
What are home health management measures? Dry goods collection!

Health management measures during the epidemic period, in addition to "centralized isolation management", also include "home isolation medical observation", "home health monitoring" and "self-health monitoring". What exactly needs to be done in every health management measure? Let's take a look

What are home health management measures? Dry goods collection!

How do I make psychological adjustments?

Tips for self-help and mentoring

Face the epidemic information with the right mindset

Be "aware" of the epidemic situation, carefully watch the reports of authoritative media on the epidemic, do not believe some rumors, understand the relevant scientific protection knowledge, and turn panic into serious, scientific and moderate personal protection.

Actively communicate with relevant people

You can communicate with family and friends by telephone and network, encourage each other, communicate feelings, and strengthen psychological mutual support. If it is a suspected patient, a contact of a confirmed patient, etc., in the process of isolation medical observation, it is especially necessary to listen and talk to build an anti-epidemic psychological alliance.

【Copywriting】Tang Jiaxin Li Xiuting

【Design】Gan Zhan Ping

【Coordinator】Cao Si He Yongrong Hu Liangguang Zhang Zhe

【Author】 Tang Jiaxin; Gan Zhanping; Li Xiuting

Southern + New Media Lab

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