
Implement the strategy of precise guarantee with strategy - interpretation of the mobilization promotion meeting of the city's "sprint of 300 billion yuan" and the struggle to build a regional central city in central Hubei Province

author:Jingzhou release
Implement the strategy of precise guarantee with strategy - interpretation of the mobilization promotion meeting of the city's "sprint of 300 billion yuan" and the struggle to build a regional central city in central Hubei Province

In the past 2021, the "Jing" color is unlimited, and the city's total economic volume exceeded 270 billion yuan. At the beginning of the New Year of the Tiger, the first city-wide conference focused on the goal of "sprinting 300 billion yuan", sounding the clarion call for Jingzhou to build a regional central city in central Hubei Province.

The construction of a regional central city in central Hubei is a systematic project, and it is necessary to adhere to the overall thinking and system concept, so that the overall situation is taken into account when planning, the operation is meticulous and precise, the implementation of the strategy is accurately guaranteed by strategy, and the blueprint drawn by the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the sixth party congress of the city is effectively transformed into a construction drawing and a real scene map.

Keyword one

Regional central city in central Hubei Province

The regional development layout of the province is a strategic deployment for Jingzhou, and the province's in-depth promotion of the regional development layout and the county economic development conference clearly entrusts Jingzhou with the historical mission of accelerating the construction of a regional central city in central Hubei Province, and sets a scientific and clear strategic goal for the revitalization and development of Jingzhou. This judgment is a profound grasp of the development of the city in a certain historical stage of Jingzhou, and is a problem of overall, fundamental and directional nature involving the future development of Jingzhou.

All along, the provincial party committee and the provincial government have been particularly concerned about the development of Jingzhou and have placed great hopes on it. Last year, when Ying Yong, secretary of the provincial party committee, went to Jingzhou for a research forum, he pointed out that "Hubei is in the middle of the central region, and Jingzhou is in the middle of Hubei" "There must be a central city in central Hubei, and Jingzhou must assume this responsibility" "If Jingzhou can rise, Hubei's development will have an additional growth pole and a more solid foundation, and 'building a fulcrum, walking in the forefront, and composing a new chapter' will have a stronger support." At the provincial "two sessions" held at the beginning of the year, Governor Wang Zhonglin pointed out when the Jingzhou delegation participated in the deliberations: "The conditions of Jingzhou in all aspects determine that Jingzhou can play an important role as a fulcrum and a driving point in the development of the whole province" and "The lack of a center in central Hubei can make Jingzhou a regional central city in central Hubei." "The ardent expectations and affectionate entrustment of the main leaders of the provincial party committee and the provincial government have inspired people to forge ahead."

"If we make accurate strategic judgments, plan strategically scientifically, and win the initiative strategically, there will be great hope for the cause of the party and the people." Strategic issues are equally fundamental to regional development. The implementation of the regional development layout of "one main leader, two wings driving, and global coordination" is a strategic arrangement made by the provincial party committee and the provincial government in accordance with the strategic positioning of "building a fulcrum, walking in the forefront, and composing a new chapter".

The regional development layout of the province is a strategic deployment for Jingzhou, and the province's in-depth promotion of the regional development layout and the county economic development conference clearly entrusts Jingzhou with the historical mission of accelerating the construction of a regional central city in central Hubei Province, and sets a scientific and clear strategic goal for the revitalization and development of Jingzhou. This judgment is a profound grasp of the development of the city in a certain historical stage of Jingzhou, a problem involving the overall, fundamental and directional nature of Jingzhou's future development, and an important guideline for Jingzhou to seek development and grasp development in the coming period.

This meeting is not only a summary and commendation meeting, but also a mobilization promotion meeting, but also an oath-taking meeting to gather encouragement and encouragement, refresh and pressure, that is, to transform motivation into passion, consensus into common action, the encouragement and encouragement of the provincial party committee and the provincial government into the driving force of responsibility, the trust and expectations of the people into a state of burning, running and boiling, and calling on 6.37 million sons and daughters of Jingjiang to devote themselves to the fiery practice of building a regional central city in central Hubei Province.

Keyword two

Sprint 300 billion yuan

This year, the city's total economic volume is 300 billion yuan, taking the lead in making up for the province's 300-500 billion yuan volume of cities and prefectures, which is of symbolic significance for Jingzhou to achieve high-quality leapfrog development. At the same time, the target of total industrial output value is set at 300 billion yuan, which reflects that industrial stability is the top priority, and when industry is stable, it stabilizes the basic economic plate. To achieve the goal of "double sprint", we have a solid foundation, conditions and support.

