
The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

It's a pity, because of the referee's mistake, which led to Su Yiming losing the championship!

In the men's steeplechase final for snowboarding at the Beijing Winter Olympics on February 7 in Zhangjiakou, China's Su Yiming won the silver medal. This is the first time that a Chinese athlete has won a medal in this event at the Winter Olympics, writing the history of the Chinese Winter Olympic Games. This would have been a good thing. However, the score of the referee in this final has caused controversy. The Canadian player who won the gold medal obviously made mistakes and scored too high.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

According to the latest news, Iztak Sumatic, chief snowboard referee of the Beijing Winter Olympics, admitted in an interview with a British reporter on February 9 that the referee team did not see the scoring mistakes made by the Canadian players in the game. When they recognize the error, the score has already been submitted. This explanation is really a bit far-fetched and difficult to accept.

In the final of the Winter Olympic Snowboard Slope Steeplechase, the referee gave Canada's Max Parrott 90.96 points to rank first, Su Yiming scored 88.70 points to rank second, and another Canadian player, Mike Morris, scored 88.53 points to rank third.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

In fact, when the score came out, it caused doubts. Su Yiming played very well, why only so many points. And champion Max Parrote had a glaring action mistake, why didn't he deduct points?

The crux of the matter is in the second round. One of Max's jumps in the second round didn't finish the grab and should have been deducted 2 to 3 points. A British journalist pointed out that Max scored 9.35 points in that area. If the grasp plate is not completed, it will deduct points, then it will only be 6 points to 6.5 points. Then Max Parrott's total score is only between 87.61 and 88.11, so it is possible to win only silver medals, or even only bronze medals. As long as Max Parot deducts 3 points, then Su Yiming is the champion. Veteran Mike Morris can win silver, max Parrott only has bronze.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

The matter caused controversy on the Internet at the time. It's just that Su Yiming is busy preparing for the battle, and he doesn't pay attention to the network, so he doesn't see those controversies. Of course, 18-year-old Su Yiming can win a silver medal and break the record of the Chinese delegation in this event after participating in the Winter Olympics, which is already very good. Therefore, even if there is a problem, there is no need to worry too much.

Fortunately, under the pressure of public opinion, Iztak Sumatić, the chief snowboard referee of the Beijing Winter Olympics, re-analyzed the video of the game, saw the problem, and had the courage to admit his mistakes, which can also be regarded as an indirect recognition of Su Yiming's achievements, and he can completely win the gold medal. Unfortunately, such a result cannot be changed, and Su Yiming can only leave regrets.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

We just hope that the referees still take the players' matches seriously and score them seriously. High-level athletes compete against each other, and the score difference is often small. A small mistake in scoring can often change an athlete's performance. This is clearly unfair to athletes. Athletes need to work hard every day to get good results, and many people fall into injuries. In doing so, they want to achieve good results in the competition and change their lives and their families.

If because of a mistake by the referee, the original gold medal becomes a silver medal, or even no card, it is too unfair and cruel to the athletes. Everyone knows that the silver medal is far from the gold medal. The referees' mistakes led to Su Yiming's original gold medal and finally only silver medal, which was unfair to him. Su Yiming's gold medal was thus robbed.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

Later, Su Yiming also learned the news that the referee scored the wrong point. He was generous, did not deliberately protest, but liked the message on social media. Su Yiming's mother also liked the news in the circle of friends.

I really admire this pair of very nurturing mother and son. Although the referee's mistake led to a very regrettable thing, he could face it calmly and did not complain too much. Life also has to look forward. This is the strong man, and the warrior.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

The young Su Yiming was really like a warrior, and did not think about the referee's misjudgment at all, but concentrated on the big jump project. Hopefully, he will win gold on the big jump to make up for his regrets in the snowboard slope obstacle course.

Su Yiming's coach is also very generous, and will not complain about the referee's judgment, but said: "I am very proud that Xiaoming can achieve such results." ”

Looking at Su Yiming, Su Yiming's mother, Su Yiming's coach attitude, and then looking at the Athletes and Coaches of Korean short track speed skating, they are really generous. South Korean athletes obviously committed fouls in the course of the competition, and after being cancelled, they complained about it, challenged the authority of the referee, and all kinds of bad behaviors of blackface and not participating in the press conference.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

In the men's 1000m semifinals of short track speed skating, South Korea's Hwang Dae-hyun and Lee Joon-sui both cancelled their results due to fouls. Another player, Park Jang-woo, did not participate in the semi-finals due to injury. All the South Korean players missed the 1000m final.

The referee admitted that the mistake caused Su Yiming to lose gold, and Su Yiming responded generously, and the South Korean players could not compare

Probably dissatisfied with the referee, the South Korean team members in the mixed mining area ignored the reporter's questions, black-faced and left, without any cultivation. No wonder South Korean athletes have been in a bad international image. It's character that determines their behavior.

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