
Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

author:Coco Beauty Chronicles

Leggings have become a must-have item for women in winter, whether it is underwear or single wear has a high thermal effect. At the same time, it can also show its own curvy sense in the cold season of "thick and bloated", adding a unique sense of beauty.

Black leggings, flesh-colored leggings, black leggings, etc., many classic color leggings have been warmly welcomed by people. However, this alone is not enough, and there is even a splicing two-in-one leggings, which is really easy to make people pick and choose.

Of course, the leggings are highly compatible, otherwise they cannot become "national items". However, crushers should be aware of different colors of leggings, and the way to match them is different. Otherwise, it is difficult to show the inclusiveness and role of leggings.

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

Although leggings have a strong collocation, it is still necessary to think hard if you really want to show a sense of fashion and luxury. For example, flesh-colored leggings are prone to whitening, which looks like a "prosthetic limb", which is very abrupt and unnatural.

In this issue, I will follow Xiaobian to learn the correct way to match leggings, while creating a warm effect, it can also show a sense of luxury, who can not love it? Love beauty can not be separated from the "leggings", winter can also show a good figure, personality trendy.

The correct way to use leggings

●Two-in-one leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

Perhaps many people are still more accustomed to choosing classic solid color leggings, in fact, the effect of joining a two-in-one leggings is very obvious. At first, it was just a style of black leggings on the hips, but gradually a lot of different changes occurred.

For example, flesh-colored leggings use black to create the effect of mid-tube socks, while using yellow letters for embellishment, which can not only create different effects, but also reduce the area of flesh color, so that the wear looks more natural.

●Flesh-colored leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

The main purpose of flesh-colored leggings is to create a bare leg effect and reduce the overall thickness. However, because of the chroma, there are still very few flesh-colored leggings that can really blend with the skin tone. Therefore, Xiaobian does not recommend exposing leggings in a large area, and can create a clear and natural feeling through small area embellishments.

For example, choosing a splicing design of flesh-colored leggings, with personalized fleece boots and plaid straight-leg dresses, only a small amount of flesh-colored leggings on the thighs is exposed, which looks very natural and advanced, and can even create a retro girlish feeling.

●The matching of leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

Choosing a straight plaid dress or other short skirt with flesh-colored leggings and boots is the most common way to use it, and the probability of error is relatively small. The application range of black leggings is more extensive, with a strong collocation at the same time, but also can play a slimming effect.

Straight-leg plaid dresses have a retro temperament, but it is easy to cause a sense of old-fashionedness, which can be matched with a trendy smoky gray denim jacket, which can highlight the existence of the waist line and weaken the old-fashioned atmosphere of the plaid straight skirt, and the gray beret is a good show of high-level uniqueness.

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

The biggest role of leggings is still to play an auxiliary and embellishment role, people still have to pay more attention to the effect of the overall collocation, it will be easier to create a sense of fashion. The leggings prepared for the beauty of the child are warm and show the figure, and it is also very simple to wear a sense of fashion.

Demonstration of different leggings pairing

●Black basic leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

Black leggings are basic and can be paired with many different styles. For example, when creating a casual everyday style, you can match it with a light blue print sweatshirt. Of course, it is still not possible to wear it alone, you can wear a long black coat to create a casual natural wind effect.

With color-blocking sneakers, the overall sense of personality and leisure will be stronger. Of course, if you want to make the overall fashion sense stronger, you can embellish it through accessories. For example, gray berets and black personality bags can enhance the overall sense of sensuality and layering.

●Panels lightweight leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

The thickness of the leggings can be adjusted according to the season, and the light and thin version will give people a more realistic feeling. For example, splicing mid-tube socks meat-colored leggings with black mid-tube boots look very stylish.

At the same time, choose a gray striped mid-length sweater with a military green diamond-shaped check plus a fleece jacket, which looks very unique and stylish, very sassy and capable. At the same time, it is also matched with a light pink bag to enhance the overall sweetness and add a sense of softness to the overall collocation.

●Black stocking leggings

Chen Xiaohong's "chopstick legs" are eye-catching, and the leggings with A-line skirt show a good figure and a trendy personality

People combine black stockings and leggings to create an effect that keeps you warm without worrying about not matching your skin tone. Personalized black stocking leggings can also play a slimming effect, with red short sweatpants, easily create a sporty fashion style effect, has a strong sense of eye-catching.

At the same time with the personalized splicing wind sweatshirt to match, the inside also uses the black T-shirt to create a lazy stacking effect, looking very advanced, black cotton bag is also very unique, for the eye-catching sense has a very obvious eye-catching effect.

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