
Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

author:China Business Strategy
Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  Text | Hua Shang Tao Li Wu Su

  The Beijing Winter Olympic mascot ice pier, dubbed the "ice sugar panda", is hard to find!

  After Gu Ailing won the first individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics, he was given a golden ice pier. In an interview with the media, she said bluntly: "I heard that the ice pier is very rare now, and I feel very lucky to have one." ”

  Ice piers are indeed "rare" and difficult to buy on the market, so prices are multiplied. According to media reports, the original price of 288 yuan of ice pier dolls was fried by scalpers to thousands of yuan, and some people "snatched goods" from scalpers, spending 1200 yuan. In addition, the price of the keychain of the ice pier also soared by 5 times.

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  Not only is it popular in China, but the ice piers are also sold overseas.

  In the Japanese second-hand market, a pair of 22cm specifications of the Winter Olympic doll suit, the price can reach 50,000 yen, about 2800 yuan, and Japanese TV anchor Tsujioka Yoshido bought 6 ice piers in one go, there are not enough doll molds, but also badges, T-shirts and so on.

  Christopher Durby, director of the IOC's Olympic Department, believes that the ice piers are "lively, playful, funny, witty and full of positive energy". "The 'Ice Pier' must be my collection, and it will be the collection that all children around the world will have."

  Everyone wants it, the ice piers are almost sold out, and the relevant manufacturers are stepping up to catch up. It can be said that this is the highlight moment of China's cultural and creative industry's successful turnaround and raising its eyebrows.

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  You may wonder that the hot sales of the ice pier are a fact, but why is it that Chinese cultural creation has successfully turned over and raised its eyebrows?

  The answer is very simple, China has a large number of IP resources, cultural and creative elements, and quite influential, but it is directly taken by the West and becomes a "weapon" for the other side to make a lot of money.

  For example, like the ice pier, the popular film "Kung Fu Panda" also used the image of the panda to graft the pure Chinese IP element of "Kung Fu" to present Chinese culture such as ink landscape, temple fairs, noodles, acupuncture, calligraphy and so on.

  As a result, "Kung Fu Panda" was released less than a week ago, breaking the box office record of an animated film previously held by "Garfield 2" for two years, and finally reaching 186 million yuan in the mainland.

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  Box office success, cultural and creative products have also accelerated the harvest. The media estimated at the time that Panda Abao's fluffy toys contained at least hundreds of millions of yuan of business opportunities, and Fluffy Abao sold for 100 yuan, with a maximum cost of 20 yuan.

  One is on fire, the second and third parts are quickly arranged, and in addition to kung fu pandas, China's IP resources have become a Western money-making "machine", the most typical of which is Mulan.

  In 1998, Disney's first animated film "Mulan" was first released, setting off a "Mulan fever" around the world, and the film earned $304 million at the box office.

  Now it seems that 300 million US dollars is not too high, but you know, in 1998, the total box office of Chinese films was only 1.45 billion yuan. In other words, a film based on China, the box office hangs all Chinese films.

  In addition to the United States vigorously absorbing Chinese IP resources, Japan is also a veteran: based on "Journey to the West", the Japanese Akira Toriyama created the famous anime "Dragon Ball", and its personal annual income exceeded 100 million yuan in the 1990s, and later exposed its assets as high as nearly 7 billion yuan.

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  Another famous anime drawn from Chinese IP in Japan is "Chinese Little Boss", which is full of Chinese food elements. When the anime was broadcast, it was named by the Unification Group, and some of the names in the film were changed to the names of its products, and the Unification Group seemed to be the winner, but the last to laugh was undoubtedly Japan.

  Chinese IP resources have repeatedly made wedding dresses for the West, do you think the West will be impressed by Chinese culture? No, it's all about topics and business.

  Disney launched a $290 million budget, finalized Liu Yifei starred in the live-action version of "Mulan", trying to dig gold from the Chinese market again, who expected a makeup to make Chinese bluntly say "ugly and bizarre".

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  The most obvious example comes from Disney's Marvel.

  Knowing that Fu Manchu is a typical evil Chinese image in the hearts of Westerners, Marvel still borrows this image to create a "Mandarin" in the film "Shangqi", also played by Liang Chaowei, which was renamed "Wenwu" after causing controversy, but only changed the soup and did not change the medicine.

  In the final analysis, on the basis of respecting Chinese culture, making full use of China's IP resources, carefully maintaining and concentrating on promoting, only Chinese themselves.

  It is precisely because of this awakening that Chinese began to dig deep into their own IP resources, setting off a "national tidal wave", and China's cultural and creative industry really "started".

  Among them, the Forbidden City tasted the sweetness. In response to the "super IP" of the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City team has developed a series of cultural and creative products, and as early as 2017, the sales revenue of cultural and creative products reached 1.5 billion yuan, exceeding the income of 1500 A-share listed companies in one fell swoop.

Behind the explosion of the ice pier, China's IP has gone from being reduced to a Western "printing machine" to building its own 100 billion industry

  The Forbidden City is attacking, Dunhuang is also deeply cultivating, shaolin temples and other more IP are breaking through, at the same time, many places are focusing on promoting the cultural and creative industry.

  For example, in 2020, Chengdu will achieve an added value of 180.59 billion yuan in the cultural and creative industry, accounting for more than 10% of GDP for the first time, and the target of 100 billion yuan in Xiamen's cultural and creative industry has also been achieved, and strive to reach 180 billion yuan in revenue from cultural industries including cultural creation this year.

  Although China's IP resources are still inevitably taken by the West to make money, great changes are taking place, more and more Chinese pay more attention to their own IP, dare to invest, dare to innovate, professional operation capabilities have been improved, and the cultural and creative industry has gradually formed a positive cycle.

  Behind this, the entire Chinese cultural and creative industry has accelerated its development so that it can independently create world-class influence, which is especially proud of the Chinese people, isn't it?


  1. "Ice Pier, Instant Fire", South Wind Window

  2. "Everyone loves Mulan?" " Finance is unscrupulous

  3. "The Forbidden City's first "ledger": cultural and creative income of 1.5 billion yuan, even more than 1500 A-share companies! " China Securities News


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