
Guizhou: The national reserve forest project completed 4.1568 million mu

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam

People's Daily Guiyang, February 9 (LongZhangyu) On February 9, the reporter learned from the Guizhou Provincial Forestry Bureau that at present, the Guizhou Provincial National Reserve Forest Project has a total of 6.4821 million mu of forest land, collected and stored 3.9853 million mu of forest trees, completed the construction area of 4.1568 million mu, and cumulatively led 398,600 households and 1.4141 million poor people to achieve an increase in income, with an average household income of about 18,000 yuan. A total of 45,600 new development jobs were created. A total of 2.22 billion yuan of green property funds and 2.697 billion yuan of special debt funds have been obtained.

It is understood that since the "Guizhou Provincial National Reserve Forest Construction Plan" was approved by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration on April 29, 2019, as of now, the Guizhou Provincial National Reserve Forest Project has been reviewed by industry experts and approved by the development and reform departments in 80 counties (cities, districts, special zones), 87 construction units; 75 counties (cities, districts, special zones) and 79 construction units have been granted credit, with a total of 132 bank credit projects. The credit area is 9.3275 million mu, the credit amount is 62.511 billion yuan, and the loan is 20.5951 billion yuan.

In 2021, there will be 39 credit granting projects in the whole year, with a credit area of 2.6175 million mu, a credit amount of 17.740 billion yuan, and a loan of 9.355 billion yuan. A total of 872.97 million yuan of special bonds and 180 million yuan of ecological and environmental protection funds were obtained, with a total of 11.85547 billion yuan of financing and lending. The completed construction area is 2.1568 million mu, and the project construction area and financing loans rank first in the country, realizing the leapfrog development from "point testing" to "spreading on the surface", from "obscurity" to "national knowledge". Guangxi, Hunan, Shandong and other provinces (regions) have visited Guizhou to study the construction experience of the national reserve forest project.

In order to further strengthen and improve the work of the national reserve forest project loan discount and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to participate in the project construction, in 2021, the Guizhou Provincial Forestry Bureau and the Provincial Department of Finance issued the "Guizhou Provincial National Reserve Forest Project Loan Discount Implementation Rules", which clarified the conditions and scope of the loan discount, the discount ratio and calculation method, the discount work procedures and work system, the statistical requirements and the reporting time limit, and stipulated that the loan discount rate should be paid once a year according to the financial situation, and the annual discount rate should not be higher than 3%. The maximum discount year shall not exceed 3 years, and the project loan discount fund shall be 30 million yuan.

February 09, 2022 10:58 | Source: People's Daily - Guizhou Channel

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