
Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

"Eggs raise cholesterol, and when you eat them, you get heart disease!"

"Eggs are hair products, and if you have cancer, you can't eat them!"


Eggs are the most common nutritious product, but some people think that its yolk is a cardiovascular bane, and even an accomplice to cancer. There are many rumors about eggs, which ones are true?

Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

First, Zhejiang University research: eating one more egg a day, the risk of heart disease, cancer death may increase

A research team led by Professor Zhang Yu and Professor Jingjing Jiao of the School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science of Zhejiang University published a study in the Public Science Library of Medicine. The study selected data from 520,000 participants in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study in the United States to assess the relationship between egg and cholesterol intake and all-cause, specific-cause mortality.

Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

On an average of 16 years of follow-up, nearly 130,000 people died. After adjusting for demographic characteristics and dietary factors, the researchers found a significant correlation between whole egg intake and all-cause mortality. After further adjustment of cholesterol intake, whole egg intake remained significantly associated with all-cause mortality.

An additional daily intake of 300 mg (about 186 mg of cholesterol in one egg) increases the likelihood of premature death by 19%, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 16%, and the risk of cancer death by 24%. In addition, an additional intake of half an egg per day was associated with a 7% increase in all-cause mortality.

Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

Why do eggs increase the risk of death?

Researchers believe that the cholesterol in the egg yolk will accumulate in the arteries to form blood clots, induce atherosclerosis, and eventually lead to cardiovascular disease. In addition, after eggs and meat are eaten together, the thick wall bacteria in the intestine will convert the nutritional choline in the egg and the carnitine in the meat into trimethylamine oxide, which is a toxic compound that is likely to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and death after entering the blood, and is also related to a variety of cancers.

Scientific studies have confirmed that eating eggs increases the risk of multiple deaths, does this mean that eggs are to be eliminated from our daily recipes? Can eggs still be eaten?

Second, the question is, can eggs still be eaten?

Of course you can eat it! The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommend that adults should consume 40 to 50g of eggs per day (an egg weighs about 45 to 55g), one egg per day, and no more than seven eggs per week.

The above study is only an observational study and cannot infer a causal relationship between eggs and death. In this regard, Li Liming, a professor at the School of Public Health of Peking University, believes that there are great differences in the eating habits, nutritional status and disease spectrum of the Chinese and American populations. The study of the American masses cannot be directly inferred from the Chinese masses.

Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

In addition, Professor Li has participated in a study based on more than 500,000 Chinese, showing that people who eat eggs every day have an 11% lower risk of cardiovascular events and a 18% lower risk of death from cardiovascular events than those who basically do not eat eggs.

That is to say, for the Chinese people, daily appropriate eating of eggs will not pose a threat to health, eggs are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., each egg can provide about 6 grams of high-quality protein, nutritional value is not negligible. But not all eggs are suitable for eating, and these three types of eggs suggest that you better not eat them.

Third, these eggs should be eaten less!

1. Fried eggs

Eggs fried at high temperatures will lose a lot of nutrients, and will produce harmful substances such as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. A large number of these substances enter the body, which will lead to excessive burden on the liver and kidneys, and the risk of premature liver and kidney function, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases may also increase.

2. Hairy eggs

Hairy eggs refer to chicks that have not hatched, and many people in the northern region love to eat it, believing that it has high nutritional value. In fact, the nutritional value of hair eggs is not high, there is a risk of infection, long-term consumption may lead to food poisoning.

Zhejiang University research: Eating more than one egg a day, the risk of heart disease and cancer death will increase? Is it credible

3. Loose heart eggs

The egg is also the favorite of many people, so the egg is relatively tender. It is worth reminding that eggs that are not cooked may bring some bacteria, which will lead to a great threat to health after consumption, causing some unnecessary health risks.

The above three types of eggs must be eaten as little or no as possible in daily life. Regarding eggs, there is also a problem that many people are concerned about, it is rumored that eggs are "hair objects", and eating by cancer patients is not conducive to the recovery of the disease, is this statement credible?

Can cancer patients eat eggs?

The answer is yes, eggs are a great source of high-quality protein, and for cancer patients, supplementing with high-quality protein can help boost the body's immunity. It is of great benefit to the recovery of the disease and does not cause tumor recurrence.

On the contrary, many cancer patients are afraid to eat anything because they are afraid of "hair", which leads to malnutrition in the body. Insufficient intake of nutrients in the body will lead to a significant decline in immunity, and the ability to resist cancer cells will also decrease, which will greatly increase the risk of recurrence.

Eggs are extremely common and highly nutritious foods in our lives, and can be safely eaten in daily life. For healthy people, there is no risk of taking it in moderation, and as for cancer patients eating eggs, they do not have to worry about eating hair and causing tumor recurrence. Of course, when eating eggs, pay attention to avoid some "unhealthy" eggs. #Rumor Zero Project ##守护银龄世界 #


[1]《Egg and cholesterol consumption and mortality from cardiovascular and different causes in the United States: A population-based cohort study》. PLOS MEDICINE.2021.02.09

[2] "Eggs are good, but don't eat these 8 kinds of eggs!" There are many bacteria, easy to hurt the liver and kidneys, many people do not know it". Beiqing.2022.1.16

[3] "Eggs are best eaten half a day with a high blood lipid yolk". Guangming Network.2022.1.19

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