
Arteta: We're only going to bring in the best players, and we don't bring in reinforcements if there's pressure or it's not a good fit

Arteta: We're only going to bring in the best players, and we don't bring in reinforcements if there's pressure or it's not a good fit

With the Premier League resuming, Arsenal will challenge Wolves away at 3:45 a.m. on February 11, with pre-match manager Arteta attending a press conference.

Arteta said: "We did what we thought was right, first of all the players who had to leave. The composition of the team and the situation of the contract are different and we have to make a decision and treat the players who have not played much time this season fairly. ”

"Then we have a very clear plan and it has to be feasible. Edu and his team are doing a good job, they will continue to do so, and our goal is clear: we will only bring in the best players, and when we are under pressure, or when there is no suitable reason to bring in players, we decide not to bring in reinforcements. ”

in Dick Pie

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