
The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

In recent years, men, women and children have joined the craze for weight loss, especially when they see that others are particularly perfect. But when the body is overweight, it is not so easy to lose weight.

Some people have not understood that the usual amount of food is not large but getting fatter and fatter, even if they are desperately trying to lose weight, the effect is not obvious, where is the problem.

The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight


The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

For women who often lose weight, they often feel confused, knowing that they are trying very hard to control their daily diet, but their weight is rising in a straight line, and most of the reasons for this result are caused by excessive moisture in the body.

From the perspective of Chinese medicine, moisture is also a disease, which is generally divided into two types:

One is caused by external factors, such as cold, heat or fire, which will cause excessive moisture in the body, which is also known as external humidity

The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

The other is caused by the organs in the body, mainly because the spleen, stomach and lungs are insufficient, resulting in excessive moisture in the body, which is called internal humidity.

If you find that your usual amount of food is not large, and you do not like to eat some high-fat and high-calorie things, but the weight still cannot be reduced, it may be because of the excessive humidity in the body, this situation should first understand the specific reasons, and then take targeted measures, because this situation will lead to your weight loss process, so we have to find ways to remove the moisture in the body.


How to condition your physique?

The reason for the excessive humidity in the body is mainly due to the diet and environment, so we must start with the conditioning diet first.

The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

Step 1 – Condition your diet

In the daily diet, try to eat less high-oil and high-sugar foods, especially when the temperature is relatively high, many people like to drink cold drinks, eat iced watermelon, such eating habits can easily lead to excessive humidity in the body, and even lead to some diseases, because children with uterine cold will lead to worsening menstrual pain.

Therefore, we should eat some foods that dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, such as common yam, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and also have a good effect on the ruins, and the yam has the reputation of "the king of healthy spleen". Red bean barley porridge can also be added appropriately, which promotes gastrointestinal peristalsis, nourishes the stomach and is easy to absorb at the same time as the spleen is dehumidified.

Step 2 – Start with the environment

You can also start from the external environment, take the initiative to change the climate of the supermarket, usually pay attention to the window ventilation, Su wear clothes should also often be exposed to the sun, including the bedding usually used, when the temperature is lowered, pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothes, so that you can better avoid cold air into the body.

The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

Use the fragment time to massage some acupuncture points on the body, such as insisting on massaging the spleen every day, and massaging the Fenglong acupoint and the Yinling Spring can remove phlegm. When massaging, be sure to pay attention to the way and method, insist on it for about 5 minutes each time, and the acupuncture points can feel slightly sore and hot.

Step 3 – Exercise in moderation

Usually must adhere to exercise, in the process of exercise, can better accelerate metabolism, promote blood circulation throughout the body, especially in the process of exercise, the body will sweat, sweating is conducive to the discharge of moisture in the body. You can choose swimming, jump rope, jogging, yoga and other exercise methods, which are good for improving spleen and stomach function.

In the process of exercise, you must choose a sport that suits you, and you must be gradual, do not be strong, maintain a frequency of 4 to 5 times a week, and maintain about 30 minutes each time, so that you can better change your physique.

The amount of food is not large, but the more you eat, the fatter you get? Maybe there's something wrong here, don't just worry about losing weight

Excessive humidity in the body will not only affect the weight loss process, but also lead to some diseases, so it should pay more attention to it and start from all aspects to improve the condition of the body.

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