
The Hebei Provincial Government website recently released the "Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Hebei Province on the Implementation of the < hebei Provincial Electric Bicycle Management Regulations >"

author:Central Plains News Network

A few days ago, the Hebei Provincial Government website recently released the "Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Hebei Province on implementation<河北省电动自行车管理条例>".

The Hebei Provincial Government website recently released the "Notice of the General Office of the People's Government of Hebei Province on the Implementation of the &lt; hebei Provincial Electric Bicycle Management Regulations &gt;"

I. Clearly implement the overall requirements of the Regulations

The implementation of the "Regulations" is of great significance to strengthening and standardizing the management of electric bicycles, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property, and building a modern and economically strong province and a beautiful Hebei.

All relevant departments at all levels should deeply study Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law, and from the perspective of accelerating the construction of a rule of law government and promoting the modernization of the governance system and governance capabilities, they should effectively implement and implement the Regulations well.

It is necessary to strengthen the management of electric bicycles in accordance with the law as an important measure to innovate social governance and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people with the rule of law, correctly handle the relationship between promoting industrial development, facilitating the travel of the masses and ensuring public safety, vigorously improve the level of administrative management and service, strengthen the supervision of the production and sales of electric bicycles, properly eliminate non-standard electric bicycles in use according to law, effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers, and do a good job in the management of electric bicycles, which is closely related to the people's livelihood, and continuously enhance the people's sense of gain Happiness, security.

Second, strictly manage the production of electric bicycles according to law

The departments of industry and information technology should guide electric bicycle production enterprises in administrative regions to produce electric bicycles in strict accordance with mandatory national standards in accordance with the functional division of labor.

The market supervision department should strengthen the management of compulsory product certification of electric bicycles, strengthen the inspection of certification bodies and production enterprises, ensure product consistency, and avoid electric bicycles that do not meet the mandatory national standards (hereinafter referred to as non-standards) obtain compulsory product certification and flow into the market; strictly investigate the production enterprises without certification production, do not follow the statutory conditions after certification, engage in production and business activities or produce and sell products that do not meet the statutory requirements, and illegally modify electric bicycles.

Where the above acts are verified to be true, the certification body shall handle the certification certificate in accordance with the law until the certification certificate is revoked, and the market supervision department shall punish it in accordance with laws and regulations; if it constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with law.

Third, strictly manage the sales of electric bicycles in accordance with the law

Market supervision departments should strengthen the supervision and inspection of the sales of electric bicycles, and strictly investigate and punish the illegal sale of electric bicycles that do not meet mandatory national standards and have not obtained mandatory product certification.

Strengthen the supervision of e-commerce operators, urge e-commerce platform operators to strengthen the verification and registration of real information such as the identity, address, and contact information of online electric bicycle sellers, and strictly prohibit electric bicycles that do not meet mandatory national standards and have not obtained mandatory product certification for sale on the platform.

The illegal sale of electric bicycles shall be punished in accordance with the "Regulations" and other relevant laws and regulations; where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be pursued in accordance with law. For those engaged in commercial assembly, installation, modification and other behaviors that affect the safety performance of electric bicycles, the relevant departments such as market supervision and management and comprehensive law enforcement shall impose administrative penalties in accordance with their duties.

To further smooth the channels for consumer appeals, consumers who purchase or find non-standard electric bicycles or call bicycles with inconsistent contents of the certification certificate can complain to the market supervision department through the complaint and reporting hotline and information platform.

Market supervision departments should promptly accept and handle consumer demands in accordance with law in accordance with relevant functions, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

Fourth, strictly manage the registration and passage of electric bicycles in accordance with the law

The traffic management department of the provincial public security organ shall formulate regulations on the registration of electric bicycles, unify the number plate specifications, build a unified electric bicycle registration management system in the province, ensure the safety and stability of the system, and guide the traffic management department of the public security organ to make preparations for registration and listing.

The financial departments of cities and counties shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations, implement the funding guarantee for the registration and management of electric bicycles. The traffic management departments of the public security organs of each city and county shall measure the number of local electric bicycles, make electric bicycle number plates according to the unified number plate style, and carry out registration and registration work according to the prescribed time limit; properly implement the system of wearing safety helmets and prompt the masses to purchase safety helmets; organize special rectification of electric bicycle traffic order in a timely manner, and strictly investigate illegal acts such as electric bicycles running red lights, driving in the opposite direction, and occupying motor vehicle lanes.