The goal of a reasonable and clear design is to enhance the effective guarantee of strategic firmness. The mobilization promotion meeting clearly put forward that the city's overall offensive goal this year is to "sprint 300 billion yuan" and promote the construction of a regional central city in central Hubei Province.

"Sprint 300 billion" specifically refers to the city's gdp and industrial output value of 300 billion yuan this year. Anchoring the "double sprint" goal is a key step for Jingzhou to achieve the strategic goal of building a regional central city in central Hubei Province.

Ying Yong, secretary of the provincial party committee, pointed out that "an important feature of regional development is that the central city is bigger and stronger and its coordinated development of leading, radiating and driving." "Regional central cities as an important level of the province's regional development layout, "bigger and stronger" and "bigger and bigger, bigger base" is the meaning of Jingzhou's construction of a regional central city in central Hubei Province. Becoming a regional central city, playing a leading, radiating and leading role, and the regional GDP and total industrial output value reaching 300 billion yuan is an important threshold and an important watershed for urban development.

This year, the city's total economic volume is 300 billion yuan, taking the lead in making up for the province's 300-500 billion yuan volume of cities and prefectures, which is of symbolic significance for Jingzhou to achieve high-quality leapfrog development. At the same time, the target of total industrial output value is set at 300 billion yuan, which reflects that industrial stability is the top priority, and when industry is stable, it stabilizes the basic economic plate.

To achieve the goal of "double sprint", we have a solid foundation, conditions and support. After years of continuous development, Jingzhou has all kinds of elements required for high-quality development, and is in the window period of policy support, the period of post-epidemic recovery into a momentum, the transformation period of new and old kinetic energy, the period of comprehensive advantage reshaping, and the bursting period of accumulated potential energy, especially last year, the city's new construction land, the total amount of approved energy consumption and other factor indicators are at the forefront of the province.

In January this year, the city's investment promotion achieved a "good start", and the total investment amount of the first centralized contract exceeded 84 billion yuan. On February 8, the city concentrated on the construction of 246 major projects with a total investment of 118.9 billion yuan, and the upsurge of "grasping large projects and grasping large projects" surged in Jingzhou.

"To the vast and the subtle" means to be more active in strategic planning and more accurate in tactical implementation, spare no effort to implement one work after another, steadily and steadily push forward one project after another, and achieve the established target positioning step by step with the tenacity of "accumulating small victories for big victories" and "accumulating steps to a thousand miles".

Keyword three

Strengthen the awareness of "four priorities"

The "four priorities" accurately focus on the main contradictions and central tasks, and give priority to resolving the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions, which not only finds the direction of the breakthrough, but also clarifies the path of the breakthrough.

► Strengthen the awareness of industrial priorities

Industry is the source of wealth, the foundation of development and the foundation of employment. Industrial development can bring cities industrial civilization, innovative resources, open and inclusive temperament, scientific and technological progress engine, and factor absorption capacity, which is the attachment to enhancing urban functions and soft power. For Jingzhou, industrial development is the short board that must be stepped up to make up, and it is also the space for shaping the advantages of latecomers. Industrialization and industrialization are insurmountable stages in the development of Jingzhou. We must unswervingly establish the orientation of "industry first" and take a clear banner of "grasping industry in a big way and doing big industry".

► Strengthen the awareness of investment priority

At this stage, the development of Jingzhou can only rely on endogenous power to pull, unstable, can not be brought up, "double sprint" can only grasp the increment "Huashan road". Especially under the "double cycle" pattern, the "decentralization" of the economy, the intensification of enterprise concentration, the middle advance of eastern enterprises, the northward movement of southern enterprises, and the "cage for birds" of coastal enterprises have brought new opportunities for investment attraction and industrial transfer in the central region. We must always adhere to the status of the "No. 1 Project" of investment promotion, and continuously provide inexhaustible increment and kinetic energy for the "sprint of 300 billion".

► Strengthen the sense of project prioritization

The project is the "first grasp" and "biggest variable" of high-quality development. To grasp projects is to grasp development, and to grasp development, we must grasp projects. At this meeting, the main leaders of the municipal party committee elaborated on the importance of project priority, and thought-provokingly emphasized that "there is no new project, big project, good project' as a shame, and 'no change, no development, no progress' as a shame." We must firmly establish the awareness of "project is king", spare no effort to plan projects, strive for projects, introduce projects, and promote projects.

