advertising agency's sign together.

After the success of the prank, the three of them celebrate together, and in the old man's mansion, they play music and dance together.

The old man was tired of jumping, sitting on the side of the stairs with his head tilted to rest, as if sleepy, but she never woke up again.

At the old man's funeral, the priest opened a memorial service according to the old woman's will, and even what music was played during the period was arranged by the old man before he died, as if she was still sitting on the side directing everything on the scene.

The child also receives the gift that the old man has prepared before, so that she can be herself and not have to follow the footsteps of others.

She gave all the CDs from her collection to the DJ.

The old lady walked very neatly.

"The Last Word" – Thank you for letting me participate in your life

Anne took the stage to tell the story of her involvement with the old lady, and she was grateful for the change the old man had brought her.

She wrote a resignation letter to her boss, she knew her cowardice and evasion, she was going to lose the girl, she said goodbye to her boyfriend and stepped on a plane to Spain.

When you only understand the cross-section of her life, then don't judge a person lightly.

Respect and understanding are hard, but shutting up is easy.

If you like movies, please pay attention to @Lady movies

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