Strengthen the construction of infrastructure such as non-motorized roads such as electric bicycles, set up markings, signs and facilities such as concession signs and deceleration signs in rural road sections and intersections where traffic accidents are frequent, optimize the traffic conditions for electric bicycles, scientifically and reasonably allocate the right of way, and ensure the safe, smooth and convenient travel of electric bicycles in accordance with the law.

V. Strictly manage the parking and charging of electric bicycles in accordance with the law

Emergency management, housing and urban-rural construction, public security departments and fire rescue agencies should supervise and urge village (resident) committees, construction management units, and property service enterprises to implement safety management responsibilities, and timely discover and stop electric bicycles from illegal parking in public areas and illegal charging.

All relevant departments in all localities should formulate and implement infrastructure plans such as electric bicycle parking places and charging facilities, and guide and supervise property service enterprises to do a good job in the maintenance and management of shared fire fighting facilities in residential communities.

The electric power department shall ensure that the centralized charging facilities set up in residential quarters and non-resident users who implement residential electricity prices use electricity, and implement the residential electricity prices。

All localities should fully mobilize township (street) and village (resident) committees, residential community management units, etc., strengthen fire inspection and inspection, focus on rectifying prominent problems such as electric bicycles "entering the building and entering the household", "people and vehicles in the same house", "flying line charging", and supervise and urge express delivery and takeaway enterprises to set up centralized charging places and configure safety charging devices with functions such as short circuit protection and automatic alarm.

Where electric bicycles are found to be illegally parked, charged, occupied, or blocked evacuation channels and safety exits, they shall be cleaned up and removed in accordance with law; for electric bicycle fire accidents, the units and personnel responsible for the accident shall be investigated for responsibility in accordance with law.

Sixth, according to the law to safely eliminate the use of non-standard electric bicycles

All localities should strengthen organizational leadership, implement the system of the transition period for non-standard electric bicycles, and guide those who use non-standard electric bicycles to gradually withdraw, fail to obtain temporary number plates in accordance with regulations, and still go on the road after the expiration of the transition period, the traffic management departments of public security organs shall strictly punish them in accordance with law.

Promote demonstration and leadership, guide government, enterprise and public institution public employees to take the lead in using electric bicycles that meet mandatory national standards, promote express delivery and takeaway enterprises to uniformly design and purchase special electric bicycles that meet mandatory national standards and obtain compulsory product certification, and apply for registration and licensing procedures in accordance with regulations.

Urge express delivery and takeaway enterprises to strengthen industry self-discipline, strictly manage delivery personnel, and must not purchase non-standard electric bicycles and illegally modified electric bicycles.

All localities should take comprehensive measures to encourage the masses to take the initiative to replace and scrap non-standard electric bicycles, and encourage electric bicycle production and sales enterprises to accelerate the elimination of non-standard electric bicycles in use by replacing old ones with new ones and buying them back at a discount.

VII. Strengthen organizational safeguards

All localities should strengthen organizational leadership, establish coordination mechanisms, increase input, study and formulate specific measures, and comprehensively clean up the existing system that does not conform to regulations.

Strengthen study, training, and publicity, comprehensively and correctly perform functions in accordance with the law, and consciously accept supervision.

Make full use of all kinds of media to publicize the regulations and requirements for the production, sale and use of electric bicycles to all sectors of society and the general public, and take registration and application for number plates, driving electric bicycles to wear safety helmets, complying with traffic safety laws and regulations, and complying with fire safety regulations to park and charge as the key content of publicity, and actively create a good atmosphere for the whole people to abide by the law and travel in a civilized manner.

Establish a joint law enforcement mechanism to investigate and deal with illegal acts in the production, sale, use, maintenance and other aspects of electric bicycles in accordance with the law, realize information sharing and supervision of the whole process, and supervise the sales supervision, quality supervision and spot checks, electric bicycle registration,

Illegal clues found in road law enforcement, consumer complaint and report acceptance, etc., are promptly reported to the functional departments with jurisdiction to investigate and deal with, so as to achieve cross-regional and cross-departmental joint crackdowns on illegal production and sale of electric bicycles.

Source: Hebei News Network

Editor-in-charge: Wang Jieren

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