► Strengthen awareness of environmental priorities

For a region to develop, it depends on projects in the short term, policies in the medium term, and the environment in the long term. Whether industrial development can continue to improve, whether investment promotion can achieve breakthroughs, and whether project construction can be smoothly advanced, the key lies in the development environment.

We must fully understand that the cadre work style and development environment are regional comparisons, and only when they are optimal can they be competitive; it is a long-term tug-of-war, and relaxation will rebound; it is a revolutionary reshaping, and innovation can lead the way. We must cherish the development environment of Jingzhou as we cherish life, and strive to make the development environment a new image of the city's opening up to the outside world, a new logo for post-epidemic revitalization, a new momentum for high-quality development, and a new advantage in the goal of "sprinting 300 billion".

Keyword four

Launch the "Four Great Battles" in An All-round Way

After the strategic objectives and tactical steps are set, it is the battlefield implementation. The right strategy requires precise strategy and sophisticated tactics to implement. At the mobilization promotion meeting, the municipal party committee adhered to the firmness of the strategy and the flexibility of the strategy, and put forward the "four priorities" idea by grasping the key points, focusing on the key and aiming at the bullseye, comprehensively launching the "four priorities" of industry, investment, investment, "double optimization" and "four major battles", and promoting the formation of a strong chassis, a strong engine and a strong core that accelerates the sprint and the overall leap.

► Comprehensively launch the "Industrial Breakthrough War"

Promote the priority of agglomeration of elements to industrial parks, the priority of resources to industrial projects, and the priority of policies to industrial enterprises, and the cultivation of an open, inclusive, innovative and shared industrial civilization. Deeply promote the "thousand cadres into thousands of enterprises", achieve "ten questions and ten gangs", coordinate the implementation of industrial chain upgrading projects, technological transformation and energy enhancement projects, digital innovation leading projects, and market player multiplication projects, and continuously enhance the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of the industry.

► Comprehensively launch the "Investment Position War"

The main party and government officials take the lead in high-frequency outings to attract business, high-density reception of important merchants, and high-standard docking projects;

The commissioner is stationed, and 15 investment offices dispatch the "Tiger and Wolf Division" to deeply cultivate the station;

All staff attacked, and the public employees of party, government, and public institutions at all levels achieved "all the people are soldiers", forming a "thousand troops and thousands of horses" to attract investment and investment.

Carry out "six to six looks": compare the basic data to see the implementation speed; than the frequency of external connections, look at the heat of the work; than the project planning, look at the degree of professionalism; than the project information, look at the quality height; than the number of signed contracts, look at the intensity of the fight; than the image of the start of construction, look at the progress of construction.

► Comprehensively launch the "investment three-dimensional war"

Carefully find projects, "find" in major strategies, major policies and reform pilots, "dig" in the "14th Five-Year Plan" special plan, and "push" in the preliminary work of the project, so as to achieve cascade continuation, rolling implementation, and stubble pressing. Run diligently and compete for projects, so that the direction is accurate, the legs and feet are diligent, and the way is live. Fine-tune and quickly promote projects, implement the "four lists", promote the "five majors", implement the "seven mechanisms", and promote the implementation of mature projects that can be opened, early and early, more and more, fast and fast, and project-oriented, engineering, and list-based to promote the implementation of the work.

► Comprehensively launch the "'Double Optimization' Battle"

Strong style. Continue to deepen the "six special governance", focus on breaking the phenomenon of cadre inaction, laziness, and disorderly behavior, break the awareness of "official standard", and eliminate the problem of "overstepping" and "absence" of the government.

Excellent environment. Adhere to the enterprise evaluation as the first evaluation, take the market main body feeling as the first feeling, focus on solving the prominent problems that enterprises and the masses have strong reactions to, strengthen the use of the results of "ten excellent and ten poor", and force the cadres to change their thinking, concepts, and work styles.

Improve performance. Implement the "reduction office", carry out the "door-to-door office", and promote the "commitment office".

Plastic advantages. Greater efforts should be made to do a good job in reducing costs and burdens of enterprises, and further stimulate the vitality and endogenous power of market players. Make greater efforts to do a good job in the "quality improvement, encryption, and connectivity" article of transportation, and gather more elements and more industries with location advantages.

Source: Policy Research Office of the CPC Jingzhou Municipal Committee

Editor: Gong Tianshu

Review: Yang Mei

Final Judge: Wang Hao

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Implement the strategy of precise guarantee with strategy - interpretation of the mobilization promotion meeting of the city's "sprint of 300 billion yuan" and the struggle to build a regional central city in central Hubei Province

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