
Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

By the end of 2021, more than 30 cities in China have more than one million car ownership. There are more and more cars on the road, and the traffic has become more congested, making it difficult to find a parking space on the side of the road. But parking on the side of the road can be fined, so no matter how difficult it is to find a parking space, the owner wants to find an empty parking space to park the car in.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

However, we should know that it is not that the car can sit back and relax in the parking space, the vehicle parking is not standardized, even if the car is parked in the parking space, it will also be punished. Today, I will popularize 3 kinds of irregular parking methods for everyone to see if they have appeared.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

Reverse parking

Many people may wonder, parking is not just to park the car into the parking space, how can it be divided into forward and reverse? If you also have this kind of doubt, then don't blame the traffic police for posting tickets for you. Because parking is indeed divided into forward parking and reverse parking, reverse parking is illegal parking, and some cities will deduct points for this parking behavior.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

The so-called forward parking is that the direction of the front of the car is consistent with the direction of the road, and the direction of the front of the car is contrary to the direction of the road, which is a reverse stop. The blind spot of the field of vision for reverse parking is relatively large, and it is necessary to go backwards, change lanes or make a U-turn when picking up the car, which will bring potential harm to the normal driving vehicle. Once discovered by the traffic police, the owner may receive a ticket.

Press line parking

Parking spaces in the bustling section of the road are very scarce, and sometimes car owners will directly park their cars in the parking spaces in order to compete for parking spaces, regardless of whether they park standards or not. Some vehicles directly occupy two parking spaces with one car, and some cars park directly on the side of the road.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

If it is in a closed parking lot, even if everyone is not satisfied, they can only spit a few words, and the owner will not be fined at all. However, the road is open, and the parking space on the side of the road is close to the road, and the parking irregularity may affect the normal passage of other vehicles, and there may be a crash.

Therefore, many cities have clearly stipulated that roadside parking should be in place and cannot be parked without rules. If the parking is not in place, the patrolling traffic police will directly post a ticket on the car.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

Overtime parking

The demand for public parking spaces is increasing, and the existing free parking spaces are already in short supply. In order to provide free parking opportunities for everyone, many cities have introduced limited-time parking spaces, some with a time limit of three minutes and some with a time limit of half an hour.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

These parking spaces are written with a limited time parking time, and the owner can temporarily park on these limited time parking spaces if he needs it. However, it is necessary to stop and go, and not occupy parking spaces for a long time. Overtime parking is also an illegal parking, and the owner will be deducted 3 points and fined 200 yuan.

Editor's Short Comment:

Parking space is for car owners to park vehicles, many car owners always think that they park their cars on the parking space will be all right, completely do not pay attention to the direction of their parking, nor pay attention to whether they park standard. But in fact, there are rules for parking, not just a stop.

Note to car owners: Avoid these 3 ways of parking, and if you are not careful, you will be deducted 3 points

When parking a motor vehicle in a public parking space on the side of the road, pay attention to the direction of parking and do not stop in the opposite direction. At the same time, it should also be noted that the way of parking should be standardized, and the car should be parked in the parking space in a disciplined manner, and the wheel should not be pressed to the edge of the parking space. In the face of strict traffic police, the line will be deducted and fined.

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