
Oral History Wang Huo (5) | in addition to "War and Man", I also want to write the story of Sun Yat-sen and Bai Lang

author:Cover News

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Wang Huo, real name Wang Hongpu. Originally from Rudong, Nantong, Jiangsu Province. Born in Shanghai in July 1924. He graduated from the Department of Journalism of Fudan University in 1948. After 1949, he worked in the Cultural and Education Department of the Preparatory Committee of the Shanghai Federation of Trade Unions as an editorial officer. In 1950, Wang Huo participated in the establishment of the Labor Publishing House and served as deputy editor-in-chief. Participated in the creation of the semi-monthly magazine "Workers". In 1953, he was transferred to the All-China Federation of Trade Unions in Beijing to organize the magazine "Chinese Workers", serving as the assistant editor-in-chief and editorial board member.

In 1961, he was transferred to Shandong to support the old district, and worked as a middle school principal in Shandong for more than ten years. He was the executive director of the Shandong Writers Association. In 1983, he went to Chengdu and served as the deputy editor-in-chief of the Sichuan People's Publishing House, participated in the preparation of the Sichuan Literature and Art Publishing House, and was the first secretary and editor-in-chief.

Wang Huo began to create literature in the 1940s, and published and published a large number of outstanding literary works, including "Heroes for the Country - Jie Zhenguo and the Workers' Special Brigade", "Three Years of Thunderbolt", "Foreign Eight Roads", "Oriental Shadows", "Zen Enlightenment", "Legend of the Flowing Fireflies", "Snow Festival", and "The Mystery of the Crown". Film literary script "Flat Eagle Grave" and so on.

In 1997, his long trilogy "War and Man" won the 4th Mao Dun Literature Award. In 2013, Wang Huo was awarded the "Oriental Literary Hero Lifetime Achievement Award" by the National Association of Chinese Writers. In 2014, the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature in Beijing set up the "Wang Huo Library".

Oral History Wang Huo (5) | in addition to "War and Man", I also want to write the story of Sun Yat-sen and Bai Lang

Cover news reporter Zhang Jie photography Liu Nian intern Li Jing

In his later years, Wang Huo lived in seclusion and rarely interacted with the outside world. He ate very lightly. Perhaps because he worked for many years in Linyi, Shandong, his diet was far from the north. Often a bowl of white porridge or a piece of white cake, less oily green vegetables, often his lunch.

In the summer of 2018, on a refreshing morning, the West China Metropolis Daily-cover news reporter visited Wang Huo's home and had a conversation with Mr. Wang Huo.

"There are many more wartime stories in my head"

Cover News: When your name is mentioned, many people think of your masterpiece War and Man. What do you think of War and Man? Do you think it can be a representative of your literary creation? What was the opportunity to create?

Wang Huo: "War and Man" contains the things and values that I pay the most attention to, fully reflects my literary style, and is also the one that I spend the most time and energy on, which can no longer represent that there is no way. As soon as I was liberated, I wanted to write a novel about a time that was gone, just to write about my life, to write about what I had experienced and the people I had seen. There is my own shadow in the novel, and the approximate character setting has something to do with my family.

Cover News: In addition to "War and Man", do you have any subject matter that you want to write, but have not written?

Wang Huo: Still. There is a historical figure named Bai Lang. I think his story is worth writing. Sun Yat-sen once gave Bai Lang a map of China in sheepskin, which was very sincere. I used to write an unfinished manuscript "Bai Lang", but I put it down for external reasons, and when I was able to write it later, I was older and did not write it. If I want to write, I have to go to the place where Bai Lang is active, and I should go to this area of Gansu. I want to write something, first of all, do enough research. A reader read "War and Man" and asked me how I could write about Jinyun Mountain and Jialing River in Chongqing so realistically. This is not surprising, because I once studied at Fudan University in Beibei. Familiar with that.

Cover News: In addition to novels, you have also written some short stories, screenplays. You can elaborate on this in person.

Wang Huo: To put it bluntly, my short stories are well written, but the impact of short stories is not too great. There are many wartime stories in my head. One year, the East China Theater Show asked me to write a script. I went to a village to investigate. Every family in the village had dogs, and I didn't dare to move, so I had to yell. The villagers heard the noise and took me to the secretary of the village branch. The branch secretary arranged for me to be in a guest house.

He pulled me aside and said, "If an old lady comes and asks her son about her son later, you're going to say your son is fine." If she didn't say it well, she would be sad. "It turned out that this old lady sent her son to join the army, and her son died and never returned. She's been stupid ever since. Sitting under a tree all day long, I thought about supporting the front line, and when I was ready, I handed it over to the branch.

I was in the guest house, and the old lady did come. When she came in, she smiled at me and asked me, "Is my child okay?" "I said he was good he was good. She was very happy and asked: Is he still fighting? I said he sometimes hit and sometimes didn't, and I lied to her. After a while, the secretary of the branch came, said that it was not too early, and wanted to help the old lady to sleep. I followed them, and I found that the old lady lived in the courtyard of the branch secretary, and the house above was hers. After the branch secretary accompanied him, he fanned out all the mosquitoes in the old mosquito net, just like a son serving his mother. I was so touched by this matter that I wrote a short story.

Fathers used to be in high positions to educate their children to ask for only a "good" word

Cover News: You have an extraordinary family. What kind of education did your father educate you, and how did he influence you?

Wang Huo: My father, Wang Kaijiang, graduated from Waseda University in Japan and started out as a lawyer in Shanghai, which is quite famous. The economy has a high position in politics. After the victory of the Northern Expedition in 1926, his father was appointed secretary general of the "Judges Disciplinary Committee" by Yu Youren, then president of the Supervision Yuan of the National Government in Nanjing, and later appointed as a full-time member of the Central Civil Servants Disciplinary Committee. If it belongs to the special official and the punisher, this official is very large. His father held a high official position, but he was a decent man. My father's method of education for me was very special, not to fight or scold, but to talk, I was most afraid to talk to him.

He doesn't want me to take first and second, as long as I'm a good student, a good person. Everything must be said to be "good", do your homework better, treat people better, and do a little better sports. Although my father died when I was sixteen years old, it had a deep impact on me. My father hired a tutor to tutor me in my studies, and he had two secretaries and treated me very well. It's a bit of a fake public and private, they accompany me on a bike and skate with me. One of them was a college student who knew Japanese, and at that time he already hated Japanese people, so I said you were a traitor, how can you still speak Japanese. He said he just wanted to learn more foreign languages, so I learned a little bit with him, and now I can say a word of greeting or two.

Cover News: Your father once held a high position in politics, have you ever thought about politics yourself?

Wang Huo: No. When I was in high school, I figured it out that I wanted to be a journalist. But I once thought about studying agricultural economics, because China is a big agricultural country, and I think this is a bit good for the country. But later, speaking for the people became more urgent, and I went to work as a journalist.

Oral History Wang Huo (5) | in addition to "War and Man", I also want to write the story of Sun Yat-sen and Bai Lang

Influenced by Hugo's Les Misérables, he wrote War and Man.

Cover News: What literature do you like to read and which influences your work?

Wang Huo: I like novels a lot. Hugo is a writer I like. His Les Misérables is written in a special way. If given to other editors, perhaps 60,000 words in the middle of the book would not be published — the Battle of Waterloo. You see, such a long length, so well written, these 60,000 words are the benchmark of military literature, free from the main story. When I wrote "War and Man", I also learned from him, but I didn't learn well. I wrote about the Nanjing Massacre in a whole chapter, but according to the editorial opinion of the time, it should not have been written.

I also like the literature of the former Soviet Union, like Tolstoy, Gogol, and "Quiet Don" I also like, I like Sholokhov's heroine Aksinya. Quiet Don was later made into a movie, which I watched twice. I remember when casting, Sholokhov went to the studio and said that he wanted to see the actors. The producer accompanied him to see it, first to see Aksinia, and after seeing the actress, Sholokhov thought it was okay, and Aksinia, whom I wrote, was her.

Cover News: Are you still following new books right now?

Wang Huo: I still often go to the book shopping center in Gaoshengqiao to read books. Go in the morning and sit at the KFC next to you at noon. There is no specific kind of reading, I am willing to read what books to read, often look at new books, put in the most prominent position of bestsellers I also read, sometimes see what I like to buy home.

For example, Washington Owen, the father of American writers, wrote Rip van Winkel. I read this book when I was in junior high school. So when I saw this book again, I immediately bought it and re-read it. After reading it, I found that this book was different from what I read when I was a child. This book is about a man named Ravan. Winkel's men went hunting alone in the nearby mountains to avoid their nagging and fierce wives. He met the captain and his companions who had discovered the river, and after drinking their wine, he slept. After waking up, I went down the mountain and went home, only to find that the time had passed a full twenty years, the vicissitudes of the world, and everything was very strange. It's a bit of a dream, but it's not the same.

Cover News: What are your impressions and comments on the publications currently on the market?

Wang Huo: Because I do publishing, I have feelings for publishing books. But now some books do not have much value, some modern novels, how to see can not compare with the previous classics, such books are a waste of time.

Cover News: Now that publishing is gradually being replaced by electronic publications, how do you feel about Teacher Wang?

Wang Huo: I am lagging behind, and I have long admitted that I am lagging behind. Scientific and technological progress cannot be stopped. Ma Lao is better than me, he uses a computer to type, Ma Teacher's Chinese writers were the first to start writing with computers, I can't do it. My left eye didn't have any vision because of the surgery. The right eye also has weak vision. I have to wear reading glasses and magnifying glasses to write things, and it is very difficult to write.

Cover News: For the realistic subject of your experience, you have written a lot of news works and also written literary works. What is the relationship between these two genres?

Wang Huo: I wrote novels when I was in school, and I wrote a serial at that time. Writing a novel is like splashing ink landscape, and writing news is like a work stroke.

Cover News: Do you still write it now?

Wang Huo: I don't write anymore, I'm not like Ma Lao, who is still writing until I was 104 years old. I love watching movies, but now that I'm older, I can't watch them. I spent three years at the Shanghai Film Studio. My favorite literary films, literary masterpiece adaptations, funny films I also watch, like Charlie Chaplin's films. I also like classical Chinese literature, but I don't do research like Mr. Liushahe.

Cover News: You were born in Shanghai and have worked and lived in Nanjing, Chongqing, Beijing, and Linyi, Shandong. I came to Sichuan in 1983, and Sichuan should be the place where you stay the longest. Now, what is your concept of these geographic cities?

Wang Huo: Frankly speaking, the most impressive thing is Shanghai and Nanjing, after all, I was born in Shanghai and have precious childhood memories in Nanjing. But Sichuan Chengdu is by far the city where I have lived the longest, and it can be called my second hometown. I made a lot of local friends and had a good relationship.

After my lover's death, several sisters in Shanghai were afraid that he was lonely and repeatedly invited him to return to Shanghai to live, but I refused. On the one hand, I have lived in Chengdu for nearly 30 years and feel very comfortable, and here are my friends, such as Ma Lao and Li Zhi. Although we don't meet very often, in a city, we always feel at ease. Moreover, because she (reporter's note: Wang Huo pointed to the photo of the lover visiting in the house at this time) is still here, I want to accompany her here.

Oral History Wang Huo (5) | in addition to "War and Man", I also want to write the story of Sun Yat-sen and Bai Lang

In 2017, Ma Zhitu was at the launch ceremony of "Wang Huo's Collected Works"

Next Preview:

Wang Huo has been living in Chengdu for 35 years since 1983, and on the morning of August 4, 2017, the 800,000-word "Wang Huo Anthology" was first published in Chengdu, and 103-year-old Ma Zhitu and 88-year-old Li Zhi braved the sweltering heat to personally attend the press conference. Tomorrow, we will feel the friendship of the old people of the century together.

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