
"China Discipline Inspection and Supervision" magazine published Liu Haiquan's signed article: Forging a loyal and clean discipline inspection and supervision iron army in the new era

author:Tongling Lianjing
"China Discipline Inspection and Supervision" magazine published Liu Haiquan's signed article: Forging a loyal and clean discipline inspection and supervision iron army in the new era
"China Discipline Inspection and Supervision" magazine published Liu Haiquan's signed article: Forging a loyal and clean discipline inspection and supervision iron army in the new era

In the third issue of 2022, China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Magazine published a signed article by Liu Haiquan, member of the Standing Committee of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee, secretary of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Provincial Supervision Commission: "Forging a Loyal, Clean, and Responsible Discipline Inspection and Supervision Iron Army in the New Era".

The full text is as follows

Forging a loyal and clean new era discipline inspection and supervision iron army

Liu Haiquan

Discipline inspection and supervision organs, as a sharp weapon for managing the party and governing the party and an important force in promoting the party's self-revolution, must resolutely implement the spirit of the important speech of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Discipline Inspection Commission, especially General Secretary Xi Jinping, take the lead in self-revolution, internalize and externalize "loyalty and clean responsibility", and defend the party's advanced purity with their own firm purity.

Do things with party spirit and be a model of loyalty to the party. The authority of discipline inspection and supervision organs comes from the authority of the Party Central Committee. It is necessary to adhere to the party's overall leadership as the primary principle that must be followed, take the implementation of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the primary political task, strengthen the political supervision of the implementation of the goals and tasks of the party and the state's strategic deployment, give full play to the role of supervision and guarantee, promote the improvement of development, and ensure that "the general secretary has orders, the party central committee has deployments, and Anhui sees action." Temper the will to loyalty in great struggles. In the face of the great struggle with many new historical characteristics, especially the situation in which the contest between corruption and anti-corruption is still raging and showing some new characteristics of stages, we must not "put knives and guns into storage and put horses on the south mountain," and we must never breed tiredness that has been strictly put in place. It is necessary to remain firm and sober-minded, not relax in discovering and resolving the "seven haves" problem, not be soft on seriously punishing corruption in key areas, and unswervingly maintain the applicability, precision, and rate of the fourth form, so as to ensure that the party does not change its quality, color, and taste.

Serve the party and serve the country with the responsibility of the party, and be an expert in enforcing discipline and law enforcement. The Discipline Inspection Commission is the party's disciplined force, and the essence of its work is to defend the party's advanced nature and purity; it must not only have the iron shoulders to shoulder its responsibilities, but also have the real ability to accomplish things. The discipline inspection and supervision organs in Anhui Province will build an iron army with strong political skills and strong skills by deepening the training of all personnel, replacing training with cadres, and training troops in actual combat. Enhance the ability of the masses to work. Practice the party's mass line, maintain flesh-and-blood ties with the masses of the people, and implement working mechanisms such as leading the package of cases, taking cases to visit, and reading and approving letters from the masses. Improve the ability of daily supervision and inspection. We should push forward the threshold of supervision and discipline enforcement, grasp small things early, prevent microaggressions, and strive to form a charged "buffer zone" between "good comrades" and "prisoners under the ranks." Improve the ability to enforce discipline and enforce the law. Accurately grasp the connotation, extension and boundary of the "two rulers of discipline and law", strictly control the facts, procedures and application of law, and ensure that every case handled can withstand the test of history and practice. Enhance the ability of ideological and political work. We should regard educating and saving people as the fundamental purpose, and through in-depth and meticulous ideological and political work, urge the subjects of examination and investigation to clarify problems, admit their mistakes and repent of their mistakes, and realize the unity of political, disciplinary, and social effects.

Resist corruption and prevent degeneration with self-discipline, and be a benchmark for abiding by discipline and law. It is necessary to consciously increase the intensity of strict management and self-purification, and continuously improve our own immunity. To prevent problems in the discipline inspection and supervision contingent, it is fundamentally necessary to rely on systems and mechanisms. It is necessary to conscientiously study and implement the "Regulations on the Work of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Communist Party of China," formulate operational procedures for supervision and discipline enforcement around the implementation of the Supervision Law, the Regulations on the Implementation of the Supervision Law, and other laws and regulations, and implement full-cycle control and supervision of all work procedures. It is necessary to actively innovate internal supervision and interventional supervision, strengthen the daily education and management supervision of cadres, especially young cadres, take the initiative to accept supervision within the party and all aspects of society, resolutely prevent "black under the lights," and forge a discipline inspection and supervision contingent with an iron-like style of discipline.

Source: China Journal of Discipline Inspection and Supervision